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ThatOnePrivacyGuy ago

Upon joining, I immediately looked at donating - but decided against it when I couldn't do so without providing personal information or tying the donation to my account by logging in, even by Bitcoin. Am I missing something? Is there a way to donate anonymously?

I also looked at making an ad, but it appears that "payment options" gets skipped and I'm forced to pay with a credit card, I can't win!

Edit: Donated direct to Voat's coinbase wallet address, but I'd still like to place an ad and pay with Bitcoin.

Donbuster ago

So voat is run by two guys, and everything is handled personally. I'm sure ad purchase over bitcoin will be possible eventually, but in the meantime, why don't you ask them? Create a throwaway email account, send a message to [email protected], and they should respond in a few days. I would be shocked if they don't say yes to an anonymous ad buy over bitcoin.