Hamton ago

Wow, the infiltration is everywhere. Thanks for making a safe place Neon, my Discord exploded with blackhats. Kinda scary actually.

redditblowsgoats ago

Hopefully this site will be more reliable than Reddit for free speech.

Soli2023 ago

Reddit blows. I guess one needs 10 upvotes to be able to comment in a subthread here. any help?

b0ard2death ago

Don't upvoat farm here please. I haven't deleted anything in a long long time and want to keep it that way, but try actual content, not just asking for upvoats.

MouseMove ago

5 million years of human evolution universal truth never existed -only local community beliefs that changed from place to place and over time. To have universal truth and monoculture is an affront who we are and how we got here.

Captain_Redpill ago

I see the shillfags got the memo too

Liberty1111 ago

I am here because we are being censored else where. Please help me & up vote.

Boston_Light ago

for sure...Trump is right: More than Facebook & Twitter, Google threatens democracy, online freedom...MAGA!

Patriot_Grandma ago

šŸ»šŸ·Let's get this party started!šŸ·šŸ» Thanks, Neon!

SpeckledBiter17 ago

Neon sent me.

willijoa ago

Trump is right: More than Facebook & Twitter, Google threatens democracy, online freedom | TheDonald

GradVT ago

All members of the same - marxist - club... the ideology very similar to nomadic tribal islam. Both understand only one language - violence.

omapam ago


blsdbe ago

Thank you for all you do to help Humanity!

puppymax ago

This whole censor-conservatives-thing is driving me up the wall. These people are just too sad for words.

puppymax ago

I can not wait for POTUS45 to finally take action against those that have these ridiculous actions against OUR freedom of speech.

SunShine_Jackson ago

Thanks NeonRevolt! This community is woke & I'm grateful for it. Everyone thinks I'm insane, but it's so exciting. I am excited & cannot wait! I LOVE THE PLAN!

Imtede ago

It's hard to believe any business would deliberately run off their customers.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

Insane, but true. The admin wants to make Reddit a safe space. The Dom is living on borrowed time. Watch all %$()* break loose when the Dom (T_D) is suspended!

ciphercue ago

Political and social censorship on Social Media is the equivalent of the early telephone switchboard exchange deciding to block outgoing calls or not connecting calls based on a person's political/personal views and opinions. These companies must be regulated based on our Constitutional rights or taken down. Same goes for MSM. In this massive communication age, they wield far too much power and control over the mass disseminated narrative. Also, something must be done about our public education system. Mass indoctrination in the communist collective ideology and revisionist history have brought us here. Public schools are nothing more than social engineering camps. It's why I home-school. Moar PAIN, Q !!!

Debeez55 ago

Shame on Reddit,Twitter,FB,Google censoring our freedom of speech!

Deplorable18 ago

Sheep no more

Deplorable18 ago

Woke people are a threat.

Maestro232 ago

Refugee from Reddit GA/TGA.

matris77 ago

Me too.

RedWingNut ago


Cryptotee_ ago

Heā€™s 1001%

radiantregret4 ago

thank you Neon Revolt . . . if "Q" is such a larp they WHY all PANIC Censoring? Me thinks they protest to much . . .

Big_Deplorable ago

WWG1WGA! We will not be stopped.

Pappyjiw5779 ago

Censorship, like vulgarity and racism, is the last refuge for the weak and wicked. If we are to continue as functioning group - may we tone down racial slurs or references and concentrate on freeing the minds of ALL who are looking for truth. Why do I say this? I am a Jew. And I stand for freedom. I served my country with three tours in Vietnam; I have done my time in the pits of hell, and have watched my nation slowly be eaten alive by the vile trash that thinks itself better than the average man. We must not bring discredit upon America, POTUS and Q by racial or ethnic taunts/slurs because that goes against all things we are supposed to stand for. I know all of comments have been directed at Jews; I have not taken them personal because bad actors are everywhere. But let us not lose sight of what it is we are hoping to accomplish. Most of you are young (i'm guessing now); I have been fighting this take over of America since the 70's - and have paid the price. Please, let us all work together against America's enemies, foreign and domestic, but not at one another. We are better than that - no sense in acting like those who oppose us. Just saying - one vet's opinion.

RedWingNut ago

Working together against our enemies and not against ourselves! WWG1WGA Thank you for your service Pappy!

higherdiscernment-Q ago

They're getting desperate, all for a LARP?

NeonSentMe ago

Those little leftist brains can't stand people who have their own opinion and can back it up with facts instead of just shouting and insulting. We are winning by not doing the same. Let's keep it up!

SkippyThane ago

Definitely over the target!

DogmaMom07070757 ago

So true. Praying for POTUS, Q, and you.

scarborg123 ago

A Reddit refugee has just found a new home! Thank you NeonRevolt and voat.co.

GetUPandGO ago

Google alternatives?

Combusta ago

Lead the Way Neon!

smiling_having_fun ago

Thank you!!

Bridgesburning ago

Pro Awakening. Pro NeonRevolt

likealatte ago

Thank you for leading the way.

SanDiegoRuthie ago

I agree.

RealDomain ago

Youā€™re the best!

MotherDee ago

Glad to have found you all after Great Awakenings demise. Q was right....they're panicking now. It is going to be a wild ride from here on out, I suspect.

Asmoebeon ago


hzg ago

My account is 3 years old, but I have to comment in order to be productive and upvoat things. So there's this comment. Cheers.

Commacausi ago

WWG1WGA Working to get my upvoats, please

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm here because of you, NR. I'm totally with Vox Day, that when you're deplatformed, create your own. I discovered your site only about a month ago and now I'm a regular reader. Now I'm going to be a regular here. Good on you for spreading the word and being a BIG help in keeping us organized and a community!

SchlangeHatRecht ago

I am not NR though... edit: This may be a Voat thing to get used to I suppose. You are replying to NR, on a post I submitted, so it comes up as a new comment to me. On Reddit, only the comments direct to OP go to the inbox, the comment replies just go to the user that had commented. New rules to adjust to...

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Hmm. Seems you're right. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Yup, it's definitely not Reddit ... I need to adjust.

SergeAStorms8 ago

I'm through with reddit's shit.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

TBH, Voat is buggy, but there is no censorship. With more traffic, then it will be a better experience too.

I gave out 2 golds on Reddit in the past (which I regret), but I gave $ here in the past and feel good about it. I would encourage others to do so as well. The admin can use it to make a better platform that can rival Reddit in smoothness

leectne ago

Interesting how we all got down voted by someone. Guess the truth hurts! WWG1WGA

akanwrite ago

We are like water in a river. You can't stop us. You can put up a dam but it will only redirect us making us more powerful. WWG1WGA

MeditationAnon ago

Thanks for being me here Neon. MeditationAnon reporting for duty. I serve at the will of POTUS, Q, and God Almighty. WWG1WGA!

krylda ago

The deepstate timelines were recently routed - change incoming; help comes from many places...

Knowunderstandspeak ago

Rip r/Greatawakening. Normie here.

Silverlining ago

Alas I've been banned from v/theawakening

Comment here and I'll upvoat you - https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm/2716131

Or anywhere to one of my comments here https://voat.co/v/CalmBeforeTheStorm/new

Welcome to Voat!

CrackedMascara ago

Thank you Neon.

Patriot4ArmyOfGod ago

I'm ticked!

SchlangeHatRecht ago

Before one closes their reddit account, go out in a blaze of glory. Shitpost on r/politics until banned, then delete all and exit!

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Over the Target!

HorizonNT2 ago

NeonRevolt sent me here. #WWG1WGA

JaniesPassion ago

Google is everywhere, into everything, at an alarmingly high rate. Seriously I'm thankful to all who do their dang best to keep us aware, where we can't do it ourselves. Much love.

KandyGirlTN ago

Neon Revolt sent me! :)


Had GA withdrawals for a few hours... Thanks Neon!

medbob ago

Amazing how the Deep State is in a death thrash!!!!

Locknltx ago

This guy needs a visit from everyone with a Twatter acct

Brian Krassenstein ā€

@krassenstein 3h3 hours ago More The upstanding black President couldn't select a SC Justice in his final year, but the white President who is an unindicted co-conspirator to a crime related to his own election victory, gets to select a SC Justice who may rule in that very case

Manicmonday ago

Just deleted Reddit, Twitter is next.

Bbbandit ago

They are censoring like crazy!!!

DekEl79 ago

I was invited here and I am stepping up. I am tired of PC and DS crap. WWG1WGA WRWY

Memanon ago

Welcome to Voat! With the new influx, things have been a bit wonky, but it is a great place. For me, it is a bit like a cross between the chans and when reddit was not censored. Srazyie on GA here takes no shut and is a great mod.

suzanneQ58 ago

found Voat through Neon revolt Thank you Neon:) went to Reddit GA and it was gone. the DS must really be afraid of a LARP LOL .go get em Q

Jaynet ago

anyone else feel like they got sucker punched? i miss my GA qmmunity!

TheQuestionBeggar ago

One definition of insanity is playing whack-a-mole in the Sea of Holes. Good luck with that, censors!

Wildmanjim62 ago

I am up voting out of the conviction that we have to support this and each other( in forums, I have kids yo, so no money) as well as Potus ,Q, and all patriots that want our country back. I will admit, I did a lot of brainless things as a yungun ( thank God there was no internet then) I am here reporting for duty again, WWG1WGA, MAGA, Q! I don't pound sign!

SherryOkie1 ago

WWG1WGA I love my President!!

ElvisNawlins ago

The President got it right: More than Facebook, Twitter, and Google treaten demovcracy, online freedom.

CrowdstrikeAnon ago

Thanks Neon.

1144Q ago

Simply beautiful. I thought "where am I going to get deeper Q posts explained?" Do it yourself Q's voice says lol.

A2Savvy ago

Did anyone back up the threads? There were some really good ones there?

Shealove ago

Just arrived from Reddit...first time visiting voat. Could I get some upvotes please? Thanks

circumspectus1 ago

On Voat, WWG1WGA! Reddit App deleted. Another business taken down by progressives. Hehe! Theyā€™re like a plague of locusts leaving a path of destruction. I guess suicide can be applied to businesses as well as people. Bravo POTUS and Q.

Sufi_anon ago

Just signed up - thanks to Neon's tip. I am not a previous reddit anything, sorry. So please excuse my learning curve. And yes this tech censorship is out of control.


Thx Neon, Im in this for the long haul

Plantlady1982 ago

This Voat is confusing!

ThreepercenterQ ago

Thanks for creating a ā€œsafe spaceā€ lol

phbalanced4adingo ago

at least Reddit and Google having their masks removed allows people to realize the real value and importance of alt-tech. Vox is right that we need to support these enterprises and do the hard work of 'institution building' instead of building on ground we can't rely on.

Hatch62 ago

Good riddance, Reddit!

Coster ago

This (the FB,Twitter, etc. bans) is why Net Neutrality was reversed. The FCC has enforcement powers.

Ne12nv ago

@neonrevolt Thanks for the invite.

karmasabitch @reddit

RML ago

Voat newfag. Not even sure what an upvote is, but it sounds like nod of approval and I need 10. But I wonā€™t grovel....

Bludgie ago

Here, have an upvote! ā˜ŗ

RML ago


Madasmel ago

Following you to Voat only because you make it intresting

pivot69 ago

Today is a sad day for all of the patriots who spent time on Reddit. Great day for us to have great PATRIOTS who planned for this and have given us a place to go. To tell you the truth when the banned page came up, I was freaking out..went to Neon Revolt to see what was up and sure enough a new link to anew site! Neon Revolt is not my go too source..Keep it up NR!

leectne ago

Reddit just proved it lies about being all about "free speech"! Online freedom continues to decrease. However: WWG1WGA!!

kingfish2877 ago

Anybody got a link to a voat app? Play store ain't got one that I could find.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

There is no great app. On android you can put a browser link that looks like an app, but actually opens your browser. Boats is an app on android, but it is wonky.

wokeyogi ago

Thankfully we now have a chance to regroup and maintain some kind of momentum as a growing community. Neon Revolt saves the day.

Qpatriotanon ago

Reddit sucked anyway, too many Shills.

PeeringDubiously ago

It was inevitable really. We all suspected reddit was comped. Now we know for sure. Thanks for the advice Neon. Voat all the way!

ArgyBargy888 ago

It will be interesting to see what Q will do...will Q redirect to voat?

Wildmanjim62 ago

Love the POTUS. Just think little Barry Sotoro said that this type of growth was gone with the jobs... Forever...HA HA HA, Now he wants to take credit? Ha ha ha...

Wildmanjim62 ago

Have never seen so much freakout over a larp...LOL.,Forget them WWG1WGA! Go Q!

FernReno ago

Thanks, Neon! God bless you! I guess we should all get set up on Gab, too.

SpagMeat ago

Never forget: To the left, TRUTH is VIOLENCE. That's how they justify their actions. In their eyes, they aren't ATTACKING, they are RETALIATING. WWG1WGA

4TheRepublic ago

ā€œWar is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.ā€ ā€• George Orwell, 1984


SpagMeat ago

In their eyes? Retaliating. In this situation? Flailing. They are not following any plan. This is a desperate move to silence a stupid LARP. KEK

4TheRepublic ago

Well, yeah. Agreed. Except that their indoctrination has kind of built a plan in/for them. As for the stupid LARP...isn't everything? KEK

Dozers101 ago

Reddit is a bunch of knob gobblers.

SpagMeat ago

Looks like Patriots have a new home! Was getting tired of the Reddit politics anyway. WWG1WGA KEK

ElvisNawlins ago

WWG1WGA - right on, Patriot!

dideediane ago

Reddit also banned the swamp, and a few others. How do they get away with silencing people??

SchlangeHatRecht ago

T_D is no doubt heading toward removal as well. The influx to Voat will be insane then! 600K +/- 6 million Dom users...

4TheRepublic ago

Simple... Invited guests can be uninvited. Their house, their rules. (and they can change - or apply - them any way they like)

It sucks (in a way), but it's not really complicated -- or surprising.

Best to you and yours. WWG1WGA


dideediane ago

True, but still doesn't make it right. God Bless WW

Rodeo1982 ago

Reddit banning /r/GreatAwakening and other related. Someone is getting scared... Stay nimble. Thanks NeonRevolt for the heads up.

cz0840 ago

VOAT seems to be either a DOS attack or too much traffic for the server to handle, I lean towards a DOS attack as the reason.

SchlangeHatRecht ago

No, Voat is buggy, and slow, and the massive wave of traffic no doubt has the servers overtaxed

ArgyBargy888 ago

i don't know but would 70,000 reddit refugees cause something similar to a DOS attack?

COG42 ago

Reddit messed up

ElvisNawlins ago

Right, they just pissed off the wrong people - Patriots!

fusilli_Jerry ago

Happy to be here patriots. Was a long time coat lurker during the PG days. F Reddit. Happy to have my family back!

E43ew43 ago

Scared of a LARP?

Canrlaw92 ago

Amazing that Reddit would censor a LARP. Hope Trump comes down hard on these MSM and social media cabal.

LazeyJ420 ago

Thank you for the voat recommendation. :)

E43ew43 ago

Thanks for the redirection

EnkisAdvocate ago

This has to stop now. AG Sessions has said they are investigating these companies. I feel this is a national security/election tampering issue and justifies shutting down any company that engages in this blatant censorship and shadowbanning.

chimpo ago

I never liked reddit anyways. Plus, they're only waking more people up by pulling stunts like this. Idiots lmao.

ElvisNawlins ago

The more they piss off the Patriots, the more we're going to fight!

DekEl79 ago

..the more we fight, the more we win. We Are Winning, make no mistake because the attacks are intensifying and are more direct...all for a LARP. hahaha

MaryKrazy ago

This banning of all things Q only shows me just how much of a panic the rats are in. We must be over the target!


You are so right. If anyone had any doubts before if Q was real this should be a good indicator that he is. Banning all the Q subs in Reddit at once proves they didn't do it because one had some bad postings. Even the Q Christian sub--come on. I need my 10 karma as I am new. Please help me. Thanks

A2Savvy ago

I was so happy to see Neon's post a few minutes ago. I have tried to log into Reddit and it was gone. Actually if Q is a LARP a reasonable person would have left us alone in our deception. (((snark))) Over the target

Bridgesburning ago


MotherDee ago

Yep. Neon sent me , too. Really glad to have found you all.

ElvisNawlins ago

Good point!

chimpo ago

Okay, there's officially NO doubt in my mind that this is happening. ROCK AND ROLL, BUCKAROOS! WE GOT A PLANET TO SAVE!

5d45b3e9 ago

Crazy times, thanks for what you're doing.

AK-76 ago

Great Awakening censored on reddit...thatā€™s not gonna stop us. The Fight goes on!

RedWingNut ago

Damn Right!

ElvisNawlins ago

You're correct! It will take a lot more than that to stop all of the Patriots!

Sir_Zorch ago

GA and TGA banned. Looks like my new home!

ArgyBargy888 ago

Hi Zorch!

xxxnerdxxx ago

Voat seems to be under either heavy load or under attack...

ElvisNawlins ago

Probably, they're going to try to prevent us from communicating with each other.

Bludgie ago

I've had trouble with Neon's site also.

mjfrance ago

Yes, what are they afraid of!

BSCB4U ago

the rats are scared

LoveandLight777 ago

Thank you for your service Neon!! You are a gift. :)

M313 ago

so true.

indy0704 ago

They won't go quietly.

RowdyRonaldReagan ago

Came here from NeonRevolt. Reddit censoring Q-bases sub shows me they are VERY Afraid of what is coming.

Boston_Light ago

me too! It'S** HAMMER TIME!****

NeonRevolt ago

He's 100% right. Reddit just censored /r/GreatAwakening today!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist by @Crensch and refers to this comment.

This notification (#815) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

inareth ago

From faceyspace:

I just heard a word used, "deplatforming". Described as an effective political tactic, and something we need to see more of, "because it works". So what is deplatforming, why does it work, and whom does it work against?

It is literally identifying something or someone you don't want people to be able to see, and making it disappear. Banning it on social media, taking domain names away from offensive websites, removing them from search engines, and flooding their hosting providers (because everything on the Internet is hosted by somebody) with indignant demands that the website itself be taken down or else!


It started being done against white supremacists, and nobody really said anything. Why would they? White supremacists are vile, disgusting people. Who said they had rights? Certainly I have the right not to listen to their garbage, don't I?

Then it was levied against one Mr. Jones, a hateful maggot who as far as I can tell is only in it for the money. He spews mostly unprovable conspiracy theories, a few easily disproven lies, and the odd nugget of truthā€”occasionally even a nugget of truth that nobody else is talking about. So ā€¦ basically a tabloid then?

Well yes and no. "Good" ol' Alex isn't just spouting off that they're making amphibians embrace the LGBTQ lifestyle. He's also said that violent attacks were staged, there were no casualties, survivors are paid actors, and encouraged people to demand authorities release crime scene footage. Of course, the fact that they won't (because they never do under any circumstances) is "proof" that everything he's saying is true, right? No, but thanks for playing.

So there's an emotional aspect. And of course, if a few people actually confront these supposed "actors" and accuse them of being actors, that's on him! I mean, he's not the first person to make the claim, but he popularized it right? Well, maybe yeah.

And y'know, I never used this greedy troll's full name. Why? Because FACEBOOK WILL PERMANENTLY BAN YOUR ACCOUNT if you post anything even remotely not negative about the man or his dozen or so shell companies. All you have to do is say his name.


We see one political faction in the United States trying to use this tactic. We see a few others around the world trying to use it as well. The call is now to "deplatform" the "far right" in Brazil. It's also to "deplatform" people who have spoken out against actual rape gangs in Europe. Google has just added "deplatforming" air quality data in China so that people living there will no longer know if the air is literally bad enough to kill them today or not. In the US there are calls to "deplatform" anyone who questions certain very public accusations that have been in the news this week, and also to "deplatform" anyone making certain other similar accusations.


Because it works.

This is a dangerous road. This is a very dangerous road. And Facebook is leading the caravan down it. There was a line somewhere between removing toxic hatred and oppressive Orwellian censorship like they have in North Korea and Chinaā€”we've crossed it. I don't know when exactly, but we have.

Maybe that's why the first amendment never permitted the government to stifle the freedom of speech period, not simply denying them that power unless the person to be censored was a greedy troll or a hate-spewing bigot. The line is razor thin, and I think it actually tends to move a bit back and forth. Certainly my own interpretation of that line does. The line may be ENTIRELY subjective, since one presumes an evil hate-filled bigot doesn't believe what they're spewing is evil.


It's really a nice clean-sounding word isn't it? It sounds so much nicer than one-party political oppression, censorship of dissent, or creating an echo chamber to brainwash people.

And if this is my last post, you know what happened to meā€”and you know why it was done. Some ideas are just too dangerous to certain people. If you can't win the argument, simply erase it.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'first comment NeonRevolt makes and it immediately gets +100 upvotes and hundreds of replies about Q anon stuff this is their original upvoat farm' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @petevoat:

Is the link pointing to the right info? I'm getting this: https://voat.co/v/TheDonald/2714644/13784714

This notification (#152) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'testing all bots' was posted in v/PatriotsAwoken by @BleachyMcServerwiper and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

the very first thing you faggots did was farm voats, this neonrevolt post clearly says at the bottom:

If you want to submit to the subverse, you need a minimum of 10 comment ā€œkarmaā€ basically. In other words, your comments have to be upvoted 10 times.

I suggest leaving a comment in response to me about how Reddit censored us today:

and links here where he just all of sudden gets 100+ upvoats and more than 100 off topic replies from 4 day old accounts talking about Q. Tell your discord that no one here will put up with this kind of bullshit, even if you try what you did here and create another subverse for it we'll find it. All you had to do, and I've said this to your people more than once, was come here and go to v/all and participate honestly in conversations going on here. That should've been the first thing you did, leave 10 decent comments on random active subs and if they actually add something to the discussion you'd only need as few as 10 upvoats per your first allotment of comments and bam, no more restrictions. Everyone was new here once and everyone had to participate on the site to break the restrictions, and even the few left leaning people and others that have gone against the grain never had much of a problem with this. The reason you are is because instead of simply using the website the first thing you all did was ban people and delete comments, and now you've been caught in your "upboat thread" people notice and remember this shit, they see how you're behaving and you keep backing yourself in a corner. Every time you and your mod team get caught doing some kind of bullshit the uphill battle you're facing here gets a bit steeper and it's no one's fault but your own that you're in the negative and people that a lot of people recognize your name when you comment elsewhere now. Argumentative people do fine here, I assure you that's not the problem.

This comment was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'first comment NeonRevolt makes and it immediately gets +100 upvotes and hundreds of replies about Q anon stuff this is their original upvoat farm' was posted in v/ProtectVoat by @Rainy-Day-Dream and permalinks this comment.

This comment was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you disgust me

Hamton ago

Thanks Neon, discord exploded with black hats too

Zevediah ago

Thanks for the heads-up about Voat!

Pharrell ago

Good one Neon, let start to move to Voat

MouseMove ago

Good work relocating.Only professional journalists should be accountable to truth, the rest of us should be able to hypothesise anything.

blsdbe ago

Thank you for all the excellent articles you write, and Thank you for helping us all stick together! WWG1WGA

Downtown0911 ago

NR, thks for the heads up!

doofface99 ago

Couldn't believe it happened. They started a subverse just yesterday and it's already hit over 5,000 subscribers. Pretty impressive.

Boston_Light ago

Thank you NeonRevolt for the heads up on Voat...

Boston_Light ago

YES! Lefty censorship must end EVERYWHERE...WEG1WGA!

TheGingerSnap ago

Neon, thank you for posting about the Reddit ban and directing us here! DC in total panic mode for sure. They must be scared $hitless and feel out of control!

elixirsoo ago

Absolutely! I actually prefer the layout here anyway. Thanks for the directions Neon.

Carl_Lyons ago

I'm here for my 10 upvotes. :D

Thank you for all you do, NeonRevolt. I've been reading your site for several (4?) months now. #WWG1WGA

Patriot_Grandma ago

šŸ»šŸ·Let's get this part started already!šŸ·šŸ»

Thanks (in advance) to everyone for upvoting me!!

urmomgoestocollege67 ago

Thanks for the invite! Hugs & kisses

AmericaTrumpsBabylon ago

This is nothing, remember Q said theyā€™d try to completely shut down the internet over obama pics. WWG1WGA!

jmajih ago

Thank you for the redirect.

IronFan ago

This tells you all you need to know about the other group- same mods same shillery https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/about/log/submission

Texmexenchilada ago

Thankful for your work and to have found this place after Reddit kicked us out.

rap777 ago

Thanks for the link.......and your work

weQbecausewemust ago

Refugee here.

mvixx ago

Thanks for all you do, Neon! Glad I was able to find you all again

DekEl79 ago

Thank you, NeonRevolt. It has been a pleasure to follow you and partake of your insights. May GOD bless you with wisdom and courage in the coming days.

Robature ago

Thanks for the heads up re: Voat, Neon! Godspeed patriots!

renaissancetrader ago

Yes, thank you for the invite to voat!

DFWanon ago

Thanks for the heads up Neon. Reddit censored us!

Cryptotee_ ago

Appreciate the awakening to this new feed Neon

Big_Deplorable ago

WWG1WGA! We are woke.

Patriot5612 ago

Here because of you Neon. Thank you for being a patriot.

Galadrielle ago

Found you! I'm not sure how this site works yet....but am trying to learn!

Wekiva ago

But Q is just a LARP... If we are all just cray cray conspiracy theorists, then why not just leave us to play amongst ourselves? Thank you, NeonRevolt, for telling us about this new platform.

IceCreamSammich17 ago

Neon, thanks for the redirect.... Iā€™m pissed as I referred so many to that fuck boy reddit site... hope this survives the storm.

StarFire22 ago

Thank you for the redirect to Voat. Love to see all my fellow migratory Q/Trump/freedom lovers bring WWG1WGA to life by showing up here. No shine for Reddit - they've sure stuck it where the sun don't... shine... that is. What an amazing thing to actually experience censorship. Who'da thunk it possible once upon a time?

dacka-from-oz ago

When I read your gab the other day about not being able to access r/GA I thought "nah, they wouldn't do that now there's 70K here" but now I realise how naive I was.. the numbers and the impressions being generated in recent times would have been all they needed to know

I'm pissed that they took us without warning, (although I did manage to get a major screengrab of GA from an open browser on my desktop.) although on reflection we were poorly prepared and wholly dependent on them for our community's home.

Anyway, fuck reddit.

I'm now fully onboard Voat now and I am extremely grateful for the warm welcome that we have been given so far by the long-time users of this platform.

I look fwd to renewing our fight, hopefully, free from censorship and skullduggery. Long live freedom.


Patr555 ago

Neon I love your hard work!

Elle08 ago

Thanks NR for helping all of us get the upvotes! Thought I would do my part by upvoting everyone (under 10) in the comments.

Sunlight ago

Thanks for reporting about Reddit censorship

twmasterson ago

It's inspiring and probably equally troubling to TPTW that entire communities are being migrated away from censorship platforms and onto these new free speech platforms (also gab, etc..)

Panderdash ago

I've had my suspicions about reddit for a while now. Sucks because it also felt like one of the last bastions of big tech where we somewhat had a voice.

stuzor ago

nice work neon for starting the movement to voat.. sigh @ censorship errwhere

Cetera ago

Good to see you over here and organizing, Neon. Many thanks!

hzg ago

My account is 3 years old, but I have to comment in order to be productive and upvoat things. So there's this comment. Cheers!

hzg ago

My account is 3 years old, but I have to comment in order to be productive and upvoat things. So there's this comment. Cheers.

Qarmy777 ago

Where we go one, we go all.

jwstrick ago

Thanks for the link.Hopefully everyone from reddit sees this and comes here.I knew to check you on Gab and found your links to this place but I wonder how many others did not.Hopefully guys like Praying Medic and others with some "name recognition" link to here as well.

For certain reddit is effectively dead for us now, as they'll just ban any other sub that comes up.

Jewelzz ago

Thanks for setting up the VOAT comms area.

Gr8Amurican ago

Thanks, Neon. I just joined voat because of your post.

Elle08 ago

My 1st time on Voat! My thought is POTUS & Sessions are giving them enough rope to hang themselves with.

asleepingpaladin ago

Thanks for the gab link, Neon!

Total insanity today. A Draintheswamp mod replied to me saying that they banned 40 trolls and then they couldn't keep up so they went private.

TNLunatick ago

Thanks for the link! Appreciate you!!

rifleman ago

I hadn't used Reddit in years until Q. Their loss.

KernelFlux ago

Thank you for pointing us here sir. Big fan of your work!

HOSS44 ago

I made it NEON Ha!

be_angry_and_s1n_not ago

How do I subscribe to you on here?

TradKnave ago

believe it, this is not a game

A-U-T-O-N-O-M-Y ago

Indeed, a brief cover and momentary kindling by those who have a desire to continue their censored, self serving, annihilating 'status quo', however green wood, once lit, burns longer and hotter, such is the case with Q and the rest of us anon's!

McPatriot ago

Definitely over the target!

loveday ago

Thanks @NeonRevolt for the info... the censoring says a lot more about "them" than it does about us!


President Trump is right, and letting US know it's already being handled. Why would the FakeNews continue to publish attacks on Q, why would Reddit ban the GreatAwakening today, just for a LARP? They Wouldn't!! Q is REAL! Enjoy the Show!! ....... Thank you NeonRevolt!

Pluto-55 ago

Thanks, NeonRevolt!

SummerRain92516 ago

Got rid of all my Redit today! Hope everyone that moved to this sight because of their censorship of greatawaening and SB2 does the same! WWG1WGA

Snapper2 ago

"They would rather have you muzzled, silenced, and dead than allow you to speak freely." THAT says it all. Thanks for the link to Voat!

RCMike_CHS ago

They pretty much got 'em all! r/The_Donald was still there about 20 minutes ago. It has 649K subscribers. Some B.S. claiming threatening and harassing users, the was the mods, wasn't it? My main mod follows gone too.

circumspectus1 ago

On Voat, WWG1WGA! Reddit App deleted. Another business taken down by progressives. Hehe! Theyā€™re like a plague of locusts leaving a path of destruction. I guess suicide can be applied to businesses as well as people. Bravo POTUS and Q.

Brass-Tax ago

Me thinks they are scarred... very very scarred.

Basic-John-Doe ago

No need for reddit... decentralize everything


Neon, thanks for doing what you can to keep the light shining!

sig94 ago

I deactivated my reddit account a few days ago due to the mods. So now they banned the entire show, eh? Can't say I am surprised. It won't work, too many woke.

Bludgie ago

I'm devastated about losing GA.

SylviaStone1 ago

100%. Kicked off Reddit; thanks for pointing us here NR.

phbalanced4adingo ago

at least Reddit and Google having their masks removed allows people to realize the real value and importance of alt-tech. Vox is right that we need to support these enterprises and do the hard work of 'institution building' instead of building on ground we can't rely on.

sanspeur33 ago

Remember Jurassic park, when the chaos guy says "life will find a way" well in our case. "Truth will find a way" no matter how the fuck with us and Q. SANS PEUR!!!

ArgyBargy888 ago

All subreddits having anything to do with Q have been banned: QProofs, Drain the Swamp, Swamp_Watch (private), The_GreatAwakening, GreatAwakening....everything, even BiblicalQ. At least 6 subs by my count. All content and all users messages and posts deleted. SB2....all posts gone.

I could also use help with the 10 upvote count as I have not used voat much.

DoWhatsRight ago

I love Neon Revolt and Serial Brain. I havenā€™t seen SB2, has anyone else?

ArgyBargy888 ago

Yes he left a message at reddit yesterday. Think he was pointing to the Awakening on voat too. He says to stay the course.r/Drain the Swamp went private and SB2 was speculating it has plans to resurface later,

Alice89 ago

Theyā€™re desperate! Thanks Neon!

CatsInAPile ago

Yep...all for a LARP (cough)

FreeIndeed ago


ANNOUNCEMENT: /r/GreatAwakening CENSORED! New Community INBOUND! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #Reddit #Censorship #NeonRevolt

Thanks for spreading the word, Neon!

FreeRangePatriot ago

Q sent me! But then I remembered that I AM Q, and since I didn't know where I was going I just followed Neon. Good thing he was wearing a cool T-shirt so I didn't lose sight of him on the way here.

There were a lot of Patriots in front of me, and even more behind. I hope VOAT is ready for all the refugees! WWG1WGA

pinkpanthersmiles ago

I was new to reddit but was seeing you on you tube afraid of loosing info .tks for helping get truth out . this seems like the book series MockingJay,CatchingFire withe the media being the Capital ! sad for America

Brummenbauch ago

Thanks for heads up about new board!

Enots ago

Never had a reddit but will have a voat.

Achepea ago

Neon - thank you. You have provided a light for us in the darkness. You are a patriot! Please upvote so I can also participate šŸ˜Š grateful!

kingfish2877 ago

Reddit been shit fore awhile now. Hope this verse? succeeds.

judipurple ago

WWG1WGA! Will be adding this to an increasingly lengthy bookmark file...VOAT it is then. The "powers that be" are losing their grasp - their 'control'- of our thoughts and emotions. There was a danged good reason my dad called the television the "Idiot Box"...the ignoramuses running the "show" depended on our lack of thought and discernment. Well, methinks those days might be coming to an end...Lord willing.

SpagMeat ago

Thanks for steering me here. I'd seen tried some links on 8Chan but they failed. The ones you provided worked brilliantly!! MAGA

4TheRepublic ago

Sure, NR...I'll comment on your comment. Thanks. Good to see you. WWG1WGA 4TheRepublic

curious_me ago

@Neonrevolt encouraged me to sign up. so here i am

finessa ago

Q says to stay together, but that's a little hard when we are being snuffed off of one platform after another. Glad to hear about the Voat GA group!

Biloxigyu ago

Thanks for the invite!

SukiQ ago

Absolutely Outrageous!

SandyAndreas ago

Thanks for the info Neon!

Sylvie310 ago

I.m here with you NR. Reddit will be out of business soon.

onewalleee ago

I am a skeptic of Q but I follow & respect the community. Ridiculous that TGA was removed.

BelBlade ago

Reddit sucks.

Mumbleberry ago

All those upvoats you are getting on v/theawakening are only good there. they don't count site-wide. Why you still only have 26, from two comments here.

BelBlade ago

Please up vote everyone so we can all get going with voat

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off you begging faggot.

grandpa_9 ago

Reddit isn't able to handle truth, justice, and the American way.

MooseJive ago

Why would Reddit censor /r/GreatAwakening and call its members violence inciting? When did Q-related discussion boards incite violence? Brainiacs think, they analyze, they don't incite.

Sir_Zorch ago

Thanks, as always, Neon!

bry812 ago

GreatAwakening refugee here. Replying to NeonRevolt's Gab post. Pls upvote so I can get karma to post. Thanks!

anglojibwe ago

Following. Thank you.

lbeni540 ago

Good grief! Those rats are sure looking to cling to whatever floats in the middle of the pacific! Bombs away! smfh...

ResemblingRavens ago

Thanks for spreading the word and the invite to Voat.

stuzor ago

Yeah Neon, nice one starting the movement over to Voat. Keep up the awesome woork

neutron95 ago

All for a LARP...

ElvisNawlins ago

Righto, we're following a LARP! We are such idiots, eh!

HOSS44 ago

First they said he was crazy, then they got mad and then..... they lose!

Guliensebb ago

Have you seen the LARP? Must have been pretty impressive to delete all 5 Reddits related to Q....

blsdbe ago

That is some LARP...NOT!

Brass-Tax ago

They even deleted the Q-Christian board...

RowdyRonaldReagan ago

God bless you, Neon. You are doing the Lord's work to help spread Q

ritaesterrocks ago

Voat isn't working right for me. Gab is being wonky. This is crazy.

DeepPast ago

Same here, just arrived from Reddit, somewhat familiar with Voat. Really hoping we can reconvene here and go about our business.

If you all could be kind and help with with the 10 upvote count?! thanks!

ElvisNawlins ago

I just signed on. How do you do the upvote? Old people don't understand all of this stuff! Thanks for your help.

Patr555 ago

To upvote a post, click de "arrow-up" button.

anglojibwe ago

Voat took me a while, I kept getting "403 Forbidden" and "Play Pen Improvements" errors.

Bludgie ago


dideediane ago

Same here

vfm7665 ago

Place is getting slashdotted by a gajillion newbies checking it out at the same time.

It's like a DDOS, but innocent.


Why would they do that? Are they afraid?

elixirsoo ago

They are terrified...but nothing is going to stop this 'snowball'.

ElvisNawlins ago

Yes, they realize that the power of the Deep State is on a short timeline. The President got it right: More than Facebook, Twitter, and Google treaten demovcracy, online freedom.

Pointyball ago

Their efforts on behalf of Hillary constitute massive illegal campaign contributions. DOJ prosecuted Cohen. When will we see indictments. Before anyone tries to claim it was not illegal because it was not coordinated, read this about Eric Schmidt.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/tWl45 :

Trump is right: More than Facebook & Twitter, Google threatens democracy, online freedom

'In one infamous example, a Google search result listed ā€œNazismā€ as an official ideology of the California GOP. North Carolina Sen. '

'When itā€™s not manipulating the internet to prevent users from viewing right-wing content, Google is directly attacking that content. '

'During the 2016 presidential campaign, Google was accused of manipulating search results to favor Hillary Clintonā€™s candidacy. '

'If something vaguely conservative and intellectually stimulating manages to get past Googleā€™s content gatekeepers, they just remove it. '

'YouTube, which is owned by Google, routinely demonetizes, restricts and censors conservative content. '

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