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forget-me-not ago

Lol, wtf? I never saw that coming. I thought Kat was way too smart to be with that junkie. And I thought gg and beatles were living together in the south, while Kat is on the west coast? Something smells fishy.

gabara ago

GG does lie a lot. But I warned Kat.

forget-me-not ago

This whole thing is wacky! Warned Kat about beats?

gabara ago

Suggested it would be a bad idea, back when I mistakenly thought he was courting her.

forget-me-not ago

Apparently, here is how it might have gone down.

Really surprised about Kat. Hope she's okay.

m_1 ago

Am I the only one here that can see that these are all the same person? Does everyone know it we we are supposed to "watch" it like a LARP soap opera? I'm confused. But I am enjoying the soap opera.

Shizie ago

Am I the only one here that can see that these are all the same person?

No, lots of people see that, but it's a big game to pretend they don't and play along with the fictional story.

m_1 ago

Yeah....but you're one of them....and the game continues....

Are you mad that they left you out of this episode?

Shizie ago

Yeah....but you're one of them....and the game continues....

No im not. Your smart enough to figure out the scam that's being pulled, but not yet able to identify who is really involved. Keep watching and learning.

thewebofslime ago


m_1 ago

I saw your pics. Not bad.

Shizie ago

She's beautiful, but it's not me. Keep watching and learning buddy.

m_1 ago're @crensch. I got crenschfished.

Shizie ago

Wrong again!

m_1 ago

No. I think I got this one right.

Shizie ago

Yeah, ok.