MostlySober ago

ProtectVoat is a serious sub? I thought they were trolls like sodospboxbanhammer. They have pictures of bread and everything.

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah I wasn't using that quote as an example on why you were shitting on me.

Heru ago

To both of you, go listen to the context of that audio clip. It was taken out of context to accuse Kevdude of collusion with me. During the debate we had been debating how Atko and Putitout can't keep up and how users could help. I used Kevdude as an altruistic example. I did discuss it with both of you and you both disliked the idea. Here is the thing, it creates a new station of power that can be abused. The idea is crap because of that. If for some reason such a role did come into existence none of the three of us would have any say in who held the role. As a thought experiment it's an interesting idea and if it were up to me I would stick both of you in that role because you both rejected it for the right reasons. But it's not up to us.

Homer, the triad idea is a better addendum to the original concept. Checks and balances.

HomerSimpson ago

As a thought experiment it's an interesting idea and if it were up to me I would stick both of you in that role because you both rejected it for the right reasons. But it's not up to us.

And I would still turn it down. Way too much work and not something that is fun. No Tv and No Beer make HomerSimpson something something.

Homer, the triad idea is a better addendum to the original concept. Checks and balances.

Depends. That triad might not know the whole story on the situation. For it to work the group would have to prove they won't go into mob mentality when something happens.

HomerSimpson ago

Pro-mod was my point. Wasn't dragging you through the mud.

Except for some reason every time I am mentioned when it involves PV it is always against me. Also for the idea @heru made(?) to work it would require at the very least 3 people. An anti-mod. A pro-mod. And a neutral person.

This was in a PM but evidently I'm being accused of wanting to take over the site so I posted it.

Yes. It was a PM. However it was stating false information about me.

HomerSimpson ago

Yeah he PM'd me out of the blue about that idea a few days ago. Wanted me and @homersimpson to be a team on that or something. Good thing I wouldn't want that. @heru @caddis

If you were in the IRC where @heru originally proposed this idea I said around the same thing. However it wasn't because I was teamed with you. It was because I am too bias towards moderator actions and you are too bias towards anti-moderator actions. I also would never want to do the work that user proposed. It doesn't seem like fun. Which is what modding FPH is. Fun. That is why you will never see me moderate a large sub like /v/news or /v/worldnews. It isn't fun. It is just boring bullshit.

he defended people like @ eggnogg and @ forksandguys

Wut? When did I do this? I not only haven't been following the eggnogg drama I also don't even know who the second guy is...

Why is it that for some reason I am always the one dragged into this crap then you always try to drag me through the mud...and you fail each time.

Yes. I am pro-mod. I have admitted this multiple times. Especially for subs like FPH where dictatorship is required. However I am also pro-transparency. As seen in the way I moderate.

Define "brand name" subs to me. Do you mean subs like WTF or Funny or StarWars but not subs like FatPeopleHate? Or do you mean the whole bunch?

123_456 ago

I don't even know what's going on. But keep it civil, guys!

BoiseNTheHood ago

Hey look, another butthurt crybaby post about Voat from a butthurt crybaby OP. Go back to Reddit, cuck.

Farseli ago

My translation of it contains nothing of what is his intention is once he has open dialog with Putitout, so go ahead and bring that to question. All that post is saying is that he wants an open dialog with Putitout and he needs an intermediary to get it. He then asks Atko to be that intermediary.

Once he has that open channel with Putitout? I don't know. The post we are discussing is basically my extent of knowledge on this. Maybe he would then be asking to be second in line or third in line, but that isn't in the quote.

Farseli ago

I don't see the word "me" in your chosen quote slice and given the full post the context makes the meaning of his sentence really clear.

Oh alright. Thanks dude. @puttitout, @scandinavian I guess disregard my previous post. Do I need to delete it? @puttitout never responds to me. LOL I wish I knew which one of the cool kids I could ask to be an intermediary. @atko? Could you ask @puttitout to talk to us?

That shows him asking Atko to be an intermediary between him and Putitout as, in his own words, Putitout never responds to him.

When you cut the quote down to just "I wish I knew which one of the cool kids I could ask to be an intermediary" I misinterpreted it the same way until I clicked on the link that you provided to see the full post.

I'm not saying you are wrong about his ultimate intentions or anything since I really don't know the situation, but you should find a different quote to use because this one doesn't actually support your argument.

dubitatam ago

Where in God's name did you have enough time in one day to not only complain about some random person on the internet, but cite it?

Idk what any of this is about. But the people who are ruining this site are the people who are doing... well, what you're doing.

JJEvil ago

I respect your opinion and politely disagree. It took me about an hour while I was fixing chilli and drinking beer.

Farseli ago

You appear to be reading that sentence as if it says "I wish I knew which one of the cool kids I could ask to make me an intermediary" when it actually indicates he is looking for a "cool kid" to be an intermediary. Maybe it would be more clear if the sentence was written as "I wish to ask one of the cool kids to be an intermediary and I wish I knew who to ask." As much as I dislike /v/protectvoat I still feel like I should make this clear.

So yes, he is looking for someone to play the role of intermediary for him, specifically getting one of the "cool kids" to do it.

Cuckbot ago

No, he's aware that he might not be on best of terms with Puttitout and is joking saying he needs one of puttitout friends to step in to act as intermediary.

Everyone's I've misread stuff before too and it's a heated thread. I wouldn't worry about it.

Heru ago

I'm fully aware that I'm crazy. It's what I enjoy about life. Sanity is for the boring.

Cuckbot ago

Oh alright. Thanks dude. @puttitout, @scandinavian I guess disregard my previous post. Do I need to delete it? @puttitout never responds to me. LOL >I wish I knew which one of the cool kids I could ask to be an intermediary . @atko? Could you ask @puttitout to talk to us?

Well whatever, ask someone smarter than you in IRC. I'm sure they're all watching and voting.

Heru ago

Coming from a pedophile that's rich.

Heru ago

You already pointed that out with a direct quote from my two chromosomes troll moron.

Heru ago

Oh shit! Is that from my Reddit troll of two chromosomes or from when I was playing an LGBT wish I were a woman role here?

Good find!

Cuckbot ago

Asking for an Intermediary means he wants someone else to act as a go-between between him and the admins on that issue. Someone they are more willing to talk to. That's what he's asking for in the comment you linked.

You got this one wrong.

Lag-wagon ago

Some people want to watch the world burn - Wayne Gretzky

JJEvil ago

You never called me a faggot and I never accused you of that. That was another user in the same thread linked to above, and already discussed down in the comments here.

Edit: Here you are tossing other false accusations at me. I don't know eggnog, and I don't really care beyond the fact that I think it's shitty you're starting another witch hunt. This is about you making shit up to fit your agenda, just like you did right now with that accusation.

greycloud ago

:O i don't get it. why care? why talk about stuff? so some guy is an asshole? anything else to add? how is this pertinent to me? or is this some type of regular group and i should have moved on? some type of infighting to a random group of people i don't know nor have vested interests in. i heard a lot of rumors of heru, which is funny since i don't even know who s/he is nor care. that person has got to be charismatic though to have so many people care so much about him/her.

mamwad ago

Essentially, it's because PV is voat's SRS. They will stop at nothing to cause needless drama and keep people they don't like out of "power." They take the internet far too seriously and should have dildos thrown at them.

indiglo_girls ago

He sounds like a kid.

FromThatOtherSite ago

More like 100%, the other 10% already abandoned ship.

The_Green_Bastard ago

Holy shitballs that is a lot of text no one anywhere is ever going to care about.

Heru ago

Kevdude is not involve this time. PV was last round. I'm leveraging spammers this time. Just in case any one wants the real facts. It's not like I tried to keep my behavior or plans secret. I've been open about them since day one. See referenced archive link above for supporting evidence of my honesty. Likewise with the live debate last night. I posted the debate for all to hear. Using the outrage that I had the audacity to speak with spammers to cause drama

My agenda this time:

Rottcodd ago

You were a toxic piece of shit then and you're still a toxic piece of shit.

Heru ago

Well yeah. That's how shit gets done.

Rottcodd ago

Fuck that. The world is the shithole it is specifically because toxic pieces of shit like you go out of your way to manipulate things in order to accomplish whatever the fuck it is that your deranged minds tell you needs to get done.

If it needs to get done, free people making their own decisions will make sure it gets done. If they don't, then that means that it doesn't really need to get done, and it really doesn't matter that your faulty, ego-driven "reasoning" tells you otherwise.

You're just another sociopathic shitstain - a narrow, egotistical, self-involved cunt who's figured out that people can be manipulated and doesn't have the common decency to let them go ahead and live their own lives anyway. You rationalize it by pretending that you're trying to help, but you and I both know that that's bullshit. You're just cripplingly self-centered and completely wrapped up in your own norms and your own desires and completely dismissive of other people and their norms and their desires, and you get off on the sense of power you get from manipulating other people.

People like you are the root cause of virtually all human misery and suffering. From top to bottom, from the dawn of history to the present day, virtually all of it has come at the hands of noxious jackasses who justify manipulating and abusing other people because "that's how shit gets done."

With every single ounce of energy I can muster, fuck you.

Heru ago

Said every person who never accomplished any thing in life.

Rottcodd ago

You don't even believe that.

Heru ago

I really do. If you aren't willing to step over people in your way you'll always be behind in life. Nothing gets done by being a good person. You have to use people to accomplish any thing in this world. That old saying "it takes one person to change the world" is utter bullshit. Ghandi didn't oust the British it was the entire sum of people that rose up. He just got all the credit because he was a manipulative self serving bastard. He used that to become a leader and change things to his whim. Hitler was no different. No single person accomplished shit in this world. It takes many people being used and someone to use them. It's always a group effort. The users and the used.

Rottcodd ago

Horse shit.

You're crippled by a sense of powerlessness and inconsequentiality and you never learned how to look within yourself for affirmation. You can only temporarily ease your crushing insecurity by seeing some semblance of the power and meaning you so desperately desire reflected in others. But you at least believe you can't earn that affirmation, and potentially sincerely can't. And certainly, the longer you continue on this path, the less likely it becomes that you can actually earn it. That's some part of why you're manipulative and dishonest - because you're afraid, and rightly so, that people, left to their own devices, won't give you the affirmation your crippled psyche incessantly demands. You have to manipulate them into it.

And now you're trapped. Every manipulation and every deceit just moves you that much further from being able to gain the affirmation your squalling ego demands. It becomes that much more difficult to look within yourself and continue to avoid facing the lies you tell yourself, so you have to look ever more desperately to external sources for your affirmation. And you become ever less worthy of it, meaning that you have to engage in ever greater manipulations and deceits, and 'round and 'round it goes.

You don't manipulate and deceive because that's the only way that "things get accomplished." You manipulate and deceive because you can't look honestly within yourself and find what you need. If you actually possessed the power you crave you could just look within yourself and see it there - like the rich man who no longer feels the need to display his wealth to the world. Your efforts are rooted in the fact that you don't have the power you desire within yourself, and your manipulations and deceits are rooted in the fact that you can't create a semblance of it any other way - like the debt-ridden poseur who makes sure everybody sees him getting out of his Porsche.

As far as your "accomplishments" go, it all starts with your destructive self-involvement and disregard for others as anything other than mirrors to hopefully reflect that which you need to see. You can't sort out what would really be of benefit to other people because you're so locked within your own narrow concerns, and you can't countenance the idea of letting them sort it out for themselves because their autonomy is a threat to your keening lust for the appearance of power. So you're relegated to simply latching onto whatever your faulty and limited reasoning deems to be important, then imposing it by whatever means might serve. And that's where the rest of the need for manipulation and deceit comes from. Your conception of what would really be of benefit to other people is necessarily flawed, so you're stuck trying to bring them things they don't even want, much less need. So of course you have to manipulate and deceive them into it - you can't accomplish it any other way.

And yes - in all of that, you are indeed a (shabbily amateurish) variation on all of the purportedly great and purportedly powerful assholes who have foisted their mental illness on humanity throughout history. You're certainly not alone in allowing your desperate need for the appearance of power you rightly fear you don't actually possess to lead you to manipulate and deceive people into following paths they would not have chosen otherwise merely so that you can see some semblance of the real power you never will possess reflected in them. And you're certainly not alone in attempting to justify it with a fabric of lies and a studied refusal to honestly consider the actual consequences of the things you do.

It's not a coincidence that Nietzsche went insane.

Heru ago

How much of your life did you waste writing this piece of garbage?

codyave ago

Why can't be believe that?

JJEvil ago

You said you are the one leveraging spammers, yet you don't like that others are calling you out on it? Also, I linked you to Kev legitimately. You mentioned him in the clip, and you helped start PV. I have separate beefs with both of you, but don't try to diminish my beef with kev/ shield him because you aren't involved in that. He was the one spreading false shit about me independently of what you are doing now.

Heru ago

I have no problem being called out for it. I confessed twice already to my behavior.

I do believe someone over mods would be an option. You cut around the clip to portray it out of context of the discussion to make your assumed link between he and I in this current plot of mine. It was to illustrate that there could be a mod of mods as a possible solution. I think the real solution is an opt-out button.

JJEvil ago

Those aren't 10 second clips. They are intentionally long to get the surrounding conversation and let you speak in your own words. Do you want me to post the whole 2 hours? I thought that was boring as hell and overkill.

For anyone that wants full context on these clips, the MH 101 debate is available all over voat right now for anyone who wants to find it. The clips i included are near the end. I'm not linking to it, though because I don't want to give clicks to that crap or get my comment removed for spamming.

Nice try at obfuscating, pal.

Heru ago

Then grab the two minutes before I talked about the mass action to provide the context.

For those actually reading this, this whole thing was discussed in a public debate and posted by me earlier today

JJEvil ago

I'm not doing your work for you. I posted what I posted. You post whatever you want to post. I have nothing to hide. I don't think you do either. You actually take pride in what you are doing. So do it justice fam, nut up and defend yourself with your own clips. Dont be surprised to be rebutted with your own words though.

Either way man, my main beef is with Kev now, so imma go focus on that for a while.

Heru ago

I posted the whole thing above so it's all good. Just wanted people more fully informed.

JJEvil ago


Heru ago

BTW JJ how you been? Haven't heard a peep from you since shegate! Missed your shit posts :)

JJEvil ago

I thought we were done.

Heru ago

Up to you to choose to stop replying. I was just curious how you've been and if life's been good on you for the last two months.

JJEvil ago

My life is always good. I work 30 hous a week, get paid good money, and spend all my free time making my indie game or hanging out with my awesome girl. Plus, I drink a lot. Don't have any reason to other than I like to drink. It's pretty sweet.

Heru ago

Glad to hear except maybe the drinking habit. Ever try substituting a less habbit forming substance like pot to ween you off of anxiolytics?

What kind of game are you writing?

JJEvil ago

Old school mega man/ metroid style 2d adventure game. 2 years into the project right now and it's shaping up quite nicely.

Heru ago

What platform? Any videos or demos floating around the inter webs?

JJEvil ago

There are a few copies in very specific hands. I'm not linking to it from here. It's built on html5 so it'll run on almost any platform. Mobile and consoles included. I'll get around to a mass demo distribution one of these days, but I'm not ready yet.

Heru ago

Nice! Are you using html elements, canvas, or webgl to render the games interface?

Would love to test on iPhone when you're ready to get users to try it out.

JJEvil ago

Webgl. I'm using a lot of shaders for effects and they are so easy in Webgl.

Heru ago

Especially with those sites like shader toy and what have you. Play with three.js before?

JJEvil ago

I don't think so, but it's possible. There are a lot of js libraries packaged with the tools I use. What does it do?

EDIT: Someone is downvoting all your comments. It's not me. I only downvote the ones where you're an asshole.

Heru ago

That's been happening since I pissed off @eggnogg. They went through every single comment if mine for a two day span and downvoted. Considering @she has a script designed to sit on a persons comments and downvoat as they comment and @eggnogg is an @she alt I'm guessing it's her.

JJEvil ago

Got any proof on either of those accusations?

Heru ago

If someone archived my post as ElectroLumus about the script then yes on that one. As for the @she alts I raided it back when I was nabbing the AskVoat internal documents and leaking them. She IRC'd the list to stoic one day and it was one of her alts. She has two others, ones inactive and the other is a user here that contributes and doesn't mod and makes no problems for the site so I'm not going to out it.

JJEvil ago

Well, that's good. I doubt you would have much cred talking about someone's alt considering your own situation.

Part of the reason I'm giving Kev a hard time is he's accused me of using alts. He's accused me of being a lot of others on this site. Totally baseless, like the other things he is accusing me of. I've never tried to hide my opinions. They are what they are and I defend them unabashedly. He just doesn't seem to comprehend that someone can genuinely disagree with what he is doing and stand up for that, so in his mind it must be alts, and SJW power mods, and nefarious people trying to discredit him. Nope, just me being me.

Heru ago

Since you and I have always held differing opinions on these debates would you be interested in debating with me live over video conference?

JJEvil ago

I have to decline. I only show up live for gamer blog interviews. I gotta build my brand if I ever plan on releasing this game.

Heru ago

It's an OO wrapper for webgl. Provides all the tools like cameras and first class geometries. Pretty powerful for quickly building emersive 3D environments.

JJEvil ago

I'm working strictly 2d. I grew up on the classics and believe it's a more pure art-form. Feel free to disagree. I wont argue with you, but you are wrong if you do.

Heru ago

Hahaha, I like the platforms genera too.

Fun thing about 3D though is you can build a 2d game with a 3D environment to make it more visually stunning.

I write 2d games often though. I like them more than 3D having been a gamer since before doom.

JJEvil ago

More visually stunning.

Matter of opinion. An artist isn't limited by their tools, only their imagination.

Heru ago

True that. Camera sweeps and motion sensor shifting of camera angles is what I was thinking of.

JJEvil ago

I've developed a 2d system with a lot of camera control. Think Smash Brothers. When you play co-op, the camera zooms out as the players get farther from each other and in when they are closer. It zooms WAYY out on huge bosses to enhance the fact your character is tiny against them. It's really dynamic.

Heru ago

That actually sounds pretty cool. When do you think you'll have a beta out?

JJEvil ago

Another year at least. Keep in mind, I work 30 hours a week and I'm only developing part time. Plus, I dont want to put out anything that's crap so I'm in no rush to push it out unfinished. My game is going to be the shit.

Heru ago

Dunno if I'll be around in a year but if I run across you online I'll hit you up for a chance to play it. Good software takes time so I'm sure it'll be well built

JJEvil ago

You might never get to play it, but here's a gameplay video I made a few months ago:

It has changed since, but you'll get the concept.

Heru ago

That's wicked!! That looks like a a rush to play with the acrobatics

JJEvil ago

It's quite fun. getting better by the day.

JJEvil ago

You have to put your heart into it or it's not worth doing. I firmly believe though, that if I make the game I want to make, not for money or fame or to create a product, it'll be a truly great game, and it'll sell tons of copies. And if it doesn't, I still did it the way I wanted to do it, fuck everyone who can't see how awesome it is. Livin the dream.

CynicalOne ago

I better liked your comment before you edited it:

[–] Heru 1 points (+1|-0) 19 seconds ago

Good. Go rage my puppet, go rage!

Heru ago

So did I. But games are games an I love to play

big_fat_dangus ago

Holy shit, no one cares. Get over yourselves.

JJEvil ago

Yet you cared enough to come in here and comment?

big_fat_dangus ago

Not about you and your drama. I cared enough about voat in general to point out the low quality post.

JJEvil ago

And yet, #1 on the front page right now. I guess opinions are like assholes.

codyave ago

A shitty post like this with a high-scoring Amalek comment is a tell for vote manipulation.

Rottcodd ago

He's a manipulative asshole. That's pretty much the extent of it.

I don't think he has any particular intent to destroy Voat. Like kevdude, he postured behind a claim that he was trying to protect Voat from the evil machinations of power-hungry mods, but like kevdude, it was obvious that what he really wanted was drama and attention. He wanted to revel in the sense of power he got from stirring up a torch-bearing mob, then stroll out into the spotlight and take a bow and collect accolades. Like kevdude, he really doesn't give much of a shit about Voat one way or another - that's just an excuse for stirring up drama and seeking attention.

Disappointed ago

At ProtectVoat most of the users have strong ideals, so it's almost guaranteed we will make enemies along the way. For anyone reading, if you care, I'd encourage you to go to v/protectvoat and decide for yourself. It's not a place for everyone and we make mistakes from time to time, but in general, I find the users there to be very reasonable and it's a great place for users and mods of big subs to nut out their issues and hear a wide range of views. Not everyone agrees, but that's ok too.

JJEvil ago

Says the guy that called me a little faggot behind my back in one of the linked conversations above. Piss off.

Disappointed ago

You mean here?

That's not me, but I can see how you would misread it or even think it was an alt.

JJEvil ago

You are correct, I did misread it. I owe you an apology for accusing you of calling me a faggot. However, you called me a retard in the comment above those. So I apologize for accusing you for calling me a faggot. For calling me a retard, piss off asshole.

Disappointed ago

That's fair.

Cuckbot ago

Did he hurt your fee-fees?

JJEvil ago

No, he made up shit about me for no reason other than to further an agenda.

codyave ago

Do you have a safe space where you can cry about it?

JJEvil ago

Your sister's bosom works well.

spookybm ago

Was She really that ugly? I missed that train stop before the DMCA had done derailed the cart.

codyave ago

Is She 13 or 35?

big_fat_dangus ago

Why would you do that? It burns us!

spookybm ago

I was told she posted noods? But that got thrown over the hill and into hell.

rosary505 ago

the /voat/ board on 8chan has them.

spookybm ago

just boobs? disappointed, and... they aren't that great... even further disappointed. Continuing to lurk.

Disappointed ago

Stealing this.

weezkitty ago

And yet this is more drama.

Heru is ElectroLumus. For those who aren't familiar, ElectroLumus was the principal starter of the @She drama. He started the witch hunts through social manipulation tactics, admitted to doing so in with specific details, then deleted his account:

To be quite honest, She was the principle starter of the She drama. It could have been handled a whole lot better (without the abusive witch hunt) but She was no angel

Lootaluck ago

Lol we lost traffic because the brigades ended lol, the drop off is natural!

I also speak to my own experience, in traffic and comments in the small subs I moderate

mamwad ago

It also should be noted that there is almost no oc on Voat, largely due to content creators leaving after getting harassed or just not being able to deal with the drama.

Lootaluck ago

Voat is just a mirror of reddit, the circle jerk here is harder than anywhere on reddit.

As an observer of the drama, protect voat is essentially SRS, they fight to maintain moderated safe spaces for their adherents while knocking down those elsewhere on the site and proceeding to spam/shit post / brigade everywhere.

The result has been a remarkable homogeneity to the content and opinions on the site, not surprisingly voats traffic has fallen precipitously.

Rottcodd ago

Kevdude + Heru/ElectroLumus specifically are manipulative assholes.


JJEvil ago

What do you base that on? It's an internet forum. It's made for people posting things. I posted something. So?

Zenogias ago

He bases it on the fact that you think people here care about you and your anti-voat subreddit.

Spoiler Alert: We don't.

Rottcodd ago

That's par for the course for Heru/ElectroLumus. It's one of the tactics he used to create the whole she shitstorm.

Cuckbot ago

That's great. Will you know move along or try to manipulate the masses against ProtectVoat some more?

In my opinion, PV in general, and Kevdude + Heru/ElectroLumus specifically are manipulative assholes. Intransigent ideologues who will stoop to any level to promote their ideology. They will stoop as low as they have to to "win". They can't be trusted and they shouldn't be given any further credence by the users of this site.

You could be describing yourself here with this very post.

JJEvil ago

Yep, that's me. I'v made no effort to hide the fact that I Have been critical of the direction voat has taken over the past 2 months. Feel free to quote me as much as you like. You'll find some good stuff on /r/voat. Just make sure you link to entire conversations for context instead of trying to do some gotya bullshit with out of context quotes.

Zenogias ago

Good stuff? All I found at /r/voat was a bunch of butthurt SJWs complaining about voat like its an old flame that called them out for their bullshit and broke up with them.

The hilarious part is that you are all still here.

JJEvil ago

I was gone. For weeks. I basically came back to defend my honor.

PIcasso54 ago

Sow what you're saying is you don't like 4chan?

JJEvil ago

We don't need two of them, do we?

PIcasso54 ago

We don't need two reddits, either. You want to turn us into a second reddit? We will just all leave and go somewhere where the moderators care about us.

Call_Me_Kelly ago

I just posted something in pv about ways it can improve, [completely unaware of this post at the time] get ready for wacky conspiracy theories.

ETA your experience with it sucks and i agree with a lot of your points

piratse ago

....Who are ANY of you people? I don't give a shit and I would bet 90% of the people that come here don't give a fuck either.

ArchangelleShe ago

I didn't read any of the crap he wrote, but I can tell you who he is.

He's a redditor. He's a SJW who can't stand free speech and different opinions. He has made it his life purpose to bash Voat on reddit:

Voat is in the shitter and there isn't much reason to go there anymore. [,,,] Don't bother. Voat is on life support, waiting for the plug to be pulled.

He is jjandre:

He has created a lot of drama here shit posting and saying he's gonna leave, but he doesn't leave, he always sticks around.

He once went on a rant calling me racist because I dared to use the word "raysis" and somehow that offends black culture.

Finally, he was an fervent @she defender during the 2 month long SheGate.

No one should give this moron a minute of their time. If the block user function existed, this is the first person everyone should add.

Sosacms ago

Scrolling through that was already more effort than anyone should have put into this stuff. It's the internet... It's not real and completely in your control. Just nope the fuck out and watch something dumb.

This will get everyone started.

lordunderthemountain ago

Preach. Hardly anyone posts in the subs I visit. Certainly not enough for a ton of drama.

o_V_o ago


JJEvil ago

That's fine. But why did you come in here to comment then?

o_V_o ago

It's the top post and it makes no sense... why wouldn't you check it out?

piratse ago

Because it's on the page and this entire website runs on a post and comment structure. Also, hopefully you'll stop making post about this, as if anyone even knows who you people are let alone care.

JJEvil ago

Apologies. In my defense though, the first words I typed were "I have to get something off my chest"

JJEvil ago

You don't see the forest for the trees. I feel that I was unfairly accused, am I not allowed to make my case?

deanna ago

So as someone who has been on Voat for a while and doesn't really keep pace with all the bullshit drama - I'm really not sure what all you're on about. It seems that most people on Voat are here because they want to have a discussion. On Reddit, they could no longer have an articulate discussion without running into the same lame, bullshit, drama-filled one liners that filled most of the threads.

I'm not sure why you're trying to 'make a case', as you say, when all the people you say are involved are all the people who probably filled those threads over Reddit way. Does it really matter? Do you really feel the need to clear your name? I took a peek into your history and you see to be looking for an argument (enter Monty Python, here) I could be wrong, and if I am, of course I'm sorry. But this whole thread just seems silly.

Aren't we all adults, now, and have better things to do that to point fingers and say she said.. he said? Quite honestly, the only reason I read as far as I did is because you brought up Kev and made some not very nice accusations about him. It may be true he's a bit of a dick - I'm not sure, I don't know him that well. It's quite possible he was trolling you a bit (as internet-folk tend to do) and you got a bit hot and bothered.

He seems quite a nice fellow, in my book, but what do I know really? I'm just another random virtual person who enjoys Voat for what it is. A place to have a nice discussion with someone you might just learn something from. So now that I've babbled away, maybe the point of my story is to stop taking an internet message board so seriously and go have a discussion. (and don't walk into Abuse by accident. It's 12A you're looking for.)