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Void_Walker ago

So was wondering how much extra money you need a month and what you'd be willing to provide in exchange? I know you guys have been approached before but weren't interested because you weren't sure that the partner would support the open forum. I'm not a VC or even rich but I have a decent income stream and no kids so I could help out financially as well as administratively. I'd be willing to trade cash for shares or just agree to a fix percentage and pay for a set time. Also I happen to be relative smart (v/iamverysmart i know) and could consult and advise. I work for a F500 and have been recognized for several initiatives that have been very beneficial to my employer.

Anyways please consider this a serious offer. Although I have no idea what your needs are if possible I'd very much like to be involved. I believe in the mission and with all the happenings lately on Reddit I've become a true believer in the idea of a true place of free speech.