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ThatOnePrivacyGuy ago

Upon joining, I immediately looked at donating - but decided against it when I couldn't do so without providing personal information or tying the donation to my account by logging in, even by Bitcoin. Am I missing something? Is there a way to donate anonymously?

I also looked at making an ad, but it appears that "payment options" gets skipped and I'm forced to pay with a credit card, I can't win!

Edit: Donated direct to Voat's coinbase wallet address, but I'd still like to place an ad and pay with Bitcoin.

0fsgivin ago

I wouldn't donate. You're only a cog in the wheel. Censorship already had reared its ugly head here. <--- thats not spam, its not CP, and its not adverts. He allowed censorship of liberal views until liberals go tired of reddit. But if you like conservative views being censored to pander to you next. don't worry Im sure thats coming next. Since advertisers pay more for young people. and liberals tend to be that.