zyklon_b ago

halp halp someone typed mean words

heygeorge ago

Can you believe that guy called me a nigger?

zyklon_b ago

Oh no and that performance artist mentioned trannied should rape @shizy little boys with a dead pineapple...

ps @clamhurt_legbeard = jew

heygeorge ago

Lol, coamhurt_legbeard socked you pretty hard, but also if I’m not mistaken called everyone who got worked up about your bait a tremendous faggot.

zyklon_b ago

he killed himself when he supported Israel.and srayzie

drstrangegov ago

Is it possible you guys don't know about the lucifarians? I've seen a couple of people on here say they think I'm nuts. Probably because all this time I spent asking you guys for context I didn't give you any. I call them lucifarians but they are likely Babylonians. The Bible is a lot easier to make sense of than @gabara 's posts. All of this confusion and chaos is biblical. And it's just starting. But I think maybe it won't last more than ten years. Still no sign of a red hefer but weird stuffs happening in Israel. And the Jews are freaking out about "bringing back mosiach now".

ArcAngel ago

men w/ tiny hats?

heygeorge ago

I don’t know about the hats, but definitely bearded necks

drstrangegov ago


ArcAngel ago

neck beards & fedoras?.. says ' m'lady '?

heygeorge ago

We can all agree they are likely vitamin D deficient.

drstrangegov ago

Yeah, they.

PuttsMum ago

[vaugely serious] Are we the goodies the baddies, I can't keep up?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

According to crensch, SBBH is cancer and should be burnt to the ground.

PuttsMum ago

He's having a bad day :p

heygeorge ago

Oh yeah that’s what I wanted to post! Brb

wokeasfook ago

Eh @heygeorge why are you including me here. Just to be clear because I'm not certain what your trying to say, but I've been finding myself siding with @kevdude on this one. Are you trying to claim im part of an organised group?

I hope not. A few mods and old goats tried to shame ordinary users into getting involved in the drama. If we don't we are automatically siding with zyk and crew. I hope that's the point u are making. They are trying to shame us into supporting the sanitizing of voat.

All I've done is try to be a voice of reason. Maybe it didn't come across that way.

heygeorge ago

Are you trying to claim im part of an organised group?


A few mods and old goats tried to shame ordinary users into getting involved in the drama.

No shit, I got all kinds of messages and pings trying to get me to ‘take a stand’ for ‘what is right’.

the point u are making; that they are trying to shame us into supporting the sanitizing of voat.


All I've done is try to be a voice of reason. Maybe it didn't come across that way.

That’s my take on it.

wokeasfook ago

I haven't seen anyone explain how banning someone stops that someone from setting up a brand new account or just using an already set-up alt account. At least as it is now I know what these users are. I recognize the user names and act accordingly.

How does banning someone's username ban that person from accessing voat? As far as I can make out it doesn't. It just means they are here and we can't recognise their new username.

I don't know what can be done. But I haven't seen much constructive discussion or debate on the subject.

heygeorge ago

How does banning someone's username ban that person from accessing voat? As far as I can make out it doesn't. It just means they are here and we can't recognise their new username.

Precisely. Bans don’t work. I personally like to upvote people who are getting shit on, so long as they aren’t detracting objectively from the matter at hand. (And if I think it’s funny)

Someday, when we get the code updated and ‘packages’ are released, Voaters will have a lot more control over their personal experience. You’ll be able to, for example, subscribe to kevdude’s ‘list of dial alts’ and then every time dial posts, he’ll be flaired. (Every known alt, at least. I know for a fact kev is missing some.) You’ll probably be able to customize your own Voat experience as well, seeing who you upvote etc.

wokeasfook ago

Ah ok that's a relief. I think we're all a little defensive at the moment.

The thing is, all of this infighting isn't a disagreement about what happened (I think most of us disapprove of the behavior) but rather a disagreement about how it should be dealt with.

Perhaps we need to start a new conversation where we discuss constructively how to fairly combat certain behaviour. We should be discussing this as a community rather than bickering and turning on each other while certain people rub their hands together gleefully. Constructive conversations bring us together as a group even of we disagree and have different ideas. At least we'd be working together instead of playing directly into the hands of those who seek to destroy us.

heygeorge ago

We are on the same page here. There should be a venue for this sort of thing. Maybe a post to v/Voat? But in reality, many small conversations may be the place to be.

I think we’ll need to see how things shake out with Crensch’s alleged new project of attempting to make all ‘sbbh people’ eat crow in some way while he gleefully deletes away his feefee hurtses.

heygeorge ago

Lord @Mick already bequeathed thine subverse to a banhappy asshole.

FBIAnon Predicted This

ratsmack ago

There definitely seems to be an uptick in the shit stirring lately... something's going on.

heygeorge ago

This has been happening ever since srayz started to get upset over zyklon, and it always happens when there is unrest at the site.

ratsmack ago

I don't understand the pissing contests between people, unless one or the other is paid to stir the shit. I also think the Putt need to define a set of rules for mods as a basis for accountability. What we have now is a free-for-all and no one really knows what mods are allowed to do on their non-system subs.

heygeorge ago

What we have now is a free-for-all and no one really knows what mods are allowed to do on their non-system subs.

This is how Voat is intended, and what it says in the rules. In short, mods are free to make their own rules and run their own subverses how they choose. OTOH, Putts is allowed to remove a mod or banhammer anyone at anytime for any goddamn reason he chooses.

ratsmack ago

Moderating a subverse is an unofficial, voluntary position. We reserve the right to revoke that position for any user at any time. You may not perform moderation actions in return for any form of compensation or favor from third-parties. When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it.

Hmmmm.... not very clear on what is expected of mods. I think we can and should do better.

heygeorge ago

There’s another bit about subverses which is relevant.

It’s really the Voat community that has come up with what is expected of mods, and historic posts like the call for [J] volunteers on System-owned subs.

This all being said, yes, it would be useful to re-write a lot of the guidelines and FAQ’s. This is not really Puttsy’s strong suit.

ratsmack ago

I have seen a lot of growth in the last year or so and if it continues with no well defined rules, then there will be much moaning and gnashing of teeth. It is always hard to implement new rules and guidelines after the growth has happened. We've all seen the shitstorms at Digg, Reddit and even Slashdot had some issues when rules were tightened. I just wish Putt would at least start the conversation.

Hey @PuttItOut, are you ready?

heygeorge ago

I think Putts (and the userbase) would be better served if he lets this ride out a bit and keeps working on the new Voat Votes update.

drstrangegov ago

Order from chaos

ratsmack ago

For now, yes... but he can add it to his TODO list.

virge ago

At some point, the tactics repeat themselves ad nauseam.

Only when an individual reaches that point do they finally recognize the true choice. It's inevitable, really, it's merely a matter of.. illumination.

Reymrgapurple ago

relax its going to be big someday.

heygeorge ago