SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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KatHarzso ago


xenoPsychologist ago

i almost fell for it, til i heard "do nothing and let the government sort its self out. heres your decoder ring."

heygeorge ago


I investigated these allegations, and found no evidence to suggest anyone from sbbh was spamming their subverse comments with the wall of porn.

Phantom42 ago

Indeed it has, lol.

Take it easy!

Le_Squish ago

He might eventually figure out that in most cases, no one is clearly your friend or your enemy. We tolerate each other in the truest since (not the perverted kike type of tolerance). A lot of goats are reaching out to him to chat and vent but he's still in the needs to be right mode.

xenoPsychologist ago

Q is sacred

is q the new holocaust?

Phantom42 ago

So Triggly...

How have you been doing in all of this? Staying well I hope?

Phantom42 ago

Never liked Srayzie. Her and her fucking Qult.

The less of them, the better.

ExpertShitposter ago

Fucking MEGA LEL

kkasdfa88934 ago

I will upvoat @crensch if @crensch brins some ice cream



heygeorge ago

My lawn is looking fantastic right now.

kkasdfa88934 ago

lol, I bought so many flower yesterday... chatting with little ole ladies, making them laugh. Then I got got home and said fuck I need a girlfriend and all depressed.

I'm surprised... usually my marigolds come back..... seeds etc, notta this year.

but I have every damn dandelion in the state on my lawn.

heygeorge ago

We bought hardly any flowers this year since we are moving in a couple weeks.

Don’t let the lack of lady get you down. You’ll stumble onto someone decent if you keep clean & serene.

Dandelions are awesome. You should make yourself a salad with the leaves or make a green drink with ‘em.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

Dandelions are awesome. You should make yourself a salad with the leaves or make a green drink with ‘em.

thought about it... naw..... it goes under the exmark

jkasdfhk7732 ago

mike the scavenger never let me down for a laugh

zyklon_b ago

@katharzso sent me pelfies

KatHarzso ago

She sends everyone pelfies.

xenoPsychologist ago

wtf is a pelfie?

KatHarzso ago

It is a selfie of a pussy. I use my cats.

xenoPsychologist ago

that got boring fast.

zyklon_b ago

what a (((slut)))

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission by @zyklon_b.

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AndrewBlazeIt ago

Q predicted this

mitoriomyt ago

Best TLDRs ever.

Welcome back!

Recyclops14 ago

So was it SBBH spamming the other Q sub with porn?

Le_Squish ago

Crensch is suffering from destroyed ego. There are a few things that will consistently make men have a strong emotional reaction. Having status challenged is one of them. When you read his brain vomit, it's obvious that he's hurt because he feels like he lost to all these people that he feels he should have been superior to. So because he's a raging autist (emotionally underdeveloped) he'll just tantrum till implosion. He literally can't comprehend that goats are trying to reconcile and are willing to let all this retardation be water on the bridge. Real autist miss these kinds of social clues and that is why they end up bitter and alone.

zyklon_b ago

Thanks and yes @crensch water under bridge just go be qtards and stop acting like goats

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The plot thickens:)

drstrangegov ago

Don't forget the Martian invasion

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I really don’t care about anything besides 5 star entertainment value.

Who knew the internet could be so fun?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

The very best part of free speech!

zyklon_b ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

You've been Putting the FUN back in FUNdaMental since 1990, broski

zyklon_b ago

thanks do u wanna join my army?

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I'm more of an auxiliary retired special forces advisor

Too old to fight, and syrazie was our friend before she went kerbonkers. Knew she was an alt thot a year ago.

I really hated see you & her fight, bruddah - it's like a skeezy niece who pretends to be a good church girl on Sundays, versus the black leather jacket biker skinhead nephew who never pretended to be anything else. Points for you though, because you're not a hypocrite.

zyklon_b ago

I am proud she is gone. Was negative and a bad example for others. Pinging dozens of ppl into post for brigades. Imagine if her an crensch had tried my methods of not asking for brigades ?? lmao.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I hear ya, but who among us doesn't have flaws? She was one of us, and I am sad she gave up.

I would like to ask you to forgive her, man. Not forget what she's done. Just forgive.

zyklon_b ago

its all a joke to me mein friend. i just kept on cause crensch and kevdude tried to whiteknight . i have no hard feelings this aint reall NONE OF IT

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Yeah, word magic. It's fun.

Sometimes, though, people live too much in their own heads and forget it's all imaginary, especially the words.

Here's a word you might consider: grace

Srayzie went crayzie with her Q persona mixed with her SBBH persona, and apparently her real life persona. You pointed out, she spent so much time here developing her Q persona and her real life persona, goodie two shoes, at the same time Clitorissa persona is sexytiming like a thot? So much cognitive dissonance. And yet, again, who among us is without sin? Who should cast the first stone?

So, please consider: grace

Forgiveness of someone, not because they deserve it. But because it's the biggest fookin punchline of all, the greatest laugh.

We're ape-men. We laugh to share pain, in part. Srayzie, for all her flaws, was - and is, I say - one of us. Another fellow human being, who committed the sin of taking her own shit too seriously for perhaps too long. Yet the ability to laugh with her, instead of at her, creates an opportunity to heal the purely imagined / not real wounds that all the cross words have created.


Just asking, bro, and not demanding. But please consider, forgive her.

zyklon_b ago

i agree try and see if puttler will contact one of her alts and bring her back

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

yer a good man, Zeeky Brown

thanks for lending an ear

(says one cannibal to another)

zyklon_b ago

i sincerley hope this works and am able to make peace. i just wish her proponents would stop for implying to brigade us and trying make us Goats choose sides. WTF is that shit. ? anyways best of luck and maybe explain "performance art" to her in an easy to understand way may help her comprehension skills.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

i just wish her proponents would stop for implying to brigade us and trying make us Goats choose sides. WTF is that shit.

Probably paid shills, literally. Professional discussion disrupters. People forget that the Russians actually organized post-election anti-Trump rallies. Fucking lame. But they are here, every day, to exercise their right to earn a very small paycheck, funded by weird rich folks who want to divide and conquer all of humanity, all the time, everywhere and all at once.

Plus mindless sheep, on the far left and far right.

Notice how hardly anyone says they are moderates any more? Makes it easy to control the sheep when they basically line themselves up in smaller pens, following a small handful of Judas goats.

That's why forgiveness, it's a powerful thing, man. Breaching the artificial walls between us, and saying Hey I disagree with you very strongly yet still we can be friends and have a good time. It takes one of the most powerful weapons elite bastards use to control the most of us.

I especially enjoy the part where elite bastards hate getting made fun of, laughed at, and ridiculed.

zyklon_b ago


sosat_menya_reddit ago

You devil you!

zyklon_b ago

We did it my friend. build up our new sub v/beatlestrollarmy. got 2 more pple to kilt

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Who knew the return of @KatHarzso would cause all of this chaos?

Phantom42 ago

I'm guessing Kat is one of the heavyweight shitposters around here?

If so, glad Kat is back.

gabara ago


kkasdfa88934 ago

yeah dude , crensch fucking flipped


@srayzie is a larp

PuttsMum ago

"Kung Fu fighting"

Hahaha that's fucking brilliant!

Le_Squish ago

I forgot to congratulate you on your revival. Boomer Queen has gone down in flames and crensch cared about GA so much that is he is destroying what's left of it. Not sure how that works but meh.

Somewhere in here there is a lesson about not forming your identity around shallow stupid shit.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

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gabara ago

succinct and accurate.

zyklon_b ago

hurr kids was kilt in nam in 1990

Cockulator ago

Schizophrenic pussy is apparently amazing.

drstrangegov ago

Can confirm

ilikeskittles ago

Crazy is the best sex you'll ever have. Just don't fall asleep around them.

zyklon_b ago

srayzie got kilt

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Yeah I knew that part. I saw her sappy "I'm leaving cus people were mean to me" thread

zyklon_b ago

@crensch started it all by calling for brigades so is his fault srayzie ded

drstrangegov ago

I can't believe o got so pussified that I was actually concerned that people were using words like "kill" and "dead". They are fucking turs of phrase. Like "the 49'ers are going to kill the Giants. They'll slaughter them". That doesn't mean there will be blood all over the field.

zyklon_b ago

Yes you showed your true colors when things got heated

drstrangegov ago

Hey, cheesedick. No need to rub salt in the wound. I was wrong. There's such a thing as being a sore winner.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Great shapeshifting. Did Noseberg teach you some moves?

drstrangegov ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

He still stands by her ashes and vows to defend the pro-Israel Zionist sub with all of his incel might ah ah

heygeorge ago

He made it clear how he wants to burn down SBBH and all shit posters

100% not possible, I wish him all the luck but it’s not happening.

Phantom42 ago

Crazy shitposters I get along with or weird letter-worshippers?

Easy choice.

zyklon_b ago

@sguevar seems to be making real threats against white infants

sguevar ago

Even your performance is rooted in sick thoughts... I wonder (((who))) else is obsessed with hurting infants (G.G)