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sniper98g ago

/v/GreatAwakening/ has always been where QAnon and old goats get together. @srayzie is one of the best mods I've ever seen. She has kept it real through multiple rounds of fag mod take overs in other Q subs.

srayzie ago

👆🏻Thank you my new best friend. 👏🏻

Rotteuxx ago

one of the best mods I've ever seen

You're a stupid bitch who bans out of sheer vindictiveness because you can't handle people disagreeing with you.

You're a piece of shit cancer mod.

srayzie ago

That is a lie. Your true colors became apparent when all the other shill bullshit got out of hand. Look at our mod logs. Look at your desperation. Who does that? You come off too strong to just be a “shit poster”. You and your paid shill group hide out in plain site... with the shit posters. The ones here just to shit post are even wondering what the hell is wrong with a bunch of you guys. I’m even getting PM’s from shit posters wanting to know what’s going on.

@Sandhog says this so well...

Some people seem to think that burning subs to the ground and driving users off of Voat under the banner of 'it's just jokes bro' and 'it's my free speech' is somehow justifiable. Attacking existing subs with the sole intent to destroy them is censorship and it can only beget more censorship in response to it. That is all it can ever accomplish. The motives don't even really matter because the end result will always be the same. It also opens the door wide open for future astroturfing campaigns once that behavior becomes acceptable. People should really think about what kind of precedent shit like this sets. It's one thing to do a bit of trolling but what has been happening here has gone well beyond that.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying you didn't ban @trigglypuff for a 2 month old post you had to dig for ?

Why wasn't that ban aplied 2 months ago ? Wasn't it a bannable offense back then ?

You calling me a shill proves to everyone here how psychotic and delusional you are.

You created this drama and now you're crying victim, go fuck yourself you retarded cunt.

srayzie ago

@Trigglypuff has made several shit posts on GreatAwakening and would even laugh when I deleted it because she got her fun. She knows this. You can ask @Kevdude to verify why I banned her for a 2 month old post. I’m not going into depth about Triggly with you, because you are clearly one of the dividers connected to her that are here for more than just shit posting. But, when Zyklon and Triggly let me know that we are their target, and Triggly started scheming behind the scenes throwing other users under the bus over private messages, in another attempt to divide users, I knew it was time to stop her.

@Kevdude talked to me and we reached an agreement regarding my post the other day about banning. I unbanned a few with the understanding that they will be banned the next time they break a submission post rule. Or, if they post porn. We are a private niche forum and want Q related Quality content. We are allowed to do that. Because Triggly is one of the worse, and has people like you so cucked to follow her lead, instead of keeping the reason for banning her as “shill”, I changed it to show that she breaks submission post rules. There are several. I picked one. She will NOT be unbanned.

If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy.

Rotteuxx ago

@Trigglypuff has made several shit posts on GreatAwakening and would even laugh when I deleted it because she got her fun. She knows this.

This has fuckall to do with anything, stop rambling.

You can ask @Kevdude to verify why I banned her for a 2 month old post. I’m not going into depth about Triggly with you, because you are clearly one of the dividers connected to her that are here for more than just shit posting.

It's a straight forward answer, why are you running away from it and pinging your white knight to intervene between you and I ?

But, when Zyklon and Triggly let me know that we are their target,

You kept feeding the trolls and ignored everyone who told you not to.

and Triggly started scheming behind the scenes throwing other users under the bus over private messages,

Proof of scheming required

in another attempt to divide users, I knew it was time to stop her.

You're the one who willfully kicked the hornets nest and caused the divide, own up to your actions instead of playing the victim.

@Kevdude talked to me and we reached an agreement regarding my post the other day about banning.

I don't give a fuck about @Kevdude and deals he made with you behind closed door, he's already lost a shit ton of legitimacy by acting that way and giving you a pussy pass.

I unbanned a few with the understanding that they will be banned the next time they break a submission post rule. Or, if they post porn.We are a private niche forum and want Q related Quality content. We are allowed to do that.Because Triggly is one of the worse, and has people like you so cucked to follow her lead, instead of keeping the reason for banning her as “shill”, I changed it to show that she breaks submission post rules. There are several. I picked one. She will NOT be unbanned.

Yet you used @Crensch to do your dirty work and talk about @trigglypuff having cucked users as if you're above that. Double standards much ?

If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy.

How come you don't fight your own battles and use other users to stir shit up ?

You project onto others what you've done yourself but when it's you it's ok, when it's some else it's a bad thing.

You're a fucking retard, you're the one causing division with all your bullshit peddling but you're so delusionaly self righteous that you'll never have the mental capacity required for introspection into these things.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

srayzie ago

This drama is why I don’t owe you shit. You pinged your Queen you stupid cuck. Go fuck yourself.

Rotteuxx ago

Projecting again, you pinged her yourself in the very first sentence of your reply, after that you pinged your white knight.

Holy fuck you're hopelessly stupid.

How come your 13k subscribers aren't downvoating shills in your sub ?

How come so many people are subscribed yet don't give a shit ?

zyklon_b ago

"If you don’t like it, tough. I am not here to please Triggly, Zyklon, you, or any other DIVIDER. Let Triggly fight her own battles pussy."

@trigglypuff @kevdude lmao. look what @srayzie said....

Shizy ago

Shizy ago

Lmao look what triggly said about zyklon_b....

How is it you're not upset with her for calling you such things zyklon?

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Strange isn't it?

srayzie ago

Look at the desperation...