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con77 ago

great post

clamhurt_legbeard ago

thank you sir

i need me a polymer 80

con77 ago

is that true about him fighting off a hit man?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

And that's far from all: back in 1999 Gaston survived an assassination attempt organised by his trusted tax adviser in Luxembourg. The adviser lured him into a car park where the would-be killer waited, springing out of the shadows and repeatedly battering him around the head with a hammer. According to the prosecutors, the then 68-year-old Gaston fought back, punching his assailant in the eye, then in the mouth, knocking out a bunch of teeth. The attacker fell, "arms outstretched like Jesus" according to the prosecutor, on top of Glock. And that was how the two men were found when the police turned up.

Both the assailant and Glock's tax adviser ended up with lengthy jail sentences.

-The independent

con77 ago

incredible. I gotta be honest. Usually by this time of night Im pretty well in the bag. How many times have I told you about the 55ft seas in Alaska?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

zero times

but i went to sleep lol

tell me now instead

con77 ago

Saw 55 ft waves in a typhoon in the Bering Sea in January I think it was '82. Theres some salt water for ya! 75 knot winds -75 F windchill! Watched a walrus porpoising in the storm. Swimming for its life. I thought it was great at the time. If I was there now Id be on my knees prayin! Hows mom and the kid?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

shit dude

ive done flights where it was right at freezing and i had to hold my hand outside the window

75 knots will give you some wind chill

thats how i learned there is a new stage beyond cold

you stop even feeling the cold itself because everything is just pain

and yet i guaran damn tee it wasnt even as bad as 75 knots with fucking arctic bs

55ft is like being hit with a building

once i watched a talk with the commander of the long beach coast guard base

he was up there in the arctic for a while flying helicopters off ships

somebody asked him once if he ever thought about doing medevac stuff and his response was no

thats too dangerous

i was like holy shit

con77 ago

a building moving at 50 mph!