Time for me to break off from Google a little more. Which emails are the best at privacy protection? Including paid ones. What do you think of Tutanota? (voat.co)
submitted 5.7 years ago by virge
SuperDoobie 5.7 years ago
What about business emails? I have a personal email but I also have a business email account with GoDaddy that I used for business.
I can only assume it is screened and recorded just like gmail and the rest but since I am paying for it, maybe not.
Anyone have any insight into that?
virge 5.7 years ago
Any e-mail you do not administer yourself is suspect.
Professor_de_la_Paz 5.7 years ago
I use Protonmail and Tiutanota, both.
Same purpose, or?
I'm trying to see which I like better. I started out using Protonmail for only 'business / banking' stuff and Tutanota for 'personal' stuff but I'm leaning towards just settling on PM now.
I settled on PM for various reasons years ago.
That's likely where I'll end up too.
SuperDoobie ago
What about business emails? I have a personal email but I also have a business email account with GoDaddy that I used for business.
I can only assume it is screened and recorded just like gmail and the rest but since I am paying for it, maybe not.
Anyone have any insight into that?
virge ago
Any e-mail you do not administer yourself is suspect.
Professor_de_la_Paz ago
I use Protonmail and Tiutanota, both.
virge ago
Same purpose, or?
Professor_de_la_Paz ago
I'm trying to see which I like better. I started out using Protonmail for only 'business / banking' stuff and Tutanota for 'personal' stuff but I'm leaning towards just settling on PM now.
virge ago
I settled on PM for various reasons years ago.
Professor_de_la_Paz ago
That's likely where I'll end up too.