T0000009 ago

May want to let all those traditional women know that, what with all the paternity fraud going on, or does it only count when men do it?? Granted with all the single mums out there time sharing their bad boy convicts it's so hard for a dame to find the time to get to church theses days. Do lety me know when women start taking responsibility... for ANYTHING!

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Have you lost your virginity? Honest question

T0000009 ago

I've cheated on a lot of hot chicks, and had they not been so frigid and lazy it could have been avoided.

Sosacms ago

A partner that gets fat is the same a partner that stops bathing. It's displeasing to the senses. Being too fat pretty much covers both.

Not to mention what it says about them as an individual, the effort they are willing to put into the relationship, and the best them they are willing to be for their partner.

monkeytennis ago

Pretty sure the number one reason men cheat / have affairs is they are unfulfilled in the bedroom. Sex once every 6 months just isn't going to cut it, and I don't understand the mentality of women who get married and then expect everything to be fine. Go over on reddit and women will be OUTRAGED that you expect a wife to have sex with her husband regularly.

Its such a basic point that I think the bible has passages about it.

9793994? ago

Yes, 1 Corinthians 7 is the verse you're thinking of.

monkeytennis ago

Knew it. Shit its even rather egalitarian in nature:

The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.

Its almost as if a group of people worked out a basic blueprint for how to create a stable society and not fuck it up, and wrote all that knowledge down in a book...

9794077? ago

Yup, agree 100%.

arnalek ago

SaveTheChildren wasn't me. That fucker did more harm than help.

Are you pretending trannies aren't an issue online? You imply i have anything other than negative feelings towards the pathetic degenerate cross-dressers. Fuckin SJW's everywhere

RoundWheel ago

Everyone likes to lie and self delude based on romantic notions of love. Pop culture is inundated with unrealistic romantic ideals which are typically driven by consumerism or commercial purposes. They don't care for you, your long term happiness, or marriage. All they care is they sold you a product or bill of goods. Yet the simple fact is, no matter how self deluded one likes to be, a couple is together for genetic procreation. Everything else is icing and societal constructs. Men are biologically driven to impregnate women. Many women. Women are biologically driven to create a safe environment for child-rearing. Men commit resources to make this happen. Women commit themselves as a resource to make this happen. Any romantic sauce you wish to place on top of that is fine, but it doesn't change biological needs. Men have sexual needs.

Feminists fought to hide several studies which conclude the second most common reason for extra-martial activity is caused by the women of the house. If you're not providing another women will. If he's already inclined to look elsewhere he might as well upgrade if possible. Especially if you're already incompatible with significant dedication of resources (money, time, sex, house, food, and quality within each). Wildly unpopular to admit, especially with feminists screeching or insecure women talking, but if your man is stepping out and money is not a primary factor, then it's probably your fault. Of course, reasonable caveats apply. Like assuming he's not a scumbag and actually cares to participate in a loving marriage.

Simply put, taking care of your man includes servicing him frequently. This includes you initiating. Imagine your husband telling his boss that he's, "not in the mood", today. Imagine he repeatedly says this week after week, month after month. Might this screw up his career? We all know he would not have a career. Traditional ladies, this is part of your job description. If you're not satisfying your husband, you are failing are your most basic job. You are a career failure. You will be replaced by a "worker" who is happy to be on the job. With that means re-allocation of resources.

I know this isn't romantic to hear. But it's the truth. The question to is, are you a good investment for your husband's resources? If you're offended, the answer is already, "no." Think about it.

T0000009 ago

Be careful... They will call you a beta bitch around here for lobbing truth bombs and dealing in cold hard facts

RoundWheel ago

They've been receptive to me. It's not been down voted. Even though it wasn't widly up voted I'm sure it was read. The fact they didn't down vote means they know it's alpha truth even if they might not like hearing it.

T0000009 ago

Only because you salivate over them, and kiss their ass. And no broad like the truth, it's why they blame men for everything.

9803648? ago

I thought it was a solid comment. My only problem with it is that it came late and didn't become the top comment.

RoundWheel ago

That's why you're running the show. ;)

Keep up the good work. It's so profoundly important to fight back against the harm which has been hoisted upon us all. Women really have been victimized by society. Just not in the way mainstream tells it.

Thank you.

9803883? ago

Thank you. I'm looking forward to more of your commentary in the future.

bikergang_accountant ago

It's also his fault. /v/traditionalhusbands. Stand by your girl. No exceptions.

9792698? ago


arnalek ago

I lost my virginity at 13 with like i said, eventually my first wife. If you weren't fucking at 13 then you had to been a fuckin loser.

arnalek ago

I don't wish that, I just would enjoy it again. I wonder what kind of pathetic childhood you had

arnalek ago

If i were 13 again i would fuck the shit out of 13 year old pussy. That was a fun time in life where politics, jews, and SRS wasn't on my radar

RestrictedNigger ago

Yeah i had a fun as a teenager. I didn't sit in my room and become an SRS SJW like you who takes jokes out of context and shit on the very definition of humor. You are literally the least funny voater this site has ever seen

RestrictedNigger ago

Says the guy who is literally on the sex offender registry for pedophilia. It's obvious you are in Israel or some muslim country since you aren't in jail yet.

Shepherdess ago

This goes not just for weight but with personal neatness and dress too. Sure around the house you have the intimacy for hair in a bun and yoga pants... but when you go out put forth an effort not to look like a frazzled cat lady. Or as my granny used to say "Never force your husband to be seen with the woman whose been raising his chickens."

Sosacms ago

Not just for him but yourself too. Getting dressed well and ready for the day is great for mental health. Same with having a clean house.

Society may put too much focus on the financial aspect of quality of life but there are many ways to improve the quality of life.

9792486? ago

"Never force your husband to be seen with the woman whose been raising his chickens."


RestrictedNigger ago

If doxxing can be done on Discord then it's up to the SRS shills like you to prove it. We already have documented evidence the admin supports SRS and lets a tranny code and have access to all of our IP's. So if anyone gets doxxed again it's going to happen on voat once more.

This site isn't safe in the slightest, and now it's public knowledge that shills are the ones pulling the strings here.

RestrictedNigger ago

All you can think about is homosexuality. Pretty telling.

RestrictedNigger ago

See kevin, If you weren't a beta virgin cuck you would understand 13 year olds fuck. I lost my virginity at 13 with my ex wife and i fucked like a rabbit until I was 20.

If i could go back to being 13 again i would. I didn't say i would fuck 13 year olds.

Not everyone is pedophile like yourself and your buddies, so you interpreted it in a way that is relevant to your experience. It's obvious you are a pedo and protect pedos who moderate /v/Pizzagate

RestrictedNigger ago

Did you dox anyone with your admin buddies on voat?

9792234? ago

He types like a jealous fatty.

arnalek ago

the only thing that is fat is my dick and balls. I didn't much care but I am going to start a discussion regarding you and this sub. I think voaters deserve to know that trannies are larping all over this site to fuck with conservatives. Every right-wing sub looks and acts like satire. It's obvious that the only jealous people here are you mentally ill homosexuals who are attracted to things that hate or kill you.

9792171? ago


wrok-wrok ago

Don't you love how the man child @MightyYetGentle1488 goes through an upvoats his own and his alt-accounts posts?

I love knowing @MightyYetGentle1488 and @Dangus are having tantrums IRL.

RestrictedNigger ago

I don't upvoat myself. That's for SBBH and /v/RidersOfTheReich, which 2 of their main users are conveniently in here at the same time, one seems to have snagged a mod position.

I love how defensive you guys are over your tranny overlord.

wrok-wrok ago


9792149? ago

He's a mess but yes, it's hilarious watching them meltdown.

9792068? ago

Some beautiful women make the mistake of thinking that being pretty is enough and put forth little to no effort in the bedroom.

0110001111 ago

Most women I know these days cant/wont cook for their SO, barely clean around the house, and pawn off every responsibility to their husbands as soon as they can. But hey, the excuse is that they're tired after work, which explains why as always, the man gets to bear the grunt of responsibilities, under the same fucking conditions. Women these days, also generally seem to exagerate much more than they used to. I have never counted doing laundry as a 3 hour task, because like most sane individuals, I dont count the machine's wash cycles as "work". And you see this crap over and over again in many facets of a relationship. When a woman wants sex, the man has to be ready and able on demand, but dont you dare expect a woman to have to abide to the same conditions in reverse, thats just sexist!! /s

Womb_Raider ago

Eh, kinda lame to put responsibility on the woman, though. Yeah, she should stay in decent shape and etc... but if she lets herself go, let the relationship go. No need to make excuses for bad behavior

we_kill_creativity ago

If a guy let's a marriage go she gets half his shit regardless.

Womb_Raider ago

Better pick a good fuckin' woman if you're going to make that kind of fiscal commitment. I think the laws surrounding marriage are a bit ridiculous in general, not just divorce.

gardening ago

My libido will wax and wane due to stress, sleep and other factors. When it happens to be high and me and my wife are being intimate multiple times a week (we're both in our 20s), other females become invisible to me.

Sosacms ago

Never really understood cheating. If I'm going to put that much effort and sexual energy towards someone, it's going to be the girl I know I'll enjoy and well practiced with.

9791651? ago

You've got yourself a great wife.

EarlPoncho ago

i was watching my 600 pound life with my mom a few months back. long story short this guy started cheating on his planet and my mom just says "of course he is why would anyone stay with that thing?"

9791139? ago

Oh, I saw that episode. It was the cow that laid in bed smearing make up on her face. Barf. Also, good on your mom.

EarlPoncho ago

yeah they were both mexicans or some sort of beaner. she was one of the most hideous people ive ever seen

9791150? ago

Did you see the last episode with the two brothers? They may have been worse actually.

EarlPoncho ago

it's weird ive only seen 3 episodes and yes that was one of the ones ive seen

Master_Foo ago

I haven't seen any of the episodes and from what everyone is telling me, I shouldn't bother.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

Same thing can be said for husbands. If you want to stay happy just give more oral

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Yeah see i knew this sub was going to pander to the degenerate crowd considering a fucking tranny created the sub. Yall are getting your infomation from a mentally ill pervert who wishes a man would treat him like a conservative woman.

wrok-wrok ago

woaaah so edgy

9791197? ago

Oh, sanegoat. LOL

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Nope. Still no defense huh? How does it feel to be easily called ouot tranny faggot

9791313? ago

Sanegoat, how much do you get paid per word these days? I'm guessing that you haven't gotten a raise in quite a while.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

If I'm sanegoat then you are @transbackpacker.

Who would possibly pay me to redpill a small demographic of voaters who believe this is a legitimate sub? I'm here because you are a tranny faggot and your little delusions and LARPing is fucking pathetic.

9791373? ago

Everyone knows you're sanegoat. How does it feel to have failed miserably and have putt remove you from your subs. LOL

Dangus ago

lmao i just noticed you flaired beatle.

Yeah this sub is absolutely a joke. Tranny running it with homosexuals modding it. This is a satire sub.

Dangus ago


If SRS has stopped calling me sanegoat then you know they have nothing to prove it. Did you miss your SRS memo you tranny faggot?

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

Do you not agree that its the husbands job to keep the wife happy and wife's job to keep the husband happy?

Tallest_Skil ago

No one gives a shit about your fallacy. Your implication is that the only way to do this is [list of X degenerate things]. You're definitionally wrong.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

Good luck being lonely

Tallest_Skil ago


Yes, kill yourself. Thanks for playing.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

How is keeping ypur wife/husband happy being a degenerate?

Tallest_Skil ago

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

yeah but oral sex is irrelevant to a good relationship. Plus if females knew what semen actually was they wouldnt put it in their mouth.

Memorexem ago

So, now you're claiming that females don't know what semen is? Really? Are they not allowed in those HS health classes anymore or something?

Tallest_Skil ago

Try so much harder, you fucking degenerate shill. No one gives a fuck about your loaded questions.

Memorexem ago

Plus if females knew what semen actually was they wouldnt put it in their mouth.

To which:

So, now you're claiming that females don't know what semen is?


I didn't say females dont know what semen is...

And after:

Semen is the same as blood just a different color.

And I replied:

When you can use semen in a blood transfusion, you lemme know.

Where's my loaded questions, faggot? Hmmm? You're resorting to shotgunning your arguments as much as possible, lately, trying to pin anything anywhere. Getting tired? Tsk. You need some stamina, boyo.

Tallest_Skil ago

Where's my loaded questions, faggot?


So, now you're claiming that females don't know what semen is?

Here's one.

When you can use semen in a blood transfusion, you lemme know.

And here's another. And there were more.

You're resorting to shotgunning

I'm resorting to nothing. You don't seem to know what's going on here and can't reply to anything he's actually saying, so you invent strawman responses in an attempt to redirect the conversation.

Memorexem ago

Well guy, that was one question questing what was actually said. He said females don't know what's actually in sperm, and I asked if he thought they weren't allowed in high school health classes. Hardly loaded.

The second thing there was what's called a 'retort'. It was erroneously claimed that "Semen is the same as blood, without the colour" implying that, yes indeedy, he would logically believe it could be used in place of blood.

You're not quite yourself tonight, brudda. You need to center yourself, take a nice shower, hey! Might as well clean that sand out of your vagina while you're there.

I'll be here, after you're all loofahed up.

Tallest_Skil ago

He said females don't know what's actually in sperm, and I asked if he thought they weren't allowed in high school health classes. Hardly loaded.

It is, since you're not taught that in a fucking high school health class. Holy shit, women have no idea what's in it. Most men don't.

implying that


You're not quite yourself tonight, brudda.

I know of no prior interaction with you, so there's no reason for you to have this impression.

I'll be here, after you're all loofahed up.

No amount of time would be enough for you to have an actual argument. Enjoy your diseases.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I didn't say females dont know what semen is, i said most don't realize that it's worse then drinking raw blood. Semen is the same as blood just a different color. Also it carries more germs etc. than blood. Semen is the same as blood except it's like when you urinate in the morning and have a build-up of all the toxins in your body infused in it.

gardening ago

@Empress Definitely a 13 year old.

Dangus ago

Semen Composition: The semen travels through the ejaculatory ducts and mixes with fluids from the seminal vesicles, the prostrate, and the bulbourethral glands.

The seminal vesicles produce a viscous, fructose-rich fluid forming around 65-70% of the semen base.

The white color of the semen is due to secretion from the prostate glands containing enzymes, citric acid, lipids, and acid phosphatase. This forms around 25-30% of the semen base.

At each ejaculation around 200-500 million sperms are released by the testes. This forms about 2-5% of the semen composition.

Apart from these, the bulbourethral glands produce a clear secretion. This helps in mobility of the sperm cells in the vagina and cervix. The glands’ secretion contribute less than 1% to the overall semen composition.

The semen comprises of:

ascorbic acid
blood group antigens, citric acid, DNA. Magnesium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, uric acid, lactic acid, nitrogen, other nutrients

When you swallow semen you are swallowing the most concentrated "dirty" blood the male body produces. Would you drink someone's blood if they hooked an IV to their arm? Then why would you drink semen?

Also i wish i was 13, think of all that tight poon I could have another go at.

gardening ago

Everything you listed can be safely consumed via oral route unless that person carries a transmissible viral pathogen, which is transmitted during intercourse anyway.

RestrictedNigger ago

You can drink blood too and not die. That isn't my point.

9791487? ago

His parents need to take away his electronics and get him into sports.

Memorexem ago


I daresay you've reached a new level, today. It's not, and I'm starting to worry your words aren't as, uh, paid as I thought before.

When you can use semen in a blood transfusion, you lemme know. Until then... Y'know, I'm not even going to throw in that last jab at you. You're obviously going to have a tough day ahead of you, starting up this early.

Good luck, Chuck.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

When you can use semen in a blood transfusion, you lemme know.

Nice logic you fuckin retard. Keep drinking blood, i mean semen.

9791764? ago

Pulling out all your alts today, sanegoat. Sad.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

If this site didn't pander to SRS and brigaders i could use one account. All you are doing is pointing out this site is not about free speech.

9791866? ago

God, do not keep silent. Do not be deaf, God; do not be idle. 2 See how Your enemies make an uproar; those who hate You have acted arrogantly.[a] 3 They devise clever schemes against Your people; they conspire against Your treasured ones. 4 They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.” 5 For they have conspired with one mind; they form an alliance[b] against You— 6 the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites, 7 Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre. 8 Even Assyria has joined them; they lend support[c] to the sons of Lot.[d]Selah 9 Deal with them as You did with Midian, as You did with Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River. 10 They were destroyed at En-dor; they became manure for the ground. 11 Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb, and all their tribal leaders like Zebah and Zalmunna, 12 who said, “Let us seize God’s pastures for ourselves.” 13 Make them like tumbleweed, my God, like straw before the wind. 14 As fire burns a forest, as a flame blazes through mountains, 15 so pursue them with Your tempest and terrify them with Your storm. 16 Cover their faces with shame so that they will seek Your name Yahweh. 17 Let them be put to shame and terrified forever; let them perish in disgrace. 18 May they know that You alone— whose name is Yahweh— are the Most High over all the earth.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Now this tranny is quoting the bible lmao

9791912? ago

This story has been told before.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

I got a story to tell as well and since there is a large number of users who don't realize you are a mentally ill degenerate pervert I'm going to stick in your sub more than i have. I think the users need to know when they are being tricked.

9791957? ago

Just say a prayer with me.

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Fuck off tranny. Mocking the lord is a good way to get a first-class ticket to hell. Jesus can't save your ass.

9791986? ago

Jesus saves anyone who goes to Him. That's the beauty of Christ. The way you feel now, so angry, irritable, upset, and hateful- it all goes away if you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

Lol. Looks like you swallowed the kosher pill. Jesus was a warrior and commanded us to cleanse the land of filth like you. You cannot manipulate people, dress up as a woman and pretend you have a vagina, engage in degenerate activity, allow demons to enter your conscience, steer believers astray, and expect to be saved. It doesn't work like that princess.

You will burn for eternity in lakes of fire and brimstone and it will be very real. Enjoy.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

Oral sex is irrelevant until your SO is trying to get it somewhere else

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

I would never put effort into a thot. I've never had to worry about get cheated on because I choose good women.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

They only stay good if you keep them happy

Dangus ago

Making a woman suck my dick and eating her pussy isn't the foundation of a healthy relationship. It only sounds good if you are a virgin teen or a degenerate.

I've never had a problem keeping my women happy but I also haven't dated the lowest hanging fruit.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

Im not saying oral sex is the foundation of a relationship. Sex and money are the 2 major things that cause divorce. If the sex is horrible are not there then the other person will find it somewhere else.

Dangus ago

I wouldn't know i never dated a slut. My experience is different in that my last 2-3 girlfriends didn't have an interest in spreading their legs somewhere else if i didnt fuck them every day. A good woman, the theme of this sub, doesn't base her life on sex and how much dick she needs to get.

That is why this sub is a fucking joke, a tranny runs it so it makes sense.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

OMG. You couldnt have missed the point more if ypur tried.

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

No, the point is this sub pushing oral sex as a necessity for a healthy relationship is bullshit and indicative of what the true motives are. This sub is like TRP. TRP is ran by militant homosexuals who try to convince young men to stop having interests in women and treat them like a prostitute and lift weight with your gay bros.

This sub is ran by a mentally ill transsexual where degenerates roleplay at something they will never be: normal.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

I have no idea how you got that frpm the post but whatever

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

From the comments moron. And the sub owner agreeing with it.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

Then block the sub

Bacchus_GodOfWine ago

So this tranny can operate without anyone knowing why the sub is around? This is literally one of the most pathetic subs. You guys are listening to a TRANNY on how to be a conservative woman. Voat is becoming what it always stood against.

hey_girls_pm_me_toes ago

then argue with them then dumbass. All im saying and have been saying is that if your wife isn't happy she will leave you. God fucking damn it you thick headed nigger fags think you are perfect in every fucking way.

RestrictedNigger ago

[–] hey_girls_pm_me_toes 4 points (+4|-0) 1.8 hours ago

"Same thing can be said for husbands. If you want to stay happy just give more oral"

then argue with them then dumbass

The irony is hilarious. My point is if oral sex is the basis of your relationship then you have no idea what you are doing and you deserve the shitty women you find.

9791074? ago

Indeed. Spouses need to stay attractive for each other.

Dortex ago

And thus the Naked Apron took Japan by storm.

Sosacms ago

The naked apron took everyone by storm. It's one of the classics.

9791012? ago

TIL- had no idea. Ty.

Slayfire122 ago

Hmm. Maybe I could try that with my utility belt once I find a wife.