kkkrystal ago

No! Women who falsely accuse men of rape are making it hard for women.

ConquistadorCoronado ago

Anyone have a link to the list of strategies?

to_go_to_bed_forever ago

LOL you reap what you sow.

thebearfromstartrack ago

The whores are promoting chastity now? This is "have your cake and eat it too". When you have NO virtue, you PAY that price. NO DEFENSE.Ignorance of the law is NO excuse.

Walk1 ago

The feminists will assume and take on traditionalist values when it suits their purposes and needs, but in reality they are just trying to undermine systems of traditional values for the most part.

24601_JeanValJean ago

little bit o' Handmaid's Tale...

PuritySpiral ago

I'm so sick and tired of hearing about that TV Show.

24601_JeanValJean ago

I was referring to the book actually.

Mind_Games ago

Until more states adopt the San Fransisco approach and use government FORCE to put women in positions they don't deserve and didn't earn.

Palindromedan ago

Just like trannies in women’s sports, the liberal agenda comes full circle. It’s so far left it finally becomes right :D

Hydrocephalus ago

The trad way of life didn't exist because people planned it out in advance, it is a natural result of the way men and women act and interact. Nontrad is a bubble that was supported by an aggressive campaign of propaganda, but eventually it will collapse back into trad life.

riffwraff ago

Bloomberg basically admits women can only get ahead in business by either sexually or politically attacking men. I don't think they realized the implications of it when they wrote it.

7e62ce85 ago

Anyone ready to join the side that "hates women" are welcome here: /v/emergencynation/2130938

(It's a joke, I think we treat women with more respect in the end than feminists)

Le_Squish ago

How will the skanks blackmail and sleep their way into positions of power now?

Rawrination ago

Pull a Disney and don't hire employees, but instead CAST MEMBERS playing a ROLE. Then just discriminate to your hearts content with the casting direction for the role.

15871962? ago


They may actually have to work and earn their positions.

spaceman84 ago




Jarg ago

“Go home.” There I fixed it.

GoatsnHoes1 ago

I don't think being believed is necessarily a bad thing. Yes, you have some women who lie, and I think that they should be punished for it.

But the way it used to be, if you got raped or something bad happened to you, you wouldn't even go to the cops because why. It's not like they would do anything. Now I guess it's different. I feel like small women can feel a little safer knowing that men fear punishment. I'm not saying all men are rapists, not at all. I am just admitting that there are rapists. And I think it's nice that now they have consequences. Next step is to get laws in place to punish the women who lie, and by doing so make everyone look bad.

15871077? ago

There have always been harsh consequences for rapists.

The difference is that some sort of proof used to be required to proceed with a rape accusation. Torn clothing, bruising, defense wounds, anything that proved there was a struggle.

To me, this is fair. The last thing I want for my son is for some scorned woman coming out of the woodwork attempting to destroy his life for an unrequited love offense.

GoatsnHoes1 ago

That's why I think there should be punishment for women liars. I don't know exactly the laws. And I think the whole coming out twenty years later is bullshit. A lot of the whole me too thing is attention garnering women.

I just think that, torn clothing or bruises or not, police didn't used to have a habit of believing women at all. Even if they said they did they wouldn't do anything. Now they sort of have to.

But spiteful women who lie must be punished. It has to go both ways. The whole system breaks down otherwise, as we see in your post, men being afraid to be around women lest they get accused. There needs to be some sort of balance. I am not sure how to advocate for this, however. I would have thought it amounts to slander, but apparently we need specific laws to deter these women from false rape claims. I am not a lawyer, I would just like to see justice served.

15871923? ago

I'd be fully onboard with having false accusers receiving the same penalty that they tried to inflict on the victim of the false allegation.

CustardsLastStand ago

You can only push us men so much before we just up and leave...

...then they hilariously try to shame us for leaving.

OmarComin ago

I'm sure you giving up on getting laid has been a true loss for women everywhere.

ForTheUltimate ago

Either we play or the muslims play.

But we choose the game.

Delacourt ago

Link to original tweet: https://twitter.com/bopinion/status/1069754933925330945?lang=en

Share your opinion there

Phantom42 ago

Your average woman/girl is truly a worthless and wretched thing.

theoldones ago

"are you just shy or something?"

-screeching unfuckable harpy

Survival_gluten ago

So it's hard on women, because they can't be hard on men and ruin their lives? Lots of men have built a shield to fend off toxic femininity

celestial-skylord ago

Even Uncle Ben taught Spider-man that with great power comes great responsibility. Just because you can shoot yourself in the foot doesn't mean you should.

15870496? ago

2019 is going to be incredible.

Happy New Year to you as well, friend. <3

15870384? ago

2018- The year thot patrolling began in earnest.

jewsbadnews ago

New York has already started with their muslim patrol cars.

stealthninjataliban ago

love it!!

SearchVoatBot ago

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SushiMasa ago

Men should not have female colleagues. Women should be making babies and cleaning house.

Broc_Lia ago

Women should be making babies and cleaning house.

Traditional women's work was far far more expansive than just that. Whole industries were dominated by women, they were just industries suited to women's niche of low strength work with flexible time slots.

0fsgivin ago

Oh don't worry they are prepared. Men can never be allowed to "win"

“If men avoid working or traveling with women alone, or stop mentoring women for fear of being accused of sexual harassment,” he said, “those men are going to back out of a sexual harassment complaint and right into a sex discrimination complaint.”

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

Sex discrimination is hard to prove. The employer pretty much has to state he isnt hiring them based on sex. I think you should be allowed to discriminate though...

475677 ago

If I were an employer that had a sexual discrimination case filed on me I'd claim I don't even look at the names on applications as I want to hire based on merit alone and then offer a single employee a raise to testify that they feel like a woman on the inside and that the workplace has been nothing but accepting of them.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

Yeah blind hiring is a feminist nightmare. Men have so much "male privilege" that we actually get more interviews when employers dont know the sex of the applicant.

475677 ago

Feminists never wanted equality. That was just a lie they told to extend the matriarchy as far as possible. Unfortunately for women they're essentially niggers and didn't have the ability to see the logical conclusion of their actions being such a separation of the genders that both sides will have no choice but to look out for their own and seeing as how women can't work together to achieve anything it would result in men in the workplace and women on welfare.

It's going to be interesting in 20-30 years from now when that's the case. The whole fuck white males and their privilege is going to ring more true than ever and the women who submit to them despised for having it all. It's going to take 100 years for the harpies to die off but since they won't breed all that will be left are traditional values and the history books that show how feminism failed. All we need is for multiculturalism to be seen the same way and the world will return back to sanity.

Marku1 ago

yeah yeah, waman think they are so smart, i now identify as a wamYn and fuck all can you do

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

That will likely result in a difficult discussion of wanting to avoid potential liability for the company resulting in additional liability for the company. I suspect it will only compound the issue further or result in new company structures filled with mostly contractors communicating over messenger / video conferencing at remote geographic locations.

theoldones ago

if you codified gender segregation for the most part, into the companies legal backbone, it might be re-enforceable.

if the government says to hire women, ask them to grant you money just to cover the extra legal costs, for the poundmetoo liability.

Chad88 ago

If that means more people can work for big companies and not live in urban hell maybe that’s not so bad.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

And they act as if that's not a full time job.

Being a wife and mother is work

SushiMasa ago

They are if you actually cook clean and parent.

Mind_Games ago

They have to be taught how to cook (not toss some boxed up pre-packaged trash into a microwave) , properly clean (proper hygiene for the self and the environment WITH the knowledge of why these are necessary) , and raising a child used to be passed down from parent to child, now these kids want to get their "info" from any quack who puts their opinion to print or the boob tube. These are the bases of culture. Jews have worked tirelessly for almost 100 years to destroy each of these aspects ...and while society is busy chasing the shekel, they don't even realize that every "convenience" wasn't created for their leisure but for their capture.

Broc_Lia ago

Well, just those two alone aren't, but when you count in all the other work of running a household/farmstead it certainly is.