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Rotteuxx ago

[–] Rotteuxx 4 points (+6|-2) 6 months ago



Holy fuck, 6 months on and you're still butthurt, whining like a little bitch through tantrum posts and juvenile insults like "half-breed soyboys that have a feminine penis, or something".

Sad... and boring, this is a shit tier post of warmed up nothingness.

Props to @theoldones being the first one to comment, KeK !

heygeorge ago

Lol, meanwhile Crensch cucked himself to a married woman over grainy titty pictures that shook him to his core. Anyone who didn’t virtue signal hard enough got put on the naughty list. Lol that’s incel level. @trigglypuff @gabara

Crensch ago

Meanwhile @kevude, after admitting to getting a PM sent to both @vindicator and me, stating something along the lines of "Look what your mod has been up to" with links to the pics claims he never looked at them and deleted it right away!

Such a STOIC man! Not even looking at links sent to him about what his mod has been up to! That's not suspicious or anything, I'm sure.


heygeorge ago

So you are saying that srayzie sent you, vindicator, and kev the same tit pics in the same PM.

Further, by continuing to deflect, you are continuing to verify my posit yesterday: Lack of personal responsibility.

Interesting that you’re stirring the pot today, while @vindicator is putting in work to elucidate the suicided banker’s ties to Epstein. Curious.

[–] Crensch 48 seconds ago (edited 29 seconds ago)

Meanwhile @kevude, after admitting to getting a PM sent to both @vindicator and me, stating something along the lines of "Look what your mod has been up to" with links to the pics claims he never looked at them and deleted it right away!

Such a STOIC man! Not even looking at links sent to him about what his mod has been up to! That's not suspicious or anything, I'm sure.


Crensch ago

So you are saying that srayzie sent you, vindicator, and kev the same tit pics in the same PM.

Vin and I confirmed it was the same to each of us. Kev claimed to have deleted it right away.

Further, by continuing to deflect, you are continuing to verify my posit yesterday: Lack of personal responsibility.

Like that of your buddies @zyklon_b, @Trigglypuff, @Rotteuxx, and @kevdude?

Interesting that you’re stirring the pot today, while @vindicator is putting in work to elucidate the suicided banker’s ties to Epstein. Curious.

I think it's curious that I didn't start this.

If you're talking about today, @Trigglypuff did 9.7 hours ago.

In the past two days? You did. Same link.