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6943740? ago

Hi @Atko,

Over $1000 in 24 hours sounds pretty good to me. Considering a web host such as Amazon charges about $0.03 per GB and given 117GB of bandwidth use per day wouldn't that mean a cost of about $3.50?

I'd like to get an idea of what you are trying to achieve. If you are hoping to one day work on Voat full time with a few other people and not need secondary jobs what would that look like for you?

Guessing at $15 per day in operating costs, and donation income average of $1000 per day would suggest you could have over $350,000 of income, so I feel like I'm missing something here. Breaking down the cost of the servers and bandwidth along with proposed pay for full time work and number of people that would work full time would help us get a better picture of where we are and were you would like to be.

