Buried under the c-span titled "U.S. Senate Approves FAA Reauthorization Bill, 93-6" stream, but appears to be the same live stream restricted to cable subscribers but with Kavanaugh taken out of the title.
I'll add items here if I have time to help surf to the important parts of the Kavanaugh thing. They are getting ugly fast in opening statements.
I'm not sure what's going on over there. Maybe someone told them they couldn't do that because its not original programming like Book Club. See my other post for todays oddness over here: https://voat.co/v/politics/2763585
mrgreenjeans9 ago
Durmgoat the Resourceful, well done
thisistotallynotme ago
Jesus. Watching Bernie lie is funny.
"A lot of my collegues are insulting democrats for coming out before Kavanaugh was named, to oppose his nomination. I'm guilty of that as well. I opposed his nomination the day after he was selected."
Durm ago
Yeah. I just got to that part. Looking forward sadly to hearing that kind of thing as entertainment.
I updated the bullet point timeline above to Bernie's spot on the video.
NeedleStack ago
Thanks, any idea when the debate on the nomination will start? I'm watching live and they're replaying McConnell's speech. Looks like I'm your first subscriber!
Durm ago
Woot! Its an honor :)
Durm ago
I don't know. I started from beginning, got a late start trying to find stream.
I do know that the FAA business was over maybe 15 minutes ago. The openings for the session are pretty good, which are of course about Kavanaugh. I heard a tiny piece of Schumer's Open when scanning around. Unlike McConnell is super vicious. And why I decided t hear them both from start. I'll add time stamps above.
juicedidwtc ago
Fuck the FAA too man. you should see all the draconian anti 1st amendment they are putting in the FAA reathorization bill this time around