SuperDoobie ago

What about business emails? I have a personal email but I also have a business email account with GoDaddy that I used for business.

I can only assume it is screened and recorded just like gmail and the rest but since I am paying for it, maybe not.

Anyone have any insight into that?

virge ago

Any e-mail you do not administer yourself is suspect.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I use Protonmail and Tiutanota, both.

virge ago

Same purpose, or?

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

I'm trying to see which I like better. I started out using Protonmail for only 'business / banking' stuff and Tutanota for 'personal' stuff but I'm leaning towards just settling on PM now.

virge ago

I settled on PM for various reasons years ago.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

That's likely where I'll end up too.