sosat_menya_reddit ago

Not me. I’m Yaxa. We can’t sell out because it is forbidden.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

You are putt. I already know it.

sirRantsalot ago

It is. Changing, or decloaking?


Everything about you guys and this site is just exponentially creeping me out TBH. I'm just here for shitposts and news, but that's not at all what the most active users here are aiming for.

AlienEskimo ago

z_b really is a performance artist - he's actually an accountant IRL

also @generaldouche is a lion trainer in Vegas

NosebergShekelman ago

Is this some sort of goy game?? I bet these three people are like 12 people o9n Voat and playing games and trying to fool us jews. Well it won't work!

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck you drug addict.

sirRantsalot ago

Dude I've been here for 3 years. I'm just.....a little slow. In my defense there is a lot going on on voat.

sirRantsalot ago

My g?

xenoPsychologist ago

i had a dream about the voat drama last night, but this really takes the cake. what i going on around here these days??

gabara ago


xenoPsychologist ago

oh, okay. makes sense.

AlienEskimo ago

makes sense? you obviously need even more drugs

xenoPsychologist ago

how do your drugs make you feel?

AlienEskimo ago


xenoPsychologist ago

i see. and have you considered not being purple, but another color entirely?

AlienEskimo ago

I have tried others, purple works for me just fine

xenoPsychologist ago

in that case, carry on.

xenoPsychologist ago

someone should warn her about stairs before its too late.

sirRantsalot ago

Or you're lying. I think the odds are 80/20.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Off you were pity you would have benned yourself for doxing yourself even if you didn’t.


sirRantsalot ago

You fucking guys. Stop lying about your identities.

PuttsMum ago

Wait, I thought you were Kat.

Fuck me, I can't keep up with you bastards :)

AlienEskimo ago

Been telling you for years, we are all you @Mick

gabara ago

Agreed, I don't act like BTA.

m_1 ago

To whoever writes the main storyline: Next you shouldn't reveal that GG is pregnant with zyklon' baby. It's only logical.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

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PuttsMum ago


gabara ago

I graduated High School in 1990. I don't have time for this shit.

Questionable_1 ago

Damn things didn't work out with him and srayzie? I thought it was a sure thing, marriage, kids and a white pickett fence.

gabara ago

you're way off

Questionable_1 ago

Said that fer fun, I witnessed all that drama from the sidelines

m_1 ago

This episode is way better than the last one.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

Posted automatically (#52384) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@GeneralDouche: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @gabara)

gabara ago

Member when you were saying to be careful about who you meet IRL and I thought it was beatle?

virge ago


WhiteRonin ago

It’s probably sort of related to you gabby.

gabara ago

Don't be weak and scapegoat me. You know the truth. This all started with Beatle and GothamPlanet

WhiteRonin ago

I’m razzing ya bro! Sheesh!

gabara ago


AlienEskimo ago

egads, that's a very... Canadian response, bruh

gabara ago

I'm having a hard time understanding everyones behaviour these days. Can you all just go back to normal? @WhiteRonin, @Trigglypuff are onboard. @GeneralDouche, stop being crazy! @Kevdude, stop fighting with @crensch. @GothamGirl, please stop existing.

Gothamgirl ago

When you stop posting on a Loli sub I will think about, your breaking the laws in Canada and you have be warned.

WhiteRonin ago

We gave you a chance to to be inducted! It’s not too late! Bro AE wants you to join!

gabara ago


WhiteRonin ago

Then stay safe in SBBH. Venturing out is full of darkness and unholy entities. Lots of crazy black magic is flowing on voat. Serious! I’m not fucking with you.

gabara ago

you're doing too many drugs

AlienEskimo ago

Brother G, you are now ready for induction into Level 6

gabara ago


AlienEskimo ago

Aw ya goober - I'ma hire a professional to dress up like Rip Taylor and throw confetti at you.

virge ago

What would it take to convince you?

virge ago

It is, but there are bigger predators.

virge ago

Are you choosing to ignore the SearchVoat crosspost link for some reason?

virge ago

Except you got a problem with @whiteronin and refuse to explain your side of the story.

Do I? Or is he the one who hides from me?

Who summoned you? If that bit is even true - someone shadow pinged ya.

Look at the other comments in this very thread. It should be obvious.

WhiteRonin ago

@generalDouche please verify that I will unequivocally reply to nigger builder Virge.

Hey nigger Builder @virge! Buy me out you fucking stupid cunt. I don’t play games like you dumb ass bitch. I post all over coat to make sure everyone sees it! So fuck off with you me insinuations that I shadow pinged your ass here. I have at least 50 threads calling you out. You could easy pick one to reply to. So, nice try nigger liar!

Give me your address so I can send you a huge black dildo so you can do the freak!

virge ago

summoned by shitposters and trolls. The destroyers!

Both so-called "builders" and so-called "destroyers" are Legion for the same Voat army.

I did not ask for the title you give me. Use it to insult me if you must, but know my sword and yours seek the same taste of blood.


virge ago

I was summoned. I observed. I saw familiar names.

We are not enemies. You just think so.

virge ago

With my interactions with you in the past, why am I not surprised.

virge ago

What is WhiteRonin going to do without his closest friend?

I guess if WhiteRonin keeps up the act he's confirmed one suspicion.

gabara ago

RIGHT NOW! @VIRGE you fuck @WHITERONIN's ass and then @WHITERONIN will fuck your ass.

WhiteRonin ago

You wanna broker the peace treaty?

V will have to bring honor and integrity to the table and I’ll do the same.

gabara ago

Freedom > Peace

WhiteRonin ago

Now, you are getting it.

I give a fuck about my rep, points or how many people block me.

Shit is going down on voat and it is not a conspiracy.

AlienEskimo ago

Not at all a conspiracy!

ps congrats, looks like you only need 12 more posts today to qualify for a VPN discount

WhiteRonin ago

I missed tieing @gabara by 1! Fuck ... that means I neeed 13 for my CIA funded VPN service.


gabara ago

humans are being humans, as always, and forever

WhiteRonin ago

Rock the boat brother G!

Help us row it ashore !

thewebofslime ago

There are definitely a few people who know who the angel investor is.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/WhatYouMissed comment by @Redcobra.

Posted automatically (#52375) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@gabara: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Redcobra)

Redcobra ago

Well this did it , voat is RPG

TheBuddha ago

I told everyone this, years ago.

Voat is the strangest MUD I've ever played. Alas, IRL stuff has kept me busy. I, not for the first time, have no idea what's going on. It must be new content with the update Putt rolled out.

NosebergShekelman ago

We had an update?? and I didn't get my Star Of David badge wtf

Redcobra ago

Voat > still slightly better than Poal.

TheBuddha ago

I still have people on my lawn, but it's now many fewer people. My party stopped today, but there are stragglers that'll be here until tomorrow.

I should go back outside and be social. Otherwise, they'll all end up coming in the house and I'll never be rid of them.

I should also increase my rate of alcohol consumption. I should have done that hours ago.

Have a good day.

Redcobra ago

You too buddy

BrennKommando ago

Don't really know what to make of it, but they are both adults. As much as I'm getting bad vibes from this it's up to them to figure things out.

yurisrevenge ago

sucks to be you

gabara ago

Nah I'm happily married. Kat is not my type. She owns Kat

forget-me-not ago

Lol, wtf? I never saw that coming. I thought Kat was way too smart to be with that junkie. And I thought gg and beatles were living together in the south, while Kat is on the west coast? Something smells fishy.

WhiteRonin ago

FYI- me and Andrew Jackson have a cease fire. We are uneasy with it but it’s working. I’ve done the same with Tallest and Myg.

Virge and Team Srayzie are the problem on voat.

gabara ago

GG does lie a lot. But I warned Kat.

sirRantsalot ago

So does zyklon and every other motherfucker on our little social media site. It occurs to me I've even posted selfies, to my shame.

xenoPsychologist ago

wow. that is absolutely amazing. can we see your food next?

sirRantsalot ago

Post digestion?

xenoPsychologist ago

well, played. caught me off guard there.

sirRantsalot ago

As a xenopsychologist, can you tell me what motivates these guys?

xenoPsychologist ago

it is in my opinion that they wuz kangs, therefore they must riot and loot. best solution is lethal deportation.

sirRantsalot ago

Ah! Lethal deportation. I like it. Trebuchet?

xenoPsychologist ago

i prefer the ballista, but a trebuchet works just as well.

sirRantsalot ago

Seems like you get more bang for your buck with a trebuchet or catapult. I just got my trillion dollars idea! I'll join the military industrial complex and sell my prototype that works acceptably to the u.s. military for 50 million. But all the subsequent models will be catastrophically flawed and I can charge the gubmint billions of dollars in additional research and development for a product that performed flawlessly at first but then developed "issues". I can't miss! Except my product will miss every time.

xenoPsychologist ago

point the ballista at a sturdy wall. no more invasion, no more infinite breeding in our lands. they all splatter the same.

sirRantsalot ago

Seems like it would accelerate the spread of all the zeezes.

xenoPsychologist ago

well, thats what fire is for.

sirRantsalot ago

Hold on, taking notes.

xenoPsychologist ago

dont ruin all your good note-taking pens!

sirRantsalot ago

Well.....I write my notes on shitty toilet paper. So I don't really have any good pens.and zyklon has been chewing on them to where they don't work.

xenoPsychologist ago

what? everyone knows you dont chew before you screw! you wait until after!

sirRantsalot ago

He's notoriously ill-mannered.

xenoPsychologist ago

he is like some sort of juggalo. have you tried placating him with a bottle of faygo?

sirRantsalot ago

I don't believe I've ever seen a bottle of faygo. Wouldn't know where to get one.

xenoPsychologist ago

its just a soda. and not even a good quality one, at that.

sirRantsalot ago

Well then, they have an excellent if unprincipled marketing team.

xenoPsychologist ago

apparently they have a lot of flavors, though. but their creme soda is clear, which is weird.

sirRantsalot ago

The cream soda is the key. It isn't cream soda. It's intergalactic spaceship fuel.

xenoPsychologist ago

are juggalos aliens? that would explain a lot. and yet again bring homestuck a little bit closer to reality...

sirRantsalot ago


xenoPsychologist ago

yeah. webcomic/forum adventure. the fanbase can be a little crazy, which turns people off of it. pretty fantastic story overall, with a few flaws, but still well better than most. betty crocker is an actual villain, killer clowns, dog with sunglasses doing teleport murders, tons of characters who nearly all die at least once, etc. spectacular amount of music, many of which are used in flash animations, including playable flashes. absolutely insane amount of content put out in a matter of seven years.

and the relevant bit is that when betty crocker took over the earth after the universe got reset, she made the insane clown posse guys dual presidents of america. and guy fieri was the high chancellor of interstellar war.

its definitely not for everyone, but its worth a read if you can be bothered. or watch the youtube series where a bunch of people got together and voice acted it. the authors previous works are also pretty entertaining.

also, this is part of a series doing some analysis of the story, in this case discussing the use of computer science in the worldbuilding of the story. im pretty sure its not spoilery, if that matters to you at all.

anyways, this comment thread really went places.

sirRantsalot ago

Sounds interesting! I'll check it out.

xenoPsychologist ago

its balls to the walls crazy, but in a way that makes more and more sense as you study it. ive read the whole thing five times, as well as five times watching whats available of the lets read.

sirRantsalot ago

Thanks for the recommendation! I like weird/funny stuff.

xenoPsychologist ago

the author is quite the troll. anything in his works is only in there because he finds it hilarious.

this one time he saw a painting of a football player fighting a flaming horse on a mountaintop that he had to have. after some shenanigans, he now owns that very painting.

forget-me-not ago

This whole thing is wacky! Warned Kat about beats?

gabara ago

Suggested it would be a bad idea, back when I mistakenly thought he was courting her.

forget-me-not ago

Apparently, here is how it might have gone down.

Really surprised about Kat. Hope she's okay.

m_1 ago

Am I the only one here that can see that these are all the same person? Does everyone know it we we are supposed to "watch" it like a LARP soap opera? I'm confused. But I am enjoying the soap opera.

Shizie ago

Am I the only one here that can see that these are all the same person?

No, lots of people see that, but it's a big game to pretend they don't and play along with the fictional story.

m_1 ago

Yeah....but you're one of them....and the game continues....

Are you mad that they left you out of this episode?

Shizie ago

Yeah....but you're one of them....and the game continues....

No im not. Your smart enough to figure out the scam that's being pulled, but not yet able to identify who is really involved. Keep watching and learning.

thewebofslime ago


m_1 ago

I saw your pics. Not bad.

Shizie ago

She's beautiful, but it's not me. Keep watching and learning buddy.

m_1 ago're @crensch. I got crenschfished.

Shizie ago

Wrong again!

m_1 ago

No. I think I got this one right.

Shizie ago

Yeah, ok.