Voat jumps ONE THOUSAND places to re-enter Top 7000 websites, all due to Q Traffic. BOOM. (voat.co)
submitted 6.3 years ago by 2781735?
14411713? 6.3 years ago
We have replaced the thunder of masses marching with hyper input/output signals. Signature of the age.
14406545? 6.3 years ago
So many retards to redpill. Damn.
14406367? 6.3 years ago
America and western civilization thanks you Voat.
We are on the front line and at the end of the line and Voat's place in history will forever be respected.
14406793? 6.3 years ago
You are on the front line of a dead end you larping niggerfaggot.
14406824? 6.3 years ago
Are those 55,000 court sealed indictments and search warrants also a LARP?
14411713? ago
We have replaced the thunder of masses marching with hyper input/output signals. Signature of the age.
14406545? ago
So many retards to redpill. Damn.
14406367? ago
America and western civilization thanks you Voat.
We are on the front line and at the end of the line and Voat's place in history will forever be respected.
14406793? ago
You are on the front line of a dead end you larping niggerfaggot.
14406824? ago
Are those 55,000 court sealed indictments and search warrants also a LARP?