srayzie ago

clamhurt_legbeard ago



srayzie ago

It’s because of this. You should go read that whole thread. This chick has issues.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol wow

this crazy is prolific

srayzie ago

She was a nice Christian lady. I thought! Satan tool hold of the broad!

Shizy ago

I LOVE the rules here!

kestrel9 ago

This is great thanks. Trolls need to have their Trail of Tears posts showcased. They work their alts so hard for the thankless job of whinebagging and wailing up the WALLS of text they build.

Crensch ago

A SECOND Wailing Wall here

srayzie ago

@MolochHunter we now have a place to send liars, manipulators, and whiners 😂

We can politely direct them to take their complaint to TheWailingWall to be Crensched.

MolochHunter ago

lol his 21 rules are hilarious

kestrel9 ago

He forgot 'No NPCs' but they don't think rules apply to them so it doesn't make much difference.

srayzie ago

I know 😂

srayzie ago

I am proudly your first subscriber.

kestrel9 ago

I thought it was me lol, only one suscriber when I signed on.

srayzie ago

I see 3 now

srayzie ago

Ohhh this is awesome!

You need some css with THIS on your side bar! @Clamhurt_Legbeard

We have a place to send whiners now...
@Kestrel9 @Shizy @Think- @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

Nice! The bloody carcass under the raptor talons is a nice touch.

srayzie ago

I didn’t notice that lol