LiberalBitchSlapper ago

Reddit’s Great Awakening seemed to have started out good. But once the Democrats and liberals showed up and subscribers ballooned to 40,000, it became something different. You can’t reach these idiots. Thanks liberals.

spirittoo ago

What part of the definition of liberal matches the behavior of the pees you want to bitch slap?

abattoirdaydream ago

Clearly a badge of honor.

SaltyAF ago

hearing mixed things about that group. Blessed to Teach, in a recent video, says to go there, but there's a Great Awakening group, and there's this one (to which he also belongs).

BB-3 ago

They can't just assimilate into our /v/GreatAwakening subverse, like respectful refugees. No, they've got to make their own replacement subverses so their clan of moderators can start to banning.

wonderfuldonut ago

Three strikes is something from baseball, new correct thought and correct speak rules apply to most platforms. If they dont like the content or tone of what is said, then Hello George Orwell 1984 rules apply.

SaltyAF ago

In defense of the selectivists, the left really can't control Q or the anons so they are starting to larp. You'd think the community would self-police, but...the larps seemed to work on reddit.

wonderfuldonut ago

you make a valid point, the issue is disappointment results from all the oh tomorrow brigade. in larp mode

LurkMaster ago

bet it was Ronald wasn't it???

Vladimir_Komarov ago

"My name is Enrico. I'm just a simple farmer." @Pythium666

Silverlining ago

FartonToast, indeed? Improve your intel!

FartOnToast ago

Would better intel really cure ignorance, stupidity, and basically a total lack of common sense? These people are really stupid, not just shitty investigators.

@Doom1776 @girlwonder @RonaldSwansong @high-valyrian

Y'all fools responsible for division on voat. You guys literally threw everyone under the bus because of your paranoia and greed. I have evidenced and recorded everything. Now it's only a matter of timing with a few investigate journalists dropping my story.

Silverlining ago

And they thought I was you! Honour to met you finally - as I understand it you got your board takn off you - not sur how that is possible if you are [O] - is the story written up somewhere or is it yet to be published? Look forward to reading it.

FartOnToast ago

I never moderated or moderate any subverses here. I had a few Q subs banned on reddit. The story is yet to be released.