19452869? ago

ProtectVoat is a cover for ProtectSBBH, which again is a cover for Kill Voat Or Make Voat Reddit.

No one has fought harder than Kev/PV, to protect the toolbox of the immature subversives from SBBH, reddits embassy on Voat: brigading, witch hunts, excessive pings (mostly from the anon subs), campaigns to drive new users off the site, circlejerking and spamming to ruin subs, threads and forum slide. They will work overtime, trying to get those techniques filed under freedom of speech.

Any mod doing their job, will end in their cross hairs. Sure, they mix in an actual awful mod every now and then, but only if that mod shuts the door on SBBH.

They dont like it, when Voaters shine a light on them and their tactics though. Makes them less effective and ruins the chances of convincing new Voaters to fall for their traps, participate in their witch hunts and brigades.

Good on you for making their lives miserable. I hope one day, the one person with actual options to stop them, will step in, instead of leaving it to Voaters to fight off the disease plaguing the site.

"The SBBHer will always tell you what happened to him, but he won't tell you why" - Old Voat proverb.

virge ago

No one has fought harder than Kev/PV, to protect the toolbox of the immature subversives from SBBH

I see the truth of this statement, but it took me a while to catch up.

Jewgasser69 ago


virge ago

Just wait. I'm going to let them defend the behavior for a bit then I'm going to demonstrate three times they've used the exact same strategy to do the exact same subverisve downvoting.

It's nothing more than Reddit-tier smear campaign and it's so transparent it almost hurts to think about.

virge ago

I can't wait for @sguevar to switch accounts and come type some 8 paragraph post for Israel.

kestrel9 ago

No doubt https://voat.co/v/whatever/2272574 (I suggest reading the comments for keks ;)

virge ago


Here is sguevar's billion mile post where he says absolutely nothing: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3304951/

And here is the only response worth giving: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3305041/

You can literally predict the behavior of these ass-hats. Their playbook is so transparent.

@madworld @gabara @crensch @zyklon_b

kestrel9 ago

Their playbook is so transparent.


What You Missed on Voat: Anniversary Edition

virge ago

Wow. It's almost like I wrote it. Thanks for the link, I'll keep reading.

kestrel9 ago

This one may interest you too

virge ago

It's quite interesting that kev still appears convinced to this day that Atko is around and runs the show. He completely disregards Putt, which is the primary reason his behavior is so confusing.

kestrel9 ago

Very good response, cogent and to the point.

virge ago

Classic sguevar.

sguevar ago

Why is it that you think I have an alt or I am an alt of someone else?

I haven''t but given enough proof that I am against alts and that I only have account.

But you keep trying to slander with false accusations?

At least you had the courage enough to ping me...

PS: I am a Christian, as such I am against the satanic state of Israel. Nice projection with your preaching to the choir style and playing the (((victim))).

virge ago

But you keep trying to slander with false accusations?

I'm only responding to this to thank you for giving me the biggest genuine laugh I've had in weeks.

Literally 95% of your posts longer than 2 paragraphs are full of slander and false accusations. You using those very words is the pot calling the kettle black. Go fuck yourself, call in your downvote brigade because that's the only power you have.