You ain't got room to talk, you live at home with your parents and don't have a job, unless you actually got your shit together and found a job to help support yourself and your family, in that case, congratulations, btw is your dad's back doing better?
If you've got a pasta to warn other users about him and his bullshit that links all of the times he's been called out rightfully so and exercised targeted harassment campaigns on innocent users then I would love to have that.
Save me some trouble when I see him up to his bullshit.
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Dortex ago
Lucky for me I have nothing better to do with my life.
theoldones ago
which is really fucking sad and you need to stop being a lazy taconigger
Obrez ago
You ain't got room to talk, you live at home with your parents and don't have a job, unless you actually got your shit together and found a job to help support yourself and your family, in that case, congratulations, btw is your dad's back doing better?
Dortex ago
Let me know if you want to join in on the spam fun. I'll send you the latest pasta.
Obrez ago
If you've got a pasta to warn other users about him and his bullshit that links all of the times he's been called out rightfully so and exercised targeted harassment campaigns on innocent users then I would love to have that.
Save me some trouble when I see him up to his bullshit.