ThisIsMyRealName ago

booming intensifies

bourbonexpert ago

Good post. Let those niggers know what’s up.

Le_Squish ago

If it makes you feel better you too can enjoy the huge drop in viewcounts GA has experience since dreidel king took over. Sub is essentially kilt.

Troll ago

Oh shit man, did you just burn the kike on that pyre? Smells like a covetous kike to me...

setthethree ago

We promise to be even worse to you than the last time you tried immigrating here.

No asylum for any of you.

molonlabe9 ago

Ohhh, you're so alpha! So macho.

Eat a penis, youngfag.

invisiblephrend ago

honestly, the subs been pretty fucking dead for the past few months. hopefully the influx of new members will bring more extra spicy memes i've missed so much here.

NaCl_Miner ago

Why the hate for those from the_donald?

hang_em_high ago

Reddit TD is a censoring sack of shit. I assume anyone still there is completely retarded.

setthethree ago

You're a bunch of whiny bitches who beg at the feet of the reddit admins.

You censor your own shithole sub with an air of ostentatious heavy handed authority but get super indignant when the reddit censors you.

Fuck you all. Every one of you.

NaCl_Miner ago

Get help

setthethree ago

Get the fuck off this site and kill yourself faggot.

NaCl_Miner ago

is hating Jews a requirement for voat?

Comment: Donald Trump is great.

Response: The jews are evil.

Comment: what does that have to do with GEOTUS?

response: Fuck you like lover.

What a fucking toxic pile of shit. Wtf does hating Jews have to do with supporting Trump whose daughter and grandkids are Jewish? Why bother posting here and not on the “I hate Jews” sub?

LiberalismIsADisease ago

I'm convinced every single jew-hating person on this site is a leftist troll trying to make Trump supporters look bad.

setthethree ago

Shut the fuck up and go back to sucking spez off you fucking faggot

thelma ago

Can't even spell.

Probably a KCl miner too.

NaCl_Miner ago

Do you like Trump?

NaCl_Miner ago

So why do those that are overly obsessed with hating Jews posting on a sub of President supporters?


Because the "GA" movement is supposedly geared toward making the country healthy and strong again, and that can't happen without Waking people up to the Jewish infiltration. What better sub to expose lies in and get people on the right track than the one whose name quite frankly implies an awakening of the minds of Americans who have been used, abused, and lied to? When we see the source of all this damage is from Jews, we will always point out Jewish influence as a measure to ensure people are not being led astray into another web of lies creating another breed of useful idiots. None of us have any problems with Jews who are tired of the same shit, but as what seems to be the last bastion of free speech for whites to express their grievances, we will always be wary of them and call them out on their Jewy behavior if they do indeed seek to truly help our cause. We are probably suspicious of them at best, intolerant of them at worst.

Battlefat ago

ilikeskittles ago

When is reddit going to realize they can't shut speech down? Only move it.

NaCl_Miner ago

Digg - upgrade ruined it. Reddit - over run by leftists Now Voat - we’ll see....

CausticRaz ago

Maybe if we move to their site and censor the users we can make it like reddit was!

Hand_of_Node ago

When are people going to realize that the jews have been using our "free speech" against us for decades, and it's been incredibly effective?

T1tus ago

No they have been using lies and propaganda and restricting access to Information for centuries.

Hand_of_Node ago

Yes, propaganda under the aegis of free speech. Remember the Berkeley protest-riots for free speech? Around '65 or '66?

T1tus ago

Free speech = free information.

Collages are not for free speech because they keep information behind pay walls.

They keep studies and information that would change they way we look at society today as a whole.

Hand_of_Node ago

Free speech includes the right for jews to openly and legally spread corruption and promote degeneracy among our children. They've taken full advantage ever since they defeated us in court back in the 60s. What you see in our society today is the natural result of "free speech", when your society contains jews.

Yet everyone seem to fetishize it... "Ah hate degeneracy, but Ah'll fight to the death for the rights of the jews to undermine our society from within!"

SurfinMindWaves ago

Breaking up large groups of people with similar ideas into smaller groups has worked so far.

woksauce ago

Never they are part owned by China

verybaddragon ago

When they collapse under their own dead weight, or they trigger a civil war because Silicon Valley mistakenly thought that cutting of speech meant that unhappy people will just go away.