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ThatOnePrivacyGuy ago

Upon joining, I immediately looked at donating - but decided against it when I couldn't do so without providing personal information or tying the donation to my account by logging in, even by Bitcoin. Am I missing something? Is there a way to donate anonymously?

I also looked at making an ad, but it appears that "payment options" gets skipped and I'm forced to pay with a credit card, I can't win!

Edit: Donated direct to Voat's coinbase wallet address, but I'd still like to place an ad and pay with Bitcoin.

riggington ago

This. But I have 2 accounts here now. First I made on paogate, and wasn't here for long, that was with a name that's kinda personal. This one I made when they banned pizzagate and I'm here to stay. This one isn't really tied to me.

So I donated and gave my info and gave the other username. I don't really mind giving my credit card info, but I'd like to not tie it to my account.