defcon_alpha_zebra ago

Fee Speech and Expression will do that.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Bananazz ago

Looks like everyone wants to be a goat nowadays.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Too many pigs here

This place smells like shiit

PraiseIPU ago

thats why you fit in

Deplorablepoetry ago

Oh goat

Now you make me feel like some sort of conformist......, I do not want to fit anywhere...

Conformity and communism share so many letters, it’s not an anomaly

...anyway, my first thought was to reply with “go fuck yourself”

.., then after further consideration I decide “CHEERS” would be more appropriate....

...then, just before typing, realization slipped in and gave me a remind that sometimes we can do two things at one time..., so

Cheers AND go fuck yourself?

PraiseIPU ago

Thank ypu for pondering that and explaining.

So many comments are like drive by shootings.

Pass through shoot a reply without thought and on to the next snarky reply.

thekey ago

Mainstream social are going to did out soon, Gab is rising too.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#3469) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

XSS1337 ago

Better reenforce the un indexed site as well

philips300 ago

Super ❤️

Vino4Ever ago

Q predicted that. Trust the plan!

videocodec ago

Anyone that says "trust the plan" is a loon. Or a Jew.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

I hope that's not just Israel's internet defense league.

dogeguru ago

While I like the stats, alexa is skewed, they only track the hits from people who have the plugin installed, and build an estimate from that.

The problem is that a lot of people that have that plugin installed are webmasters, not regular people. You can game Alexa very easily by grouping up with others with the same plugin, and revisit a site once a day to see the stats skyrocket.

bill_the_dog ago

We're like Europe

A huge wave of Q-fag refugees has invaded and taken up residence.

Backoftheqanon ago

Biggest differences are that: 1) Q-migrants aren't raping and sexually assaulting your wives and daughters and 2)Q-migrants aren't plotting to take a bunch of you out by means of a terrorist attack in the name of Allah/ISIS

Hentaiixxx ago

voat! FTW!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

goodbye coziness

thisistotallynotme ago

Eternal September. Weaponized for the first time.

It's.... beautiful.

Conway ago

I was shocked how much the estimated value went up.

lorlipone ago

Much as I hate the fact that the /all/ feed is basically dominated by these new Q folks, it's great to see the site grow.

This place is basically the only thread by which my sanity hangs anymore.

Zammyanci ago

What was going on in April?

atri ago

Many factors. One was Voat's 3 day outage and resurrection:

Also interesting, this archive shows last year's Voat rankings:

AlaricTheFirst ago

So about the same as last year. It kind of yo-yo’s between 6-9k.

badruns ago

Staahp. Fuck off we're full.

Le_Squish ago

We have to catch up to the chans.

Go gerbils!

Doglegwarrior ago

I think the qtards are bumping us up for good or worse.

0fsgivin ago

I think milliondollarextreme is about as good as voats gunna get. Those guys brought a lot content and have great attitudes on free speech. And most of em are fairly smart.

Now, we just gunna more and more mainstream. And that's the beginning of the end.

Doglegwarrior ago

Yep i cant agree with you more.. but mainstream is getting more and more redpilled so maybe not the end

shrink ago

Well shit. Hopefully that downhill slide into August is indicative of a future trend in another month.

Justaddcoffee ago

Who would have thought that people like to share the truth and not be censored from doing so..

PuttItOut ago

Our poor servers. Hope they don't start complaining about the working conditions.

eronburr ago

voat's got more than one now? I recall "the server ran out of space" earlier this year

thisistotallynotme ago

Give us a place to donate, damnit! I want to give you cryptocurrency!

drstrangegov ago

you're the guy that keeps the lights on, right? I strongly suspect that what you are doing is benefitting mankind, and i suspect you know that too. you must be getting resistance. with all the information coming out of voat there has to people desperate to shut you down, and i imagine those people are trying shit in the real world. everything going okay? anything we can do?

i_scream_trucks ago

you need to be cracking the whip harder son.

UrAShillHarry ago

Just shut the site down all it does is empower racists and lunatic conspiracy theorists while stifling all opposing opinion by limiting comments and submission possibilities for those with low CCP. Just because you don't literally delete comments doesn't mean there aren't de facto forms of censorship on here.

wokeasfook ago

You are a piece of shit. You already know that though which is why you are upset. This is the only place in the world were people can call you exactly what you are. Don't like it? Then fuck off to any of the millions of sites friendly to cunts such as yourself.

Thanks putt for enabling me.

ThatsSoJewish ago

It is not de facto censorship, because your posts still exist. We goats know all too well the difference between letting the marketplace of ideas decide the worth of your thoughts and the systematic deletion of posts/comments and expulsion of entire communities by a mob of feelgood snowflakes like yourself. I mean look how much conversation you've had on this single idiotic comment of yours with no ban/deletion. On reddit, the inverse would have our comments [Deleted] without so much as an explanation.

But thats beside the point... Putt doesn't give a fuck, nigger.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

downvoats aren't censorship dumbass

UrAShillHarry ago

do you not know what "de facto" means?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I do and you're still wrong, it's not censorship in any sense of the word. You had your chance to speak just like anyone else who comes here and the users here also got their chance to express their opinion, after hearing what you said, through the voting system which is in and of itself a form of free expression. America isn't a democracy but voat is, your whole argument boils down to "people being able to respond to the things I say is censorship." The real constitution also doesn't protect non-citizen immigrants i the real world, you failed your citizenship test because you're too retarded.

UrAShillHarry ago

So you don't know what de facto means, ok

wokeasfook ago

This is low level kikery. Up your game faggot

qotile ago

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from downvotes

UrAShillHarry ago

Totally, I get the idea and I get the philosophy behind Voat's free speech policy. It sounds great in theory. But, for a number of reasons, reality is that being opposed to the genocide of minorities will make you unable to contribute as much as those who advocate it. Whatever the ideals and principles, that is an empirical fact about Voat.

dcosta77 ago

Shut up faggot

UrAShillHarry ago

@PuttItOut these are the people you're supporting

PuttItOut ago

You're account would have been banned a long time ago on other platforms. You're welcome.

UrAShillHarry ago

Other platforms do not limit my ability to contribute because I think murdering minorities is bad

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Translated out of Puttese: "I don't give a fuck, faggot"

PuttItOut ago


Zero submissions and few insightful and/or respectful comments

If you are going to complain and cite censorship, at least do it with an account that has some credibility.

UrAShillHarry ago

Point still stands that commenting things like "I don't think we should exterminate jews" will put one into a negative CCP zone, which restricts the amount you can comment. People opposed to the genocide of minorities will have their ability to contribute restricted. That is a fact about Voat. Think about how insane that is.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Do mean words upset baby?

prairie ago

It's an argument that people are censored here. Counter it with facts. Does this actually prevent people who have been here a while from posting comments?

One-Way_Bus ago

Found the kike.

UrAShillHarry ago

@PuttItOut this is what you're enabling

One-Way_Bus ago

If you don't like it then why not leave? If your fee fees get that easily butt hurt then leave.

tmow ago

Keep it going!

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

If they do just tell them to suck your dick

GritD2 ago

Daniel Holtzclaw tried that, not advised. Give them a little extra fan rpm, little lower input temp. Let them retire when needed. Always train others.

FSA-got-aleppo ago

Red goat checking in