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vacvape ago

I'm pretty sure that there's no such thing as non intrusive ads. By definition.

ShinyVoater ago

They don't pop up, they don't hijack the screen and they don't throw themselves in the middle of content. What's non nonintrusive about that?

vacvape ago

That they exist at all. Your argument is that they are less intrusive. It doesn't render then non intrusive.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

There are plenty of sites that use unobtrusive ads, the kind you learn to ignore because they don't obstruct your viewing, have auto-play video/audio or popups.

Unless you just started using the internet yesterday, it's pretty easy to naturally tune them out.

vacvape ago


riggington ago

And they don't start speaking all of sudden. That's one of the most shitty type.

vacvape ago

and with my audio system, it's not a risk that I can allow.