SaveTheChildren ago


SaneHPOPiSwear ago

Do the Poaler bears not like you anymore?

pissinmyass42069 ago

You can't get banned from SJW platforms if you don't join in the first place. I've never had a twitter account and I'm proud of it. Fuck that piece of shit. Twitter is everything that is wrong with the world wrapped up in one giant virtue-signaling contest of a social media site. Why. Bother.

Musaab ago

I like Voat because I'm free to promote Islam against the haters. Thanks, Voat!

P.S. Islam is on the march! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!

Whitemail ago

Being a whore good. Racism bad.

Conway ago

If only more would listen.

Walk1 ago

VOAT is a great place to be a Paleo-libertarian and a rational thinker to the fullest extent.

Humanicide ago

What are these traditional values you speak of?

zyklon_b ago

it was my tibia where it connects to femue at knee


What evil did you do Empress? I signed up for an account and the first one I followed was @realDonaldTrump. I was immediately suspended. Never bothered to do anything about it. Just go read other people's tweets now. How evil I am! Wanting to follow our POTUS!

Dougal_McHaggis ago

No thankyou for being a quality poster.

zyklon_b ago

had surgery and they rebroke my leg with a drill

yt4cz9 ago

I was banned for tweeting, "You've told us what happened, now tell us what you did."

OmarComin ago

I only get a ration of 10 comments per day on Voat because I've failed to please the hivemind on here. So...

whiteshower ago

Agree with OP. Thank you Voat. Jews have shit up 4chan so bad it's tough to tolerate and reddit is faggot garbage.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Get off your high horse nigger. Only niggers refer to themselves as royaly when they are not royalty. It takes massive STUPID to think that's a good idea. Other than that, you're good here. We like you somewhat.

ForTheUltimate ago

Wow that is brutal. I thought only man had to deal with this...

Redditsdead ago

And you'll always be welcome, and protected, here. We support you and your cause.

15874058? ago


Ambrosekanefan ago

Empress, reach out to me. I like you have been upset that many subs on reddit that have supposedly conservative and alt-right beliefs that are moving towards being godless heathens. We need a country built on western, Christian tradition. Traditional marriage, traditional family, traditional beliefs, and traditional faith.

ThoughtTheDragon ago

The degjewnerates reaction to you is probably this:

A. That you have been subject to lifelong conditioning to support traditional values by some patriarchal, insular community in flyover country.

B. That you're insane.

C. That you're an attention whore, who much like the "gamer girls or geek girls" is partaking sexual market arbitrage (even an unseemly market can be great if it is entirely... virgin).

These are all distinct possibilities, but I would rather believe you are enlightened to the deeper and nuanced dynamics of gender, which ultimately are in line with traditional values. To be so enlightened is quite a feat, and I believe the leftscum do not even realize it is possible.

I am curious if you fit into any of the categories above or not.

15873448? ago

A. That you have been subject to lifelong conditioning to support traditional values by some patriarchal, insular community in flyover country.

I was indeed raised in a traditional home and we were expected to abide by traditional gender norms.

B. That you're insane.

I can get a little moody but that's about it.

C. That you're an attention whore, who much like the "gamer girls or geek girls" is partaking sexual market arbitrage (even an unseemly market can be great if it is entirely... virgin).

I'm old and married, post-wall, and have no interest in internet fame. My only interest is trying to reach younger impressionable women and encourage them to explore and consider a traditional lifestyle.

ThoughtTheDragon ago

Frankly, I, like many other people find flyover country unappealing. It's culture is backward, even if it gets the traditional things right.

The "heartland" culture should evolve if it wants to win hearts and minds.

The diversion of intelligentsia to leftist centers is a strategy the leftscum use. Traditional values NEED higher thinking support. Do you think you can win on BBQ's, little toy guns, and nature raping capitalism? Red state retardation is starting to change, and the trend needs to continue.

So if you want to help change hearts, accept the backwardness of much of traditional American culture and be part of it's evolution. Also be aware that as an older woman you are going to have a major challenge in resonating with young women, as while you have experienced what they have, you are not currently in their shoes.

15873993? ago

I'm not from fly-over country.

ThoughtTheDragon ago

I'm from New England and I can tell you first hand that intellectualism is not mutually exclusive with traditional and right leaning values. I'm something of a Puritan, myself.

DeltaBravoTango ago


sirlongshanks ago

Tis a National Treasure!

15872887? ago

Yes it is.

gabara ago

Awww, did some foolish women who made the wrong choices and their semi-male beta orbiters remember that they made the wrong choices? Keep it up!

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Might I recommend a GNU Social federated alternative? Look for any listed as 'Free Speech Zones'. I personally find Sealion dot club the most amusing, but that's mostly because of the name.

Faustian_Spirit ago

Keep up the good work @Empress! Will you be getting back on Twitter or investing into a different platform?

15872720? ago

I'm only on Voat atm.

It's my home base.

HenryCabotLodge ago

It is amazing that white marriage with children is radical, world destroying and racist. Unbelievable. Satan is winning.

WhiteSouthAfrican ago

What/where are the other places?

fuckmyreddit ago

Yes. I was a trad wife when my children were little. Their lives fell apart when I stopped being a trad wife. If I had the cern collider and I could turn back time more than a week, I would change the decisions I made and I would still be a trad wife.

15872710? ago

Meh, I like Putt. He's done good by Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#16955) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

randomfuckingidiot ago


bagano1 ago

Yup, same thing happened to me. Twitter's CEO is a hippie crackpot that goes on vacation to, was it Burma, to have weird meditation sessions. They let other posters, usually liberal, goad you, and when you defend yourself, ban you. People say we need regulations, I disagree, just have the balls to go to a different site. All these sites started off as pretty open-minded, post what you want affairs, then they, for some reason, felt they needed to turn into your nanny and go after you for everything.

Also, if you're a celebrity, Facebook and Twitter will let you get away with murder. That double-standard does not sit well with me at all. Plenty of times left and right posters did things that would get anyone else an insta-ban. Even if they were banned, they were usually reinstated.

the_magic_man ago

When traditional values = racism it's no surprise

15871973? ago

Racism doesn't exist.

the_magic_man ago

Exactly what a racist would say

Le_Squish ago

Lol at your ban.

15871944? ago

Funny, right?!

R00STRE ago

No tweets? You probably just need to verify that you're a person.

Zinnsee ago

I'm glad you're here.

memememema ago

Without porn. I would not have had a stress relief valve. I would have eventually probably tried something with another member of the church I hated to be apart of. They could not wait to see me break, No one turns down paradise.

The world is a fucked up place sometimes.

15871781? ago

Without porn. I would not have had a stress relief valve.

Ever hear of the gym?

memememema ago

Yes the local school gym where the kids of those adults i turned down were as well. Such a good place for me to be right? I should have been pumping that teenage youth drive up and muscles around them. especially when they were dangling that bait right in front of me. The damning thing is knowing whats there but knowing you cant have it.

watchers ago

unfortunately, twatter, fakebook et al will always have to react to the squawking that comes from people that see virtuous living as a threat to their slovenly immoral lifestyles.

Empowered women like Empress are threats because it is natural for humans to self-reflect and compare ourselves to examples all around us. When they see something better than themselves, they prefer to suppress it instead of seeking improvement.

boxofcrackers ago

not always, not always in the sense as forever anyway. only as long as taxpayers moneys is spend by (((them)))

15871794? ago

"Many men sneer at virtue because it makes vice uncomfortable" - Fulton Sheen

AR47 ago

Those are not men.

15872073? ago

Very true.

Zen-Zinxe ago

I just wish there was some sort of reliable dating site for people w/ traditional values. Every single one I've heard of is full of degenerates, even so called religious ones.

15871602? ago

The only one I've heard decent things about is

Zen-Zinxe ago

Can't hurt to check it out, thanks!

HillBoulder ago

Did you say nigger somewhere?

15871316? ago

LOL, no.

DependasaurusRex ago


Haha. Keep it up, ma'am.

KVD ago

What did you do this time... Say something stupid like we shouldn't eat babies?

uvulectomy ago

Probably said we shouldn't let vampires mutilate newborns' dicks. That one usually pisses (((them))) right off, heh.

Timmy2 ago

Globalists are showing their "might". Fuck 'em all. Pardon my French ma'am.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#16956) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

KVD ago

Timmy2? Is Voat for you...?

Timmy2 ago


Gigglestick ago

Be cause he apologized for cursing in front of a lady?

KVD ago

Whatever that means, yes!

Rotteuxx ago

Reference to /u/voatisfortimmy

Romanium ago

It's a sad state that the authoritarian degenerates have pushed many of the most trafficked internet sites into.

Thank you for being a beacon of light in a dark world Empress! You give me and I'm sure many others hope for our future.

15871265? ago

Awww <3 Thank you.

Super-Male-Vitality ago

Do you vote?

15871167? ago

Maybe I will later today.

Getting ready to do a lot of cooking today. Maybe I'll do it this evening.

Survival_gluten ago

I made one a couple weeks ago to just look at stuff, otherwise twitter is slow and freezes if you're not signed up... I was looking at some of trumps tweets and on there for maybe 10 minutes. Account was suspended,

CameraCode ago

Twitter always says I'm "rate limited" and I have to refresh several times to view a tweet, my conspiracy theory is that they make right wing and traditionalist or pages harder to view. Even when I'm not "rate limited" I still have to refresh several times.

Survival_gluten ago

i chose not to add my cell number when i created it and just used my email, after they suspended it, it seemed they really just wanted a cellular # after all.. who knows, maybe ill make another and see if it happens again.

undertheshills ago

I've been on there a long time never been suspended maybe I'm doing it wrong.

drj2 ago

Eh people like to larp

Trousersnake1488 ago

Me too

15871185? ago

Woah! Nice business model, Twitter.

WhitePaladin ago

Profitable business doesnt need to be good or functional.

memememema ago

What business its funded with your tax dollars and then gets "advertising" dollars. they do not give two shits about actual content or advertising its about manipulation.

fuckmyreddit ago

It's all about manipulation. Stay offline if you cant feel the difference between truth and lies. You should also kill your television and only listen to classical music.

22trilionAsecond ago

In the end things are easier when we are honest. We know the truth but our ego's try to protect us from it.

There are probably some obvious changes I need to make and some leaps of faith I need to take.


What's with this "feel" shit! How's about try thinking for a change! If you want feels go back to fb and reditt!

15871117? ago

I seriously never even used it.

Am assuming it was suspended for having 'trad' in the handle.

Bitpad ago

And we thank those Traditional Women who do post up! GREAT reminder that we are not alone in this fight!

kneo24 ago

Those accounts which only view other accounts are just simply the worst! They do all kinds of nefarious things. You know, things that I dare not mention. They're just so unspeakable, those things they are, the things I can't mention! They are just the worst!

ratsmack ago

It would be interesting to see why it is suspended.

15870825? ago

I never used it so I'm assuming it's because "Trad" was in the handle.

C_Corax ago

You had a previous account that you had suspended for legit(bogus) reasons?

15871086? ago


C_Corax ago

Hmm.. Maybe you are in an IP range of someone previously banned then? I don't think they'd ban just over the Trad username. Not when I know shitposters with 卐 in their username.

Not that it matters though. Twitter is pretty much useless.

15871194? ago


I'm thinking about contesting it later today.

worthlesshope ago

Do you have any followers? Twitter has like tons of security flaws so people can hack twitter accounts super easily. My old twitter account was hacked and used as one of those bot spam things and forced to follow tons of people. Had to reset my password several times..

zyklon_b ago

happy 2019 sister <3

15870777? ago

Happy 2019 Beatle.

Wishing you a speedy recovery. <3

zyklon_b ago

awe thanks