xenoPsychologist ago

the gayest cutting implement might just be glittery kid scissors with fake breasts on the handles.

heygeorge ago

glittery kid scissors with fake breasts on the handles.

Now that I think of it, and expounding on your concept, I think hey’d be scissors where the handles and balls and levers are erect and veiny. @truthdefender @peaceseeker I believe we have stumbled onto an unexpected Truth.

xenoPsychologist ago

i figured that scissors tend to... scissor. like lesbians.

HollaKost ago

Not Srayzie. Maybe a faggot.

Gothamgirl ago


Rotteuxx ago

I got accused of being one of Crensch's alts a while back. I even PMed crensch to ask him to reply the same thing as me at the exact same time but he told me he didn't see the point and that his reputation mattered too much to him...

His reputation mattered too much to him...

Kek !

Rotteuxx ago

Tantrum subs, gaylords arguing endlessly, self righteous narcissists not backing down, proof of kike tit pics to GA/PG mods, @Srayzie is running at least one account as @HollaKost...

That's the tldr of the TLDR.

ExpertShitposter ago

Is you being angir? I've rare saw you angier.

zyklon_b ago

1990 i am leaving too

HIVchan ago


AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

Wait until @theoldones realises that @srayzie was @Trigglypuff larping the whole time. None of it was real, it was all just a troll. @zyklon_b and @Trigglypuff are genius level trolls.

drstrangegov ago

head explodes

zyklon_b ago

thanks komrade 1990

AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

1990 brother

AESTHETIC_Ding-Dong ago

@crensch got turned on by her stories

zyklon_b ago

he is imcestuous

Dismember ago

I'm getting asked what the fuck I'm laughing at for a full minute now from another room and I have to tell a lie because showing them this would be far too embarrassing.

heygeorge ago

The context runs too deep. Voat can be difficult to explain at times.

drstrangegov ago

Dude .....you aren't just whistling Dixie. You're not really leaving, right? What a loss to the shitposting community.

heygeorge ago

Something has to give. The infighting needs to cool off. What’s the point of engaging somewhere unenjoyable?

drstrangegov ago

I hear you. But do you realize what you're doing is taking a giant shit on the floor and complaining about the smell in here?

heygeorge ago

Me? No, I bring a good natured humility to my posts and comments. It smells like chocolate chip cookies.

drstrangegov ago

Posh. Youre a machiavellian Mastermind. I'll bet you're smuggling dope in those cookies

Nadeshda ago

That’s why you cannot leave, I wuf chocolate chip cookies. I wasn’t sure how to tell you, but there you go...

heygeorge ago

All things must pass!

Nadeshda ago


Dismember ago

Yea, it's a whole can of worms. I got asked "what is that site?" once and I ended up just sitting there with my mouth open and nothing to say.

Imagine if I had to tell them I was once a SBBH mod here on another account?

Well, what a funny old site it is. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

theoldones ago

ah ok this is what you'd rather do then tell the website what you planned with zyklon

heygeorge ago

Did I do that?

heygeorge ago

Think so about what? If this fighting keeps up, I’m leaving Voat.

theoldones ago

then explain yourself, say its a lie, or leave.

what the fuck was the plan?

heygeorge ago

Trust the plan.

Rotteuxx ago

To laugh at morons who believe anything they read on here because it solicits their confirmation bias.

zyklon_b ago

@theoldones has discovered the trufe...