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srayzie ago

Was the image link “Our Potus on Fire” here before the post was deleted? If so, I think in the future, a post like this should not be deleted. The link is showing others that Trump was going to be on 60 minutes. However, it would be better if more than an image link was provided. I think it’s still acceptable tho.


@ArtistiqueJewelry - The mod may not have known that an image link showing that Trump would be acceptable. He has no reason to want that censored.

Since when have I ever censored you? OWI got banned after several warnings when he attacked you. I have always been fair with you when attacked. So I think it’s rude to act as tho this subverse censors “more than Facebook.”

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

@MolechHunter srayzie, I was saying that Immediately when I got banned.

I see others speak their minds, generally in a disrespectful manner, yet they get by with it. I stand up for myself and. . .

I was making it Clear that facebook allowed this to run when I posted it last night because they didn't remove it; therefore, it was Fact that it was deleted here, but not there.

I can't change fact. I have always called a spade a spade and yes. . .this makes many hate me! Used to it, but I don't like muddied facts. I want it straight no matter how putrid!

Quite used to the pig lot and putrid. . .Still Preferred to the Fake Facade and expected ego stroking or ignoring the Facts in order to "fit in!"

No thanks!

This poses a problem for those who want and Do straddle the fence! Rules should Not be Posted, nor a pretense of adhering to them. . .if there won't be an effort to follow through.

Thus Obama's "fake line in the sand." Thus the tampering and efforts to Destroy our Constitution. . That's anarchy. . .exactly what controllers want!

If there isn't to be a Standard of law or rules. . .they shouldn't be posted!

All should have to abide by the Same Said rules or the bias is Glaring!

We've all stayed silent too long while taking abuse! We don't like it when we see the same methods still being employed.

Yes, I thought it was unfair Because others on this board, prior to reddit joiners, wasn't saying you, have falsely accused me, called me vile names and viciously attacked, been verbally abusive when I have Never called names or attacked Anyone. Never prompted, never trolled, even succumbed to giving them upvotes as practically mandated Only for me, not for them. I have engaged and been kind to the haters. Never reciprocated and from what I could see, was not demanded of them as it Was for me! I don't think it should be demanded on either side BTW, just pointing out the blatant dichotomy.

I was always told in so many words, "that was just how it was," after people attacked then tattled on me when they couldn't bully me to do their bidding.

Also told I better buck up and be willing to take the abuse in so many words, that it was like a type of boot camp and that's just how it was. Breaking people in.


I get that. . .the unfairness comes in where they can break the rules set forth stating that posters weren't allowed to attack others. . but I Wasn't allowed to Say a word about it or stand up for myself without being given stipulations when I was the One Attacked. . .not them!

Stipulations of being forced to engage on other posts, even though people didn't have to (nor should they be forced) on my posts. Very totalitarian as many times I get zero responses to comments and that is fine (I don't want people forced).
Not sure why I was being singled out and Forced in order to submit research, when this was a board claiming to be about Q and Q encouraged people to go deeper. . .seek out info as we have More than we Know. Odd, or is it?

OWI attacked numerous times and had a posse after me. They even called you out at the end. Yes, you stood up then and weren't bullied when he began attacking you in the same manner. I realize you also stood up for me when he once again as the attacker tattled on my and tried to get me to submit!

I knew that wasn't anyone's direct fault on here. He wasn't removed until he attacked the mod.

Mods are busy, so probably had no idea how much havoc he reeked. Understandable as I Only pointed it out After he, as the attacker tattled and expected me to be punished for His actions. I thought that was what we were all fighting against as Patriots.

No this mod who deleted wasn't part of the posse as I initially thought. . .I was given false info concerning the name ( he was named, but acknowledged these were low level character people) and I acknowledged that.

Took responsibility for it, though many in charge have Never taken responsibility for errors and misjudgements. Not saying this particular mod. The mod stated it needed a link. I was happy to comply.

I simply noted initially that there were Others allowed to post what I would consider Opinion posts. . .I had no issue with them myself, once again, **Facts are simply facts.
Pointing out a discrepancy as to me it was plain and simple.

He came back and explained, I fully understand the position he is in.

There seems to be an issue of the attacked and messenger always being despised or called a whiner if they stick up for themselves. Not saying directly from you, but has been allowed by the abusers. Just another tactic to silence.

Quick to jump. . .yes. . .because of the constant double standard and abuse on here. Not saying from mods. . .posters allowed because the mod didn't want to censor them no matter how verbally abusive and how many unwarranted, non instigated attacks they threw my way. I was told over and over my attackers had good hearts, but all of a sudden, once they attacked the mod. ..the story finally changed and they were suspended.

Once again. . .only commented on them after said attackers tattled on me.

There may have been One time where I finally said something about E_C's attacks prior to his tattling for not caving in to his demands.

As for this. . .I also feel that no matter how hard I work or jump through mandates. . .I Have been expected to deal with a lot of abuse, not from everyone, I pinpointed the trolls from shareblue early, but I am always like John crying in the wilderness. People don't listen Until it happens to them. Understandable that this is human nature.

I will say, that although giving ultimatums, srayzie did stick up for me at times. Bear in mind. . .I had done Nothing to warrant the False Attacks, verbal abuse and vicious name calling. Never called names back nor verbally abused the attackers prior nor after.

She stuck up for me right before IWO started attacking her in only Some of the ways he and his posse attacked me. They even went over to reddit right before it was taken down and did the same.

Generally don’t talk about it, because I realize people are busy, too much to do, but if I am called out. . .will state it like it is.

I realize I am Not the only one who deals with this.

I do feel if I stick up for myself I am called out, even though others stick up for themselves While being abusive!

I am Far from abusive. Since I felt I got it wrong about the mod. . .I apologized. I keep my statements respectful.

I have Never treated anyone in the manner I have been subjected to or expected to tolerate. Yes, life's not fair, but Others have been given a license to abuse many times.

No one has EVER apologized to me . I also know that is the right of the mod to pick and choose who follows the rules. Not saying MH was doing this as he is just following orders and I do support and believe rules should be followed. all.

I was told even though I was not the attacker nor initial tattler. . .the attackers were tattling, which caused the mod to place ultimatums on me. . .engage more with others (though others don't always respond to me, they are Not forced to engage with me nor do I think they should be) or was told I shouldn't post and I am limited if wanting to post my own research. Which is fine as new rules were made to appease the attackers.

When I stuck up for myself prior to the incident where IWO was abusive with me, then later with a mod. . .I was told perhaps this wasn't the site for me (that was prior to abuse with mod).

Now, I don't know what was said in private to IOW, but I do know that he had free reign Until attacking a mod in the same manner he had been doing to me for months.

That was only One. There are others who are still allowed free reign. They know Q group is watching now since the Reddit board moved over here, so people are conducting themselves in a different manner I noticed.

I do grow weary of the double standards. Fine if people are allowed free reign, then mandates should not be placed on the attacked. The attacked didn’t instigate the problem! Preposterous and that is my opinion I realize.

This is actually moot now, as I understood the mod's position on this particular post and the fact the mod is striving to do what is expected.

Once again. . .I also apologized.

Is there any other issue? And yes, the image was there, so perhaps the mod just wasn't clear on the expectation.

Image was there and same info as in deleted post except for the addition of two links.

I understand wanting deeper research. I do that all the time, yet I am attacked for doing so Much of the time. Not on other platforms as much, just here (not saying by you directly).

Once again, simple fact.

They called off the censors on me on FB, so my statement concerning Zuck was apt. For now. . .more has gotten through there than I am allowed to put through on here.

As you said before when I've stuck up for myself against attacks and verbal abuse. . .I am free to go elsewhere.

I believe my response was, "I never said I was going anywhere!"

I had also apologized if I had caused the mods any trouble.

No one has ever apologized for being wrong about the abusers and allowing them free reign.

I would have said nothing, but if I am called out. . .Tired of sitting by quietly and just Taking it. It's what many of us have done for years.

Not just Sheep No More, but also Silent No More! If this causing me to be Blacklisted, posts flagged, me hated more. . .So be it!

I've been there before, nothing new under the sun!

Rather have Truth, the whole truth than fake or tampering with the rules to suit the buddy system!

A spade can't be a heart. . .people will twist, fence straddle, appease and attempt to shape into a heart. ..Still a Spade!

Crensch ago

I see others speak their minds, generally in a disrespectful manner, yet they get by with it. I stand up for myself and. . .

And, generally speaking, the mods of PG and GA are some of the most attacked users on this website. You can be yourself, but you'll have to learn to navigate better if you don't want some retaliatory remarks to your words.

No One has saved me. He was gotten rid of because he attacked you. Fair enough. . .

Having been around for this, him attacking you WAS the last straw for @srayzie, and him attacking srayzie was just another Tuesday for her.

Yes, I thought it was unfair Because others on this board, prior to reddit joiners, wasn't saying you, have falsely accused me, called me vile names and viciously attacked, been verbally abusive when I have Never called names or attacked Anyone.

You don't get brownie points for being nice here.

And your word there, "others" makes any argument of fairness look retarded. There's nothing fair about Voat

Never prompted, never trolled, even succumbed to giving them upvotes as practically mandated Only for me, not for them.

What is this? Mandated by whom?

I have engaged and been kind to the haters.

Why? Why would you do that?

Never reciprocated and from what I could see, was not demanded of them as it Was for me!

Source for this?

I was always told in so many words, "that was just how it was," after people attacked then tattled on me when they couldn't bully me to do their bidding.

1) That's exactly how Voat is.

2) What? Do you ever source your claims?

Also told I better buck up and be willing to take the abuse in so many words, that it was like a type of boot camp and that's just how it was. Breaking people in.

Voat doesn't care about you or your feelings. Voat cares about who has the best support for their position.

I get that. . .the unfairness comes in where they can break the rules set forth stating that posters weren't allowed to attack others. . but I Wasn't allowed to Say a word about it or stand up for myself without being given stipulations when I was the One Attacked. . .not them!

Do you understand that the comment before yours was roughly 6 lines of text, while the above-quoted is probably some 30 lines down of your comment? And that might be OK if you provided relevant context for your words but right now it seems like you're on some kind of ramble.

@srayzie once told me that she loves your work.

I didn't really look, but if your work is anything like these comments, it's nonsensical and absurd; zero context provided, just a stream-of-consciousness response that doesn't seem to show even the slightest concern for anyone trying to understand your words. I'm almost certain I would have to read your mind to understand what you're writing here.

In fact, every single response of yours in this nest shows ZERO quoted text to which you're specifically responding. Are you just a soapbox hero? Here to make no-context statements that cause readers to go cross-eyed before getting through even a quarter of your comments? Is all of this designed to look like legalese?

Did you know that vague claims like "they attacked me" on a forum mean exactly nothing without context? People read (or try to read) what you write. Are you writing so they understand you, or are you writing because you love seeing your thoughts show up in text?

So many questions, and so incredibly much wrong with what you're writing here - and I can't bring myself to read through all of your comments in order to address your actual points more than I already have.

Bottom line:

Formatting matters. So does context. Try a little harder to communicate your thoughts clearly, or nobody will read enough of your words to care about you.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

BTW for "Context" this is an add on to initial response.

Meant to address this as you Asked.

Why? Why would you do that?

In reference to a statement you pulled out. . .though already no full context, but

Never reciprocated and from what I could see, was not demanded of them as it Was for me!

Why? Because I'm not like you!

I see the bigger picture and see through the garbage, the emotion, the disdain for being questioned when All can see the Truth. It's very clear!

This is not, nor should it be about people's egos.

Those who are seen as credible leaders are now in a leadership role helping others understand the Big Picture.

Looks like it took how many of you attempting to incite and belittle insignificant me?

One against 3 of you leveling attacks, name calling, expecting validation of attacks on Your owned platform where Attackers were allowed to break rules. . .not me.

As your way of punishment, revenge for daring to call a spade a spade. That's what Patriots are Fighting against. It puts behavior past and present in a whole new light when people look at the Facts and how things are handled!

In all fariness Shizy and MolechHunter just attended to the details.

They were not trying to be Right Fighters (when they had made an obvious mistake in giving buddies free reign) in an effort to conceal or twist what was Really happening for at least months.

Went on far too long and took abusing a mod in the way I was used to being abused to say. . .enough.

Pretending I was the Cause of it all when in mods own posts including banning post of said attacker. . .he had been attacking for months.

Wasn't my fault I was Just one of his latest targets for his insane attacks. srayzie even said she thought he had mental problems in one of her posts I gave you the "context and Verification" for.

There's something very entitled about making mistakes, then pointing the finger at those attacked due in part to said mistakes in an Effort to Not Take Responsibility, while expecting the attacked to take it.

Then turning around and pretending I was the Entire cause of Her frustration with IWO! In your's and her words. . .was going on for some time.

Playing the victim in your own voat drama. . .does not make you a victim when you willingly succumbed to share blue posers and tactics.


What in the world? Cabal tactics plain and simple!

You even used it as part of your "mod take down the poster who dares question (though not a mod on GA) that He had attacked her over and over.

Therefore your argument holds No Bearing!

I see that was acknowledged and dealt with. Patriots already see through the drama and the lack of owning up to mistakes on certain peoples' end.

Now we have TheAwakening.

Did you also go after those people for daring to Not Use "kid gloves" on your buddies?

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