VoatContainmentGuard ago

Can you imagine how bad he treats the workers at the Chinese restaurant on Christmas day? oy vey

Crensch ago

You literally don't know how to spell or use punctuation in numerous cases.

I have a post that was Identical, posted at nearly the exact same time, still up.

You have to reach to find something that makes you not look like a pussy-pass-having, overemotional fronthole.

Crensch ago

Jews don't admit when they're wrong, cunt.

Humans do.

Crensch ago


It seems it was a duplicate submission.

I deleted a duplicate a few seconds after voat hiccuped.

Nice try, though.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Its gotten to the point that nobody give a shit if you are lying or telling the truth. They just assume you are lying. You are toast. You flushed yourself down the toilet, turd.

Crensch ago

Username used by a guy so butthurt that he created it just to attack me.

Crensch ago

You get the award for biggest pussy pass!

Crensch ago

I didnt delete anything recently, but nice try.

Rotteuxx ago

You are the submitter of that post :


You are the sole mod of that sub.

Who deleted it then ?

You're lying again.

Crensch ago


It was a duplicate removed seconds after a boat hiccup.

Didnt even register as a deletion, so I was wrong there.

Rotteuxx ago

So you just happened to delete the one with comments to which you replied, KeK

Crensch ago

I deleted it ~5 seconds after it was posted because Voat was hiccuping.

Whether you saw it or the server didn't update it, I don't know or care.

Rotteuxx ago


Rotteuxx ago

I wonder if she's still enjoying the mood in here ?

Better make a post to ask her.

BrennKommando ago

I mean even @theoldones backed out of the spergery he was about to corner himself into.

We can play the nitpicking details/quote mining game all day, but there is no variation of the whole story where @Srayzie didn't set everything against her up herself!

Rotteuxx ago

@Crensch probably "masterminded" the false flag troll attack she was crying about and it's still biting them in the ass.

BrennKommando ago

"I made a post on SBBH pleading with the ones that were taking part in it to stop." -Srayzie

19 seconds from when she posted that till she archived it..

That sounds an awful lot like "we've tried to reach out for comment but have not gotten a response" doesn't it?

Rotteuxx ago

I gotta look up who deleted it, hmmm....

ESOTERICshade ago

Which post? That sperg has been on such a spastic posting spree I can't keep up.

Rotteuxx ago

Post title links to it.

This I posted right before he deleted his post, links to an archive of it :


So i made this post to rub it in, he went from replying in 5 seconds to not replying at all :(

ExpertShitposter ago

Krenschy has been clapped lobotomized and archived.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

ThaT nigga must delete his account

Rotteuxx ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago


but but but @Crensch was just riding me about me deleting some 7 months ago???? what the mothafuck is going on in Goat town???

Crensch ago

It was a duplicate. Dumbo up there couldn't figure it out for X amount of time before his downvote brigade came crying to him.

The first post is still up.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Yes, my King. I believe whatever you tell me because I am just a worthless, low IQ, mentally ill Voat Goat. You are the greatest genius who ever posted on the internet. Me trying to communicate with you right now is equivalent to an Armadillo trying to communicate with a Russia scientist. When you read my comments its like a white man listening to the clicks and pops of a native African tribe.