robot7247 ago

Nice one Clammy, lots of good stuff there.

The 1897 stuck around awhile. If you believe wiki, they made it into the Vietnam war too. Could be, the US bought a lot and piled them high in depots between wars. Digging will turn up a few pics of the 1897 in early WW2 War in the Pacific action.

these guns are hammer fired

One of the few that are. The Stevens 520 will do this, also a JM Browning design. I have one and never tried it with med/high brass loads. With low brass it's video game enjoyable -

...and they are all have a takedown feature -

Amazingly, the Stevens 520 (and variants) don't carry a premium. You can still find great examples cheap but word is getting around on them. They also sold them through Montgomery-Ward, Sears, and other distribution too. If you know what a 520 looks like it doesn't matter what they say on the receiver. Western Field or JC Higgins branded ones pretty common. But all 520s have the Browning hump. They can be dressed up in all sorts of cool ways -

clamhurt_legbeard ago

very cool man

thanks for all that added info on another classic

robot7247 ago

You bet, glad my footnotes have a place to be relevant.

I've seen some good deals over the years on 1897s but they were always duck guns with 28-30" barrels. Just can't bring myself to bob one. Original trench & riot barrels will cost you nearly as much as the complete gun. That's how I landed on the Stevens 520s. They were used extensively from WW2 through Vietnam along w/ the 620. They're beasts!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


short barrels are where its at but you dont cut a century old browning design

i got a mossberg

robot7247 ago

Yep, they aren't making any more of those.

Mossberg pumps are great shotguns. Although released in the 60s, not sure if they made it to Vietnam.

I believe they are current military issue since the 80s though.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


both mossbergs and remingtons are in the military nowadays

and a bit easier to find lol

Zinnsee ago

Quality write up as always. Thanks Clammy

clamhurt_legbeard ago

thank you sir

may your kachunks always be followed by a boom

Zinnsee ago

A big bada boom :)

ManchesterT ago

Shotguns are great because they're essentially death-rays. One hit stops to the torso or head. Huge bloodloss anywhere else.

Spreads decently beyond 15 yards. Can fuck you up through a bulletproof vest due to blunt trauma. Put slugs in, and it'll shoot through both sides of a car.

Reliable as hell (pump-actions). Can be made either concealable (pistol grip) or easy to shoot (buttstock). Can be made to be accurate to 150-200 yards with good slugs, a long barrel and a scope.

Cheap and easy to find. Used ones are just as good. Intimidating. Deafens everyone in the room like a flashbang went off. Can be used as a club when it's empty.

There is basically no downside, to having even a very modest shotgun.

Deshy ago


Thanks for that nice summary, what a solid write-up that ticks all the boxes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

pistols poke holes

shotguns remove meat from bone

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FlameOn ago

Looks like a nice gun Clammy, got one in your historical gun safe?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


i only own two shotguns

a mossberg 500sp 12ga

and a weatherby 20ga

yet both owe everything to the 1893

it invented the practical pump

GreenSlug ago

I want one.

Deshy ago

me too... just because...

thedirtypuma ago

That's such a cool time period for guns. Those spencer pump actions gave me a chuckle.

Great read as always. Thank you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


so many important developments came then

metallic cartridges

smokeless powder

big things

Deshy ago

fires five rounds of 00 buckshot as fast as you can pump it

I bet they got real good with that...Nice article. Interestingly enough I have never fired a shotgun... I need to fix this, this year... for sure!

2020 is the year of serious advances!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

never fired a shotgun


Deshy ago

don't scold me... just cause I have access to one doesn't mean I have fired it yet... sheesh relax...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

my personal choice for defense gun is currently a 12ga

Deshy ago

dude you pack a punch, now how does that fit into your nomex pants if I may ask? ;)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

home defense

the pants have a .380 or .38 j frame lol

Deshy ago

Dude, I have to let @rotteuxx know about these awesome pants, they seem too technical for me understand.

What is clammy talking about dude? The pants have a .38 j frame? phew straight over my head...

Deshy ago

No see picture :/

Deshy ago

Ah, blond moment, I member!!! Lol... shhh, okay, ummm... yeah! :D

GreenSlug ago

I started with a .22, i was like "yea this is great!" Then i got a .380 and was like "wow thats even better!" Then i got a 12 gauge and i had to reevaluate what the fuck i had been doing with my life prior to having a 12 gauge. It is fucking awesome.

I cant wait til i get a proper caliber rifle...

beece ago

The next step up is a Vepr 12 with a CSS drum mag. You can break a clay, then break the pieces as they split off and head differing directions. Good stuff.

clamhurt_legbeard ago



Deshy ago

i had to reevaluate what the fuck i had been doing with my life prior to having a 12 gauge

hmmm, you tempt me mister... I have been thinking I should get more bad arse about stuff, this could be the way, lol

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude yes

id love to have a pump 22