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lawofzero ago

I wasn't in the position to donate anything during my last round here and after all this time I still haven't made anything of myself. I have tried my hardest to live by my anti-establishment sentiments and be true to myself but it is getting harder and harder to live in this world.

@atko, sincerely, if I could I would donate enough to this website to keep it going for decades. After more than a decade of modding and tweaking and playing around with code while working blue collar jobs, I have been presented with the opportunity to study. Once I am on the roll that I know that I am destined for, I am definitely making this website a part of my payment to the world for putting up with this slacker.

I'm not sure what I really came here to say other than to praise this place and reflect but I wish that I could contribute somehow, I don't even have a bank account at the moment. And I'm at the point of drunkenness where I cannot remember where I started once I've reached the end of something. Thank Odin for gesture based keyboards.

DM90 ago

I think its because im high but the first time i read your first sentence i read it as "if it wasn't for the poison then i'd donate" then my mind created this possible scandal where voat had poisoned someone. then i re-read it. laughed. then posted this.

DM90 ago

and then this