15850289? ago

Fake and gay AF

15850310? ago

Yes. Yes he is.

15850194? ago

They got the change in 1990.

15850230? ago


15849793? ago

I don't care. Trannies like @Empress are a net positive to society because they teach real women how to act like women. Sure it would be better if they were fathers, but this real world is the one we have to live in, not an ideal one.

15851409? ago


15849609? ago

0 evidence. fuck off

15849623? ago

Put your head back in the sand. We got this.

15849650? ago

asking for blind faith? must be a q tard


15850205? ago

Nah is sbbh. They always hide behind anon to attack users.

15851813? ago

That's right. That also means that anybody you see attacked by SBBH is actually a really good guy. 1990 did nothing wrong.

15849502? ago

Hello, @137 and associates. When was your transition day?

15894600? ago

Never happend. When was yours? 8 weeks in utero?

15849495? ago

I've seen them irl. Non passing as fuck.