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PuttItOut ago

How come it's always the alt-ish like accounts asking these types of questions?


RustyEquipment ago

Heya @puttitout

also, you get my resume?!?!?!... fuck doxxers....i dont care I applied! and im sad you never even denied me, im willing to intern for free! and im not JIDF - i mean hell MrFagFuck deletes my anonall posts! ... sad crying clowny face

CameraCode0 ago

I think it's a valid question.

I know you can't disclose too much of your future plans because the attackers may respond accordingly, but it would be nice to have some idea.

sirRantsalot ago

Dude, id eject these fuckers that keep crapping on your floor.

XSS1337 ago

Dont give up the fight.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

I've been here since 2015, I just purge every once in a while. When I purged my main a few weeks ago I didn't realize that registrations were closed. Now I'm using this shitty account that I made during the Great Black Rifle Coffee Company incident of 2019

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vc83 ago

Not much of a purge if you just list your previous accounts lol

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

Well the submissions are anonymized or deleted and you people here that are reading this thread are only a small fraction of people on voat. Most people still won't know who I am. Also, I dont have anything serious to hide so I'm fine if people know my older accts

Crackrocknigga ago

I dont have anything serious to hide 

Purges accts


mediaisfooked ago

The SyriansFuckCorpses name makes me laugh every time I see it. Thanks for that.

Purged ago

I wasn't purged. Nope.

Why the hate for the Syrians?

albatrosv15 ago

So what about jews?

sirRantsalot ago

Feels good, doesn't it?

Islamiscancer ago

I'm also at least 15 other accounts. A few of which I've chatted with you, and had people accuse me of being you.

If you can guess any of my Alts - I'll reward you

sirRantsalot ago

Who's we? Got a turd in your pocket?

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago


blit416 ago

re: the coffee incident.

I remember on the daily stormer forums black rifle was pumped by a lotta guys, it must have been a real shocker to find out that they were opportunistic sneaky Hebrews (unless I'm mistaken).

I think it was an honest mistake, but I might have just fallen for the marketing promotion biz.

perrin ago

Go back to reddit. You can make all the alts you want to there.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

I'm permanently IP banned from reddit

perrin ago

Get a VPN.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

Well that's a no-brainer. It's the principle of the thing though. I got banned for wrongthink that was to the right of Marx. No desire to go back

Crackrocknigga ago

Hey @syriansfuckcorpses, remember me bitch?