heygeorge ago

Psst... Beatle is fuckin' witchu.

Dangus ago

is that code word for homosexuals? IDK your lingo faggot. Peace.

Dangus ago

tl;dr, kys

RestrictedNigger ago

Yeah that is you. Every time you get confronted you just stop responding. If you weren't in this SRS sub where it's a literal circle-jerk you would be a lot more fuckin quiet. Everyone knows you as a pussy who hides when things get too meta. We know why too.

I'm done talking to you for now. I always get dissapointed in myself after talking to you because I know i would never talk to a beta faggot like you irl, you are filler for reality. You remind me of that quote i heard recently.

Some faggot who spends all his time on the internet and in games lost everything in his life but still used the internet every day and he said "I'm doing so good with my internet life but my real life sucks"

Then he killed himself.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Hilarious as usual Kev, A for Affort.

Would your Rabbi approve of you running this sub? Even if you are subverting goyim, i don't think your elders would appreciate the manner in which you operate.

I think i may send an anonymous tip to your sinagogue

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

You had a front page post on Voat like a month ago where you screen shotted shit you were doing on reddit retard.

heygeorge ago


MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Typical SRS witch hunt. If you are going to link my profile you better give some upvotes faggot.


I noticed you deleted all your comments from this year, which is a shame because they were comments not removed from TD that was redpills.

SeanBox ago

Common tactic for the left is to accuse others of what you are in fact doing yourselves.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

That's exactly what this sub is. It's jews and gays mocking Nazis.

TH3_1D10T ago


What did mighty do?

Mick ago

Tex is SJW confirmed.

TH3_1D10T ago

For those of us who won't click the link, please elaborate.