22359159? ago

I dont think Voat does Marvel ... I think Disney is hate here .... so maybe more Jpn Anime, Valiant Universe, Darkhorse, IDW, DC comics, GI Joe, they also like Judge Dredd 2000 AD perhaps ... https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3638429/22353469

22359180? ago

Fuck off soap box!

22439159? ago

22359093? ago

...something about Thanos did nothing wrong? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3638702/22357567

22358998? ago

22359016? ago

MillionDollarExtreme, Q-Anon, the AnimeReich, Gamergate, Hiddenlol and now MGTOW ... looks like this place is going to reach LEVEL 9000 soon !!

22359011? ago

why you taggin' a nigga? I just wanna sell my dope, yo.

22385981? ago

know your pronoun its MAM Niggers !

22358895? ago

erm .. no .... we dont hate Jews here not all of us anyways ... some of us just think that dual citizenship is a bad idea ... and if they want to do their religious criminality, weird schemes, their connections to industries of human smuggling, pornography, their open borders crap, degenerate kikery these Jews then they should go home and push that shit in Israel @vonclausewitz /u/vonclausewitz WTF is this Marvel Disney bullshit doing on voat, starting to feel like reddit now

22358915? ago

So a Glow nigger Jew is running the MGTOW sub ... ?

22358954? ago

He's already trying to censor, shut it down, delete maybe and control ... mod is silly https://voat.co/v/mgtow/3638791/22357026 when will they learn, even 4chan couldnt raid this place, that shit aint gonna work on voat @RunOverByASchoolBus @BushChuck ? @Conspirologist @Thisismyvoatusername @i_hate_sodomites

22360701? ago

"...plenty of virgin females"

Whoever that guy is, he's definitely gay. MGTOW is like killing yourself because you fear dying.

22358985? ago

Seems to be some soap box fuckery about .... this Moderator of MGTOW .... is he a kike, i dont think he's doing very well in the voat kike test? @Neskuaxa @Crensch @goatboy @M80TheMan

22359132? ago

His comments do raise suspicion but proceeding with caution is out best approach. The new exodus just started and from my experience MGTOWs have a good red pill base. Voat will either refine them or break them. I think they'll adapt better than the q tards.

22359077? ago

Dude makes some sound points, and I generally agree with them, difference is, I'm looking for someone to settle down with, I don't write off dating all together, it's hard to find someone with similar views, let alone someone who's not completely brainwashed anymore.

Fuck, I'm learning all the shit on how to be a better man already like he said in his post, but it was after browsing voat for years and building my world view based on info shared here. I bet a lot of mgtow dudes are just guys who needed to genuinely focus on themselves to make themselves worthwhile for a decent woman, but then forget why they started down that path.

This dude might be blackpilled. he might be a jew, mgtow might be a jewish psyop, but we could use this opportunity to show these newbies that it's worth finding someone to settle down with rather than be a solo man their entire lives. Hell, I came over here for the Q crowd and stayed for the niggerfaggots.

22358847? ago

oh shit .... ' you could set every single one of those men on a mission to find a marriage-worthy white woman and have 20 white babies with her, do you know what would happen? The number of white families would increase by precisely 0. '

22358856? ago

... oh shit .... ' you could set every single one of those men on a mission to find a marriage-worthy white woman and have 20 white babies with her, do you know what would happen? The number of white families would increase by precisely 0. '

22358906? ago

erm .. no .... we dont hate Jews here not all of us anyways ... some of us just think that dual citizenship is a bad idea ... and if they want to do their religious criminality, weird schemes, their connections to industries of human smuggling, pornography, their open borders crap, degenerate kikery these Jews ... then they should go home and push that shit in Israel @vonclausewitz /u/vonclausewitz WTF is this Marvel Disney bullshit doing on voat, starting to feel like reddit now