Vc83 ago

Fuck off were full (im aware of the irony)

Tallest_Skil ago

I think registrations should open up again, but logged out viewing should remain closed. That keeps the DDoS away except in a way that is MEASURABLE.

hejyhej ago

I would very much like to not be logged on to a doxable account, open up :(

JohnDoe123 ago

I like it closed!

AdmiralEnchilada ago

It should stay closed until the community figures out how to properly screen people

9000timesempty ago

I couldn't access voat until I changed my VPN server. There's some DNS fuckery going on with voat.

logos_ethos ago

I would suggest keeping the registration closed until 8chan is online and technology companies stop pulling the plug on it. I do not want Voat to have to go through the same process. Maybe we can use that to see who the safe hosting and DDoS mitigation service providers are.

ScionOfZion ago

Is there a mirror?

PuttItOut ago

How come it's always the alt-ish like accounts asking these types of questions?


RustyEquipment ago

Heya @puttitout

also, you get my resume?!?!?!... fuck doxxers....i dont care I applied! and im sad you never even denied me, im willing to intern for free! and im not JIDF - i mean hell MrFagFuck deletes my anonall posts! ... sad crying clowny face

CameraCode0 ago

I think it's a valid question.

I know you can't disclose too much of your future plans because the attackers may respond accordingly, but it would be nice to have some idea.

sirRantsalot ago

Dude, id eject these fuckers that keep crapping on your floor.

XSS1337 ago

Dont give up the fight.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

I've been here since 2015, I just purge every once in a while. When I purged my main a few weeks ago I didn't realize that registrations were closed. Now I'm using this shitty account that I made during the Great Black Rifle Coffee Company incident of 2019

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Crackrocknigga.

Posted automatically (#61343) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crackrocknigga)

Vc83 ago

Not much of a purge if you just list your previous accounts lol

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

Well the submissions are anonymized or deleted and you people here that are reading this thread are only a small fraction of people on voat. Most people still won't know who I am. Also, I dont have anything serious to hide so I'm fine if people know my older accts

Crackrocknigga ago

I dont have anything serious to hideĀ 

Purges accts


mediaisfooked ago

The SyriansFuckCorpses name makes me laugh every time I see it. Thanks for that.

Purged ago

I wasn't purged. Nope.

Why the hate for the Syrians?

albatrosv15 ago

So what about jews?

sirRantsalot ago

Feels good, doesn't it?

Islamiscancer ago

I'm also at least 15 other accounts. A few of which I've chatted with you, and had people accuse me of being you.

If you can guess any of my Alts - I'll reward you

sirRantsalot ago

Who's we? Got a turd in your pocket?

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago


blit416 ago

re: the coffee incident.

I remember on the daily stormer forums black rifle was pumped by a lotta guys, it must have been a real shocker to find out that they were opportunistic sneaky Hebrews (unless I'm mistaken).

I think it was an honest mistake, but I might have just fallen for the marketing promotion biz.

perrin ago

Go back to reddit. You can make all the alts you want to there.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

I'm permanently IP banned from reddit

perrin ago

Get a VPN.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

Well that's a no-brainer. It's the principle of the thing though. I got banned for wrongthink that was to the right of Marx. No desire to go back

Crackrocknigga ago

Hey @syriansfuckcorpses, remember me bitch?

DarkHelmut ago

Only POTUS can join....just for the sake of reading his trolling on SBBH!

lorlipone ago

I say they should wait til the normies have forgotten us, then open it back up. New members right now would likely be the kikeyist heebs that ever glow niggered.

My10thaccount ago

We are keeping things closed for the foreseeable future. You will know when things change, we will update you.

TheresABlackOut ago

He's waiting toe the NSA to give him the OK

whatever_12345 ago

At least give us an opportunity, like a window or something, to change accounts. I don't like staying this long with the same account.

I would not have picked whatever_12345 if I knew this was happening!

VoatMikeNolan ago

Vetting process:

  • All new registrations need to be approved by admin.

  • Make em wait 4 - 6 months before confirming their registration

  • Once confirmed they have to start posting/commenting within a week or they get the boot.

PuttItOut ago

4 - 6 months? I like your style.

VoatMikeNolan ago

Thanks, happened to me once actually...

There was a time that I had a brief interest in a highly technical subject. In my researches I came across a small forum dedicated to the matter and decided to post a question there. The forum required registration which needed to be confirmed. One day, two days, three days and no confirmation. Sent multiple messages to admin who never responded. Fucking six months later I get the confirmation email and damned if I hadn't already answered my own question and moved on from the subject entirely.

Great way to weed out the uncommitted.

RustyEquipment ago

they have to wear a high vis jacket around also... lets us know that they are hard workers when we see them at the bar at noon.

he_found_wepon ago

Just make sure it's closed when The_Zognald inevitably gets banned on Reddit. The last thing we need is an influx of MIGA boomers.

videocodec ago

As long as "Does Israel have weapons of mass destruction" is one of the required questions I'm ok.

fuckingmockies ago

Also make a captcha where they have to type out a couple jewish names for god.

Purged ago

Moloch, Ramphen, Milcam, Milcom, Baal...

fuckingmockies ago

Ba'al would apply to the Christian God as well.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

I can't wait for this meme to run its course and die out

Saturday405 ago

I'm with you. This shit is getting old.

Tallest_Skil ago

How many nukes does Israel have?

Answer the question.

mostlyfriendly ago

So - are you able to talk about Israel's nukes?

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

It's obvious they have nukes. It's just a retarded way to "screen" potential jews and people act like you can actually unveil somebody by asking if israel has nukes.

You're better off asking if Israel is a legitimate state or something of that nature

mostlyfriendly ago

Sure. But it seems that low level Pentagon and IDF employees are not allowed to talk about it. Pentagon / IDF risks major problems if comes out that an employee "in the know" acknowledged the treaty breaking weapons program.

Obviously, "real" spies can and will lie about the topic. But, "real" spies aren't paid to "keep tabs" and manipulate internet message boards. That's for the small army of $15/hr flunkies who are paid to forum slide and push the narrative.

Nosfewratsjews ago

How would you even verify this statement is accurate in the first place?

If I was Government, I'd do the lazy Government thing and just exempt the people working their Cyber-whatever. It's ridiculous to presume they have this religious-dogma like requirement to act in a certain way that would be able to incriminate them.

It's nothing more than a tactic used by your enemies, and you've cucked to actually using it.


CantDentTheBrent ago

It's literally impossible for a glow nigger to answer that question.

Seems pretty easy way to shine light

Damnpasswords ago

Like using ascii loli as board defoliant?

FullyAwakened ago

Of course Israel has nukes. But has this actually been proven that they are not allowed to answer this? If it is, then Putt should just put a mandatory poll up, and force everyone to answer the question before they are allowed to sign up or post comments.

CantDentTheBrent ago

It's pretty legit.

And pretty hard to find the specific gag order.

But it does exist.

AntiMason ago

Lol we are quarentined.

Purged ago

Nobody puts baby in the corner. Nobody.

analfaveto ago

How much of the future is foreseeable?

i_scream_trucks ago

we dont need any more fucking 'refugees'

fuck off we're full

hollandkt ago

Can we get the president to tweet your comment verbatim? I'd like to watch the media explode.

metricisokay ago

Keep it like it is please, thanks much

Or, charge for registration $10 so that you at least make money from our suffering.

mediaisfooked ago

I think this is a good idea (and I hate paywalls). At least the owners could make a shit load of $$$ is the jewbots attack. I would pay $10 registration fee to protect our free speech. Would have to pay via some bitcoin type deal to keep our anonymity.

eronburr ago

Is this to stop registrations or archiving? This is basically an echo chamber

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, the inability to archive is a huge issue.

ggolemg ago

I really like the idea of having to pay to be a member.

majb ago

How will the jews join?

weezkitty ago

As soon as Voat goes for profit, I'm off

blit416 ago

Id pay the 10'er too. Maybe pay for a Voice, but open Registration?

Goys-R-Us ago

Then you have to disclose who you are. Not that they don't already know, but still, now your credit card company knows as well.

inb4 but muh crypto

Skins ago

but muh crypto

Goys-R-Us ago


Nosfewratsjews ago

For the most part, Bitcoin transactions are still somewhat hard to anonymize without a washer. Like all things, even the washer could be a honeypot. Even crypto is not immutable to tracking transactions. Even if it means you piss off someone enough to duct tape the guy who bought from you off localbitcoins and crack his kneecaps a few times with an oversized pipe wrench until he gives his phone password and gets enough to find you.

Goys-R-Us ago

I was thinking Monero.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Dastardly little devil, Monero is.

Goys-R-Us ago


Dismal_Swamp ago

I think we should do it like prison gangs. Everyone should have to put in work to earn their stripes. That way we can crash out new people when we want to.

auto_turret ago

Yeah I have to agree. If they haven't made their way here already, we dont really want them. Theyre either too ill-informed or their heart and mind isnt in the right place to begin with. Otherwise, they would have been here back in 2015.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sounds like the argument in favor of abandoning 4chan for 8chan. Of course, the latter was eventually taken over by jews and destroyed, just like the former.

Wowbagger ago

we're no good as a closed loop. we have to open up so the message can be broadcast. that's why they're DDOSing us to begin with. They don't care about a circle jerk they care about silencing our voice to the normies.

mediaisfooked ago

So set it up where anyone can read the post. Blot out the usernames in this "read only" open structure. If you want to post, $10 registration fee per user name. I am talking out of my ass a bit because I have no idea how hard this would be to set up. I am not a computer programmer.

VoatMikeNolan ago

Which brings us to the question of wether-or-not the normies will be allowed to look at Voat unregistered...

Sitnikoff ago

Theoretically, being a closed loop won't stop us from having our redpills trickle up into the mainstream, considering most of us have accounts in other platforms, and that's also how the chans work meme-wise as well.

Ina_Pickle ago

This is our staging ground. Go troll twitter and reddit if you want to reach out to the brainwashed masses.


Normies don't listen to you anyway.

metricisokay ago

Normies don't come here and don't listen anyway, how crazy has it gotten out there it's right in front of their face every single day.

hollandkt ago

I second this. If you have eyes today and can't see people out there trying to normalize transvestites and pedophilia, trying to indoctrinate children into thinking that white people are evil and teaching self shame, then you are absolutely part of the problem.

onikage ago

I hope so. This place has been even better lately.

gabara ago

Until the Jews calm their tits.

MikeyMo123 ago

So when is that going to be, Shlomo? You would know first-hand.

FEMAcampsforever ago

What Jews??? We though the GLOWNIGGERS captured puttiout and that they closed the party as soft SHUT IT DOWN GOYIM KNOWS but keep observing the honeypot.... wich one is it niggers. GoysRUs seemed to agree on the severe level 11 niggering level in here.

PS : Hi FBI, ypu fucking suck and you always have. We pray that you get an A one day but you always seems to be that SOLID F student.

NotHereForPizza ago

well it's definitely not me


You people are so fucking transparent.

he says, despite helping to flood QRV with cartoon kiddy porn, which resulted in Putt threatening to shut us down because we couldn't keep up with the flood.

You're lucky you have enough alts and discord friends to come here and up vote you and make sure to downvote everyone else. But, this was all sort of set up that way, wasn't it?

Welcome to Reddit, everyone. @PuttItOut's best friend, @gabara.

Isnt this place great?

sirRantsalot ago

You're like one of those fuckers that comes over to someone's house and starts criticising everything, aren't you? Get the fuck out if you have a problem with putt. This playpen is his you piece of shit. If I were him I'd shoah your ass right off the platform.

NotHereForPizza ago

Too bad he won't.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Pretty fine example of team SRS, irritated that you're speaking truth. The very fact that shill prime gabara got that many upvotes tells you exactly how compromised this honeypot has become.

NotHereForPizza ago

I may be a bear but I'm going to drown all of the bees.

uvulectomy ago

Gas yourself, pedo.

NotHereForPizza ago

All of you are so unilateral. You don't expect them to perceive how obvious this is?...

You guys did the same to freshmeat and he ended up being right about basically everything. Fuck all of you, faggots.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Anyone with a brain sees through their tactics - even though they use shill and troll overload methods to desensitize. Same strategies, same Reddit SRS dogma, 10,000 sockpuppets used to support their quasi-mains.

NotHereForPizza ago




It's /leftypol/ SRS CTR etc.

They're Stalwarts.

Nosfewratsjews ago

So does Putt pretend to support them, or support them and pretend not to?

NotHereForPizza ago

Knowing they're the same exact entity is your first step.

The morons will tell you themselves. Putt is SBBH.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I think it's a rapidly advancing algorithm that learns with every engagement how to manipulate with more fidelity.

Man vs. machine. The real end-game.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not so sure. Cool chat, though.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Being not sure is only natural. We're only human.

JohnGaltApproves ago

Sooooo... never.