SearchVoatBot ago

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El_Syd ago

I hope things are looking better for you.

23213836? ago

I have composed myself, thank you.

El_Syd ago

There's a difference between being composed and believing you have options that will bring your family to a decent outcome. I hope you're not a simmering pot of stress.

This too shall pass. Best of luck to you and your family.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Otter5000 ago

Focus on controlling what you can control.

Keep your family healthy with good food and a clean home.

Keep your husband supported and positive.

Everything else will click into place.

Hail Odin!

Broc_Lia ago

I think it might be wise to take a break from the news/voat. Talk to your husband about it. Tell him about how the situation is affecting you and explain that you can't take any more stress. Then trust him to deal with the situation and delegate to you whatever he needs to.

GoatsnHoes1 ago

Try some calming tea, chamomile or tension tamer. Smoking is not good if you're pregnant, but vaping is ok, so maybe try to get some cbds. Also eating weed is okay during pregnancy. Caution though, it could cause more anxiety. Cbds are available everywhere though and are very potent anti-anxiety, they have gummies and vape pens and different things.

Your children are not going to judge you for a plague. They are going to judge how you react. I don't think now is the time to rebel, stay home and watch how this plays out.

Make sure you are eating enough and taking vitamins if you don't get enough in your daily meals. Get enough sleep, now is the time to take extra naps. If you can work on projects around, great.

I've been having trouble myself, very anxious. I downloaded a phone farming game and have been playing that to shut my mind off. You could try to pick up a stupid free phone game to just take your mind off things while the little one naps. It's better than ruminating. Meditation is great, but you have to get your brain out of panic mode. Don't read the news for a whole day. Read a book. Once you get your brain calm again, then you can continue with activities. Try deep breathing exercises, whatever you can to relax. You're not functioning at your best if you're panicking.

GoatsnHoes1 ago

Also, make sure to give each other massages and cuddle time

binrobinro ago

If you don't like what your "Draconian government" is doing, ignore it. Go out and get as sick as you'd like. Then ask for help from that Government, and blame them for your illness.

ant_earth ago

Focus on having a strong resilient baby

Agrianian_Javelineer ago


SeriousNiggerFaggot ago

If you don't already own a gun you don't care about your family.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I empathize with this a lot, I'm sorry you're going through this. Like another poster has suggested, I've been trying to find time to pray or meditate to release the anxiety. It's not really possible to find that time during the day, my baby has been sick, but I'm trying to at least practice progressive relaxation at night before sleep and do some breathing exercises. I feel like it's helping, since night is when the anxious thoughts are the worst for me. It helps me let them go, or at least not focus on them. Maybe it'll help you, too.

I know you work so hard to make the best life for your children and to protect them. It's so hard to be faced with a potential future that threatens them, and it's hard to stop thinking about it for sure. I struggled with those thoughts before deciding to have children, but I eventually decided that that notion of the child as a powerless victim of the world is wrong and it's just a psychological weapon being used against us. Our children are very resilient, as I'm sure you've seen many times. They're tough and clever and willful. Even the one in your belly. All the battles you've already fought to nourish your children daily have helped prepare them for the tougher times, as my husband always reminds me when I worry. Trust your daughter and your baby, they're tough. They got it from you and your husband. Think about all the times in the past when you've seen how tough you really are.

Other things that are helping me are hot tea, cod liver oil, B vitamins (I prefer these in the form of desiccated beef organs), vitamin C, and calcium magnesium citrate. Also, consciously thinking about how I'm being proactive when I consume these nutrients, because it's easy to forget that the things you were already doing count.

Deshy ago

Good morning my dear lady,

No matter how prepared, ALL of us are unprepared in some ways for total chaos.

Is total chaos coming? We honestly don’t know, so stress and worry is probably the worst we can do right now.

You may not be a Spiritual person but I would ask you in testing times to at least ask the Creator for help in calming nerves, organizing your mind and bringing peace even if you are to walk through fire.

Secondly, remember your ancestors and how they prevailed against numerable odds and be encouraged by this. Live in the moment and just switch off from mainstream media as they are prepping us for total reliance on them and this is not ideal.

Keep clean, keep yourself segregated, work on little things, get rid of things you don’t need, take stock of what you have and love with all your heart. This is all we can do right now. Keep in touch with folks and family that matter and keep communications open.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

Much love in Him!

SearchVoatBot ago

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VoatContainmentGuard ago

You just make sure his eggs ain't slimy.

23018588? ago

Never slimy, never rubbery.

Diggernicks ago



LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

"Pray, hope, and don't worry." - Padre Pio

blumen4alles ago

I feel you OP, especially on the bushfires. A couple of years ago the wildfires were really bad in my area (Pacific North West, America) and we were super close to being evacuated. Many people and animals had respiratory problems because of it. Hearing the low-flying aircraft at all times of the day felt like I was in a warzone.

Now having this happen, right after going through all that. Man.

I don't know what else to say other than Australia is our greatest ally and I really love you people. I hope we can all get through this.

23018352? ago

Love you too.

It just sucks that I quit smoking for the health of my children and then they said the bushfire smoke was like smoking 40 a day... 20 cigarettes was most ever in one day but that was like a long party day. I usually was like 30-40 a week at my peak.

Someone suggested a blunt... man it's tempting! Has been so long and I miss all the smokes!

Bushfires at least I have familiarity with, not as extreme/long/widespread as this season, but without underestimating them I understand how they work, what to do and when. This is all new.

blumen4alles ago

The act of smoking something is a pretty nice feeling. If you do smoke something, try to say silent prayers with your exhales. Let the smoke carry them for you...

Good on you for quitting smoking for your children. Both of my parents smoked when I was growing up. Then my siblings did too. I am currently the only one in the family who does not smoke daily. I do enjoy blunts though :)

gazillions ago

Your child's view of the world is completely and totally dependant on you, and your view of the world at this point.

She can only process your anxiety and your worries until she's old enough to make her own determinations. She can't make those determinations. There is no Why you're like this, only that you are.

23018410? ago

Thank you I needed to hear this, even though I know it and have been trying.

I know Voat hates the jews but Life Is Beautiful is one of my favourite movies and I think I need to re-watch it now.

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

At least Americans have guns, what hope is there to fight back without it?

IEDs are a thing. Just sayin'. They can never totally disarm a populace.

23018441? ago

Oooh, gotta find those EMP building instructions too.

Buff_Awesome ago

So far the government's of the English speaking world have only been exercising their power in response to the virus. Anything not related to the virus, they've been leaving alone. As long as they stick to focusing on the virus I would worry more about getting sick than the actions of the state. Yes, we do need to stay vigilant, as there are those out there who would take advantage of the situation to wield power unjustly, but in times of crisis the state's exercise of its power is not unwarranted.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

It's a battle for your mind and every time you consume the Electric Jew and feed off the fear porn, they get a little more of your mind. They feed off your negative energy, imagine how much negative energy is being generated on a global scale right now.

zxcvzxcv ago

Do not fear. It may seem like we are now teetering on the edge of a great cliff, looking down into the vast darkness below. As frightening as all of this may seem now, understand that humanity is about to learn they have wings to fly.

Darthjetta ago

The world is too big. Focus on your family. Thank God that you have health, a home, food, sleep, and love. There are souls out there without any of that. Lost without faith and hope. Thank God for these times because they have given light to things we took for granted. Things we forgot. Ways to adapt and to know how to do things around obstructions. Ignore the world. Stay with your family. Open a bible and see that sin is all around but there is hope. Even in mythology pandora opened the box of sin but a drop of hope was left to give people knowledge that all tough times bring light. We will walk high again, because we will know how low we have come from. Stay with God. Keep your head high.

beefartist ago

NOTHING has changed...perhaps other than your awareness. in the times of monarchy rulers changed all the time and the peasents (us, no offense) often barely felt the difference or were ever aware. Growing a strong, Christian family is one of the BEST things you can be doing to better the world. There won't be boots kicking in doors so don't concern yourself with it.

BjornIronside ago

SHe's in Australia. It's like the police state apparatus of the USSA, but without the civilian firearms.

beefartist ago

What is your point? What do you say that contradicts what I say? Even China doesn't have the manpower to kick in doors, STOP WATCHING THE FUCKING NEWS

KLDB ago

If you find yourself in a hole. First thing to do is stop digging. So worry and fear can be like when you put water in a pop bottle and shake it in circles upside down. Vortex forms and gets faster as more and more water empties. If you jolt it in either direction the vortex stops and water will just glug out. Or if the cap is on the water will just settle. You have to break your mental vortex and spiraling. You need to be able to jolt that mental spiraling so your mind can calm.

If you get a thought like "omg what if those brush fires triple in size." Interrupt it and say. I reject that thought! Or I banish that thought! Some people saying it in their head is enough. Some people saying it out loud is better. But you can control and field your thoughts and emotions by being aware of when a spiral can start. If you have panic about supplies you can say those lines or if you are a visual person imagine you taking your worry and beating it up with a bat. Image your fear as this big monster and you beat the shit out of it with a frying pan or a wooden spoon, clobber the thing to death. So whenever you can feel fear and worry rear their ugly heads just grab your spoon and think. You want to try and fuck with me again?!?!?!

You can do the opposite. When your husband says lockdown is not today, you say I accept that thought. Take the time to imagine things going back to the way you want them. Being safe to go out on that vacation and have bo worries. If you see other good news say I accept that, or smile and say it in your mind. Energy flows where attention goes. White candles help protect the home. Practice fire safety. Even a little white tealight places in a pan on your stove. Laughing also helps to dispel those ugly thoughts. But after you work hard at getting the fear and stress out, take some time imagining all the good things you want back into your life. When you banish, you must invoke.

Take our the bad thoughts, replace them with good and when you see that vortex spiral start, jolt the vortex before it starts spinning out of control.

You got this. You are strong.

475677 ago

If you want to fight the direction Australia is headed you need to make a big deal about our "guests" on social media. Take pictures of them down at the shops first thing in the morning. Show the reality of how the hordes of immigrants are making it impossible for locals to get the basic necessities of life. Take a trip to the ER if you're game and show how the shitskins are flooding the system which is going to make it impossible for us to ever get a bed. Show how the government and media are calling us racists for noticing. Show the blatant lies like the media converting "bus loads of asians going to supermakets" into actual buses that never eventuated making our racist claims invalid despite the fact hordes of chinks are using their own cars to travel and do exactly what has been claimed.

Constantly call it out their behavior and always refer to them as guests. This is important because you're going to get called a racist either way but because people will have to convert guest into shitskin they'll internalize shitskin = guest and when presented with constant streams of evidence and an inability to wipe their own arses they will hate to say it but admit those guests have overstayed their welcome all the same. You argue that reuniting them with their peoples and homelands will preserve their genetics and cultures where it matters most once coronachan has devastated them and if someone disagrees call them the racist for wanting to deprive the 3rd world of their best and brightest that we poached and should rightfully return. Say that since we imported them for peanuts and they don't want to let go of their slave that they should get their slaves to refer to them as master from now on and that you would prefer them to be masters of their own fate than subservient to a monster that would treat them in such a way.

You change the hearts and minds of those around you and they'll do the same. There's only 6 degrees of separation between us all and this virus shutting everything down is our best chance to get change in this nation. Sure the enemy sees it the same way and has the advantage of already being in power but this really could work in our favors just so long as we get the rest of the whites to see them as unwelcome guests first.

beefartist ago

TLDR NOTHING about social media is going to improve your life.

Locked_Account ago

You are an active player in the creation of reality. Dream a better dream, seek the light. It is.

Master_Foo ago

Sucks to be you. The preppers are having a fucking blast! I was hoping for zombies, but, I'll take what I can get!

Here, I'll give you a hint. If you didn't prep for Ragnarok, then think back to your tribal ancestors. It's not as far back as you think. 1,000 years max if you are white. Anyway, what don't you have that they didn't have? They did fine. So, quit whining and live a little.

Husband lost his job? Oh, man that sucks! I'm sure glad I have my 5 gallon buckets of freeze dried food!

23018258? ago

I once wished for the apocalypse/zompocalypse. Never really committed to prepping though. And now as a pregnant women with a toddler when the SHTF it's literally the worst position to be in. I'm probably gonna give birth to a zombie baby right when I need to be silent so the group doesn't get die.

Laugh if you want, I did at the women in my position when I watched zombie (etc) media back in the day.

Angryelectrician ago

I hope you are also so cavalier when the National Guard shows up to your doorstep to relieve you of your surplus.

Master_Foo ago

I'll just flash my combat patch and tell them where your house is.

beefartist ago

NEVER going to happen, fear faggot

An0m4ly ago

Stop freaking out and stay positive. You're making it worse

Plant_Boy ago

First off, I'm going to say the worst words you can say to a woman:

* Calm down. As you say, the distress of the government putting us all in lock-down might cause you a miscarriage.

* Be confident. You're doing a good job.

* Be wise. Some situations merit caution and you must use good judgement. Being caught up in the frenzy of What Ifs does you no good. Recognise sources for what they are and read things with a critical eye.

heygeorge ago

Acceptance of inability to control what is beyond your grasp. Just do the next right thing.

Deshy ago


heygeorge ago

I hope you and yours are doing ok. I’m not sure what your situation is, but we are now being told to stay home. All ‘non-essential’ work is to cease. Trying to make the best of it, stocked up on all the supplies we need to continue renovating. ;)

Deshy ago

Yes Sir, we are good, just pottering along. Trying to get organized, not getting caught up in the hype.

I fall into the ”essential work” category so I don’t get a holiday but freedom to travel. Just doing what you are doing... getting needed supplies, making others, and we are praising the Lord, leaning on Him for comfort and direction and just enjoying each other. What else can one do...

Have a beautiful day Sir :)

heygeorge ago

Yeah, I am also “essential”, but also going to lay low a bit (a lot) and use this as an opportunity to improve ourselves. The way I see it, the more we can get improved in this house, the freer we will be to share our time, talent, and treasure helping the community.

Deshy ago

Indeed Sir this is good advice to follow. An opportunity to improve is a wonderful way to look at it. A break from the machines to focus on tangible things that really matter. To fall asleep to the humdrum of the crazy drummer trying to organize our steps and to awaken to the melodic breeze of life, love and digging a deep well to be filled with what is good and not empty distractions.

All this is a blessing with the right glasses on! :)

heygeorge ago

I was told loonnnnng ago that blessings frequently come in the most peculiar disguise. The last 5-6 years of my life seemingly prove that over and over again. I’ll be damned if I don’t make the best with what I have.

Deshy ago

❤️ this!

LettItBurn ago

As in America, your ancestors spread out across the continent and conquered a land of primitive savages, wild beasts and untamed nature. Women were the backbone of their pioneering families then and still are today. We've just become too complacent and soft with the easy lives our ancestors gifted us with. Accept the fact that disaster can happen at any moment, but also know that you come from a line of the greatest, most resilient people that have ever lived on earth. Take solace in the fact that you can and will endure any hardship that may come. That's your nature.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

pro comment.

MrPank ago

Soft as fucking butter.

Right on though, man. We were made for dealing with the worse and overcoming it.

AnmanIndustries ago

Americans have guns... bushfires... Australia? PM me if yes, I may be able to share some things with you.

TAThatBoomerang ago

@OneOfTheboys Just want to remind you to not let fear cloud your judgement. I have no reason to believe that specifically user AnmanInd[...] has ill intent, but Voat is a honeypot.

AnmanIndustries ago

Most people who have ill intent tend to say that to me. However this usually comes after a garbage vomit of posts.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I don't get you last question.... How could you fight with guns? Instructions are pretty simple. Ask God for serenity to accept the things you cannot change. The best mom's are constant bastions of strength. Worry diminishes your srength. You do not worry about the things you are actively handling, instead, you anticipate and react correctly to them.

Death_in_June ago

stress kills, certain temporary stresses are healthy, but long term constant stress will take years off your life. it's good to use what is called the "zoom in, zoom out" technique. Just as you can zoom in and focus on certain problems, you can also zoom out and take a broader look at things.

remember as long as you have food and your family you have everything. in this time you need to be able to keep a level head in order to set the example for your child and support your husband. take things one day at a time, and take problems on one at a time.

i'm very sorry to hear your husband probably lost his job. that's a major blow, but you guys can recover from that if you keep the right spirit. like i said as long as you guys are alive and have enough to eat that's a good start.

GothsInksTattoo ago

You need to be mentally stronger for the sake of your children and husband. You all need to be strong because you all feed off each other's energy. Google; "the story of two wolves" . Read it daily and really think about what it is saying.

MrPim ago

The world is going to shit - full NWO worst case scenario and I can't think of anything I can do to stop it. What my children think of us for letting this happen? At least Americans have guns, what hope is there to fight back without it? But how could I if I had guns?

You can't do anything about what is going to happen in the larger sense. You must let that idea go. None of us know what is going to happen, and as individuals we cant stop whatever is coming. You can only deal with your immediate surroundings and immediate concerns. Your family being the largest of course. You need to destress. Im going to suggest you meditate. Others will suggest you pray, but I dont pray(or, I havent in a very long time and the new world hasnt made me...yet). But either way. Meditation can bring a calm which prayer never gave me. Its a way to clear the mind, slow the heartbeat, lower your blood pressure, and bring focus to the mind. If you have never meditated I can give you some good links I think. And obviously if you prefer prayer, do that instead or as well.

Let go of the idea that any of us here can really do anything except deal w our immediate concerns. We can't so it's useless baggage. Godspeed goat.

23018155? ago

I have meditated a long time ago, links would be appreciated. I will try to pray but I have not been close to God lately, and it doesn't always calm me either.

Thanks goat.

MrPim ago

I quite literally just a second ago finished writting and posting MrPims guide to how to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

Take care of yourself.