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SockGuy ago

If you need designer socks for your merchandise to sell hit me up. I am a sock manufacture.

reeperpill ago

Do you offer light wool socks?

SockGuy ago

Yes I do.

pollard ago

cashmere comes from goats

SockGuy ago

Cashmere fibers are in essence serrated. So every time you apply pressure the touching fibers cut like a knife against each other. Socks are worn the quickest in textiles, since they are constantly rubbing. Cashmere socks wear out exponentially faster than other fibers.

SockGuy ago

I can make any sock you want so long as you purchase the minimum required. Minimums are usually set by fabric content.

TremorAcePV ago

Dude, I love what you're doing. I realize you of course have this as a business, but I love how open to what a social platform can do.

Keep it up :D

EnochGenesis ago

name checks out.