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Nadeshda ago

This is awesome and I genuinely learnt stuff I did not know... too cool!

@thebuddha, @Expertshitposter @MyDearWatson @EyeoftheChampion @battlefat

Get in here this is some interesting stuff going on!

TheBuddha ago

LOL I was sleeping.

Nadeshda ago

Well hello you! How you doing?

TheBuddha ago

Much the same. You?

Nadeshda ago

Not too shabby Sir! :)

TheBuddha ago


I'm in good spirits, though that's pretty normal for me. I'll probably be cracking jokes on my deathbed and telling people to not worry 'bout it and trying to get them to stop their crying and shit.

Nadeshda ago

You are not dying, lol having mono too will pass and yes the good Spirits indeed are worth pursuing :)

I think your attitude towards it is sometimes melodramatic but sooo funny and is certainly fun to read about, but I am concerned you are not receiving optimal care, you are not a speing chicken you know...

TheBuddha ago


I am too dying!

Just not from mono! ;-)

I am sore as hell today, but my throat is actually less sore than yesterday. I still have no energy. I sat up long enough to write an article and then got prone right afterwards. It sucks, because I'm used to being pretty energetic.

I can deal with the pain, I've got opiates. My daughter says my spleen is a bit more swollen today, but not even remotely dangerously so. It feels like what I picture a heart attack feels like - except I don't know, 'cause I've never had a heart attack. They're kinda in the same area, so it applies pressure to the lung and heart on the left side.

It's the damned lack of energy that gets to me. It's even hard to concentrate.

That part is something I'm not used to. That's the part that really sucks. Pain? I'll get over that. Having no energy? This is wasted time. It's time when I can't even really be productive in much of any capacity.

Man, I'm going to be a grumpy old man, if old age is like that.

Nadeshda ago

You will have to start living through the actions of others when you get older and use your vibrant personality to continue to motivate people to goodness. You getting old will be fine, you just have to shift gears that is all. You could always hire me as your PA, I look after really old people, all the time.

Noo problem... ;)

TheBuddha ago

I'll probably just do lots and lots of cocaine!

I'm gonna be a hit at the bingo hall!

Nadeshda ago

Lol... watch out those bingo ladies are serious and you could cause a riot...

TheBuddha ago

Oh, they are a group of ladies not to be trifled with. Man, I do now kinda want to see old ladies playing bingo on cocaine. I'm pretty sure that'd be the best day ever!

Nadeshda ago

I have a game scheduled for 3:30 on Friday, get yer arse over here, lol :)

TheBuddha ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago


i could go on for a while like this lol

Nadeshda ago

Man I enjoyed the article a lot, I am so stoked about this... freagin too cool!!!!

We did another thing Clammy, we did! :D

Thank you!!!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


im glad youre so excited