TrustTheTruth ago

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

The Truth is Simple, Honest and Easy for All to Recognize.

What Anon came before Q?

What did SenateAnon say?

"Keep digging into Racine".

What happened to @Jem777?

What happened to @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

Why did Paul Ryan, the most powerful man in Congress, suddenly resign?

Why did so many other officials suddenly resign?

Why did Scott Walker throw the election?

What was "The Deal" Donald Trump made for the "8th Wonder of the World"?

What is the Art of The Deal? Deception.

Who are the Masons? Where was the official signing held?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

We gave Srayzie the same Opportunity as We gave Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, and so many others.

They all Failed.

Why would there be such hate and animosity for The Truth?

Who can dispute or disprove ANY of The Truth We Share?

No One can.

What is the Foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030, and the real Agenda beyond?


The real Agenda is Eternal Enslavement.

In a Global Network of interwoven, overlapping, ever-changing groups involved, the Agenda cannot be stopped, and those involved will never be held accountable, unless the system is uprooted.

When one head of the snake is cut off, one thousand more appear.

There is Only One Way.

What would happen if The World Knew The Truth?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

zyklon_b ago


TrustTheTruth ago

What did Jesus Christ warn about the Synagogue of Satan?

What did Jesus Christ promise The World?

Why did Jared Kushner correct the record when Yeezus misspoke about The Deal for the 8th Wonder of The World?

What is the Most Valuable Resource in The World and the Key to Life?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

zyklon_b ago

rent free

srayzie ago

Q has been proven time and time again. I told you why they are panicking. Next week is declas. Everyone is shitting on themselves. Things we’ve been saying for over year are about to be proven.

Look at the people shilling. Now Neon Revolt is saying me and you are having an affair because of what Triggly said. He took our argument and went with it too.

Keep watching. These trolls are hanging themselves.

Why aren’t you a mod on TW anymore @Trigglypuff? Troubles? 🤔

ESOTERICshade ago

These trolls are hanging themselves

I want your movement to succeed, more than you know. BUT you to have to stop saying that, BECAUSE it undermines you. Take my advice. I have been doing this 30 years. If you speak, make it count. Baseless statements like that mean SHIT. You get it?

Vindicator ago

Baseless statements like that mean SHIT. You get it?

You mean like this one where you claim you've seen kids cut open without anesthetic and their organs removed?

Or maybe this one, where you said you were the target of a coven, as well as tortured by microwave weapons?

Or perhaps that time you said you had experience with a "synthetic telepathic network"?

Please, pontificate some more you lying JIDF piece of crap.

ESOTERICshade ago

You won't ever have to worry about getting bothered by dangerous people like what happened to me, because you are too much of a fucking coward to get involved as deeply as I was involved. You will just sit around with your damn Gitmo fantasies, and continue to kiss Trump's zionist ass.

Vindicator ago

LARPity LARP, Grandpa Truther. No one believes you.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are literally like a 5th grader that stumbled into the truth movement. You don't understand secret society codes, nomenclature, their intentions, or who they really are. So far you have shitted up the movement pretty well.

Gitmo! Gitmo! Trust the plan! Over the target! etc....5th grade meaningless bullshit. Study more, speak less, if you really want to help. The only reason I don't hate your fucking guts is because I think you mean well.

My life has been very complicated because I threw myself upon the gears. I paid a horribly incredible price for it.

Vindicator ago

Sure you did. Your conduct speaks very clearly for how you've spent your life.

ESOTERICshade ago

If you think this shit is a joke, you are sadly mistaken. This technology has been in development for DECADES. They had these small handheld units 20 or 30 years ago, at least. Your dumbass could be next if they ever decide to put your name on a list. I promise you, if they do this to you, your life as you understand it will be over. I was young enough to survive when it happened to me. I doubt you will be that lucky, because this shit has become VERY sophisticated. Stop being an internet dumbass and wise up.

Vindicator ago

Sure, ES. I believe you.

ESOTERICshade ago

you can also check out the "one belt one road" project

Supposedly the One Belt One Road project is China's project but i'm sure its far more complicated than that. Basically, this is the new Silk Road trading route. The Zionists want it to run through Israel, so they want to knock Iran out of the loop. From what I understand the Silk Road was a major factor is the building of the Ottoman Empire, and Iran was a major part of that Empire.

The new Silk Road Trading Route, (one belt one road) will go from China to the British Isles. I mapped it out with Google Earth one day, and I may still have that file on a hard drive, but i'm not sure

Ain't no excuse for being uneducated in this day and age. They mean Iran serious harm because Iran is in the deep state's Zionist way at the moment. You are helping to destroy the world. I realize that you probably don't understand that, but get educated, before its too late for us all.

Because I can tell you this for a damn fact, after they destroy Iran, they won't need our tax money, and they will continue to turn the United States into a slave plantation. Its how they roll, they flip everything upside down.

Vindicator ago

You are helping to destroy the world.


ESOTERICshade ago


If you refuse to learn, I can't help you. I will move on to people with real aptitude. Like I said, its up to you, how much truth you can handle. Most people can't handle much, because its depressing as hell. In the real world, ain't nobody going to Gitmo, Declass won't change shit, FISA is fuck all, I.G. Report is a damn joke. People that believe that shit are fucking us alllllllll up. Hillary's emails ran for YEARS because it was a deep state joke on all of us. Russiagate? Another fucking deep state joke. This shit has been running for years. Its all a fucking hoax to waste your attention span. Sorry the truth hurts, but its true.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ESOTERICshade ago

Suit yourself bro, but, you are in a prime position to get targeted with microwave technology. If they focus on you, they will destroy your life, your health, your finances, and everything you ever built. I'm just warning you for your own good. I would not wish that shit on anybody, including your dumb ass. :) They have people that ride around allllllll over the country making people miserable. They often drive vans. Surely you are not that stupid, but obviously, you are. I just showed you a picture of the latest technology, and you respond like a 5th grade illiterate moron.

srayzie ago

If I want your advice, I’ll let you know. We don’t have the same beliefs. Save it.

Rotteuxx ago

She's too emotionally driven and delusional in order to be legitimately convincing. She sees shills everywhere, anyone who argues vigorously with her gets branded a shill. Add to that her obvious love of interwebs fame and it gets pretty obvious she can't handle any of this with maturity and diligence.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Qberts have made a mockery of what was once a growing truth movement. The intelligence level in the truth movement has fallen so low that its pathetic.

ESOTERICshade ago

Things we’ve been saying for over year are about to be proven.

We are not shills. We are trying to lead you to the truth. This is a double game, and you have been gamed by Coleman Rogers,

18823849? ago

No troubles at all. @Trigglypuff has been an extremely important part of @TraditionalWives. None of us wanted TWs to be drug into any potential wars is all. BTW, Trig resigned- I never demodded her.

ESOTERICshade ago

Coleman is one of the best game players on the internet. He makes his WHOLE LIVING from this. He has made about 200 thousand from this. The fact that you can't see it breaks my damn heart, literally, because I luv ya. In five years, and nothing has happened, you will think about me, remember me, and wonder why you wasted so much of your life.

I will still be here, and I will speak with you, when that time comes. You don't understand what the deep state is, and how many TRILLIONS of dollars they spend. As smart as you are, I think you will eventually "get it" and when you do, its gonna hurt your feelings.

I hate that for you, because you are my buddy, and I love you.

Vindicator ago

Maybe she'll think of you and send you a letter with a stick of gum in it ES, to cheer you up at Gitmo.

ESOTERICshade ago

Let me know when the most powerful people in the world get rounded up and sent to Gitmo. Until then I will watch you morons make a mockery of the truth movement.

Vindicator ago

I'll send you an extra large popcorn bucket. You'll provide your own salt. :-)

srayzie ago

He’s in the mood to try to give me advice on Q

Vindicator ago

I find it very interesting that he found his way to this thread. Who hangs out on v/Voat? Gotta wonder how many cubicles away he is from his fellow Voat destoyers at their office in DC.

drstrangegov ago

so who cares what they think? you say your for free speech but youre persecuting people for wrongthink. do you realize how hypocritical and wrong that is?!

Shizy ago

You get called out by @Srayzie for your manipulation, so you respond with more manipulation.

Good thing you keep confirming Srayzie was right about you!

Rotteuxx ago

Still haven't taken your meds you crazy fucking cunt ?

drstrangegov ago


zyklon_b ago



Native ago

Ha. I don't even get the dumb drama. Too many people complaining about everything.

zyklon_b ago

i am just here to watch GA burn

zyklon_b ago

i am just tawkn sheeeit

this a call to arms.sister