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DoomMantia ago

but they're pretty open about that

LOL you say that as if that makes it any better. Do you know who else are "pretty open" about banning dissent? ShitRedditSays.

flashurnands ago

SRS would never have bothered me if they kept to themselves. The doxxing and brigading was what made SRS known and hated. If SRS wanted to be a bunch of cunts in their own echo chamber, let them. That is free expression. I just won't go there.

I like to think of subverses as states and voat as the federal government. Each state (or subverse) should be allowed to decide their own rules and citizens can join the states that they like or leave the ones they disagree with. If a state has laws you don't like, don't live there. Atko and the admins should protect each states right to exist and their sovereignty against external threats.

It's when the admins become too invested in controlling the thoughts and culture of their users that they start forcing each state to be like every other, robbing them of their differences, their diversity and ultimately their sovereignty.