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sguevar ago

You keep pushing it faggot. You don't learn and you do not work for the well being of Voat.

zyklon_b ago

crensch made another post bout me so ima keep on...member "ALL is satire"

sguevar ago

Obviously you know no restraint. But I won't support you any further and I will stand against your attempts. Let that sink in.

zyklon_b ago

fuck you and fuck retraints. da lil ones will pay

sguevar ago

Of that I am certain, you will pay, in due time.

zyklon_b ago

boohoo my art is good your censorship is bad

sguevar ago

You are no artist you are paid faggot that follows the best offert and as long as you can keep your addiction going and your coalburning faggotry you don't care for the consequences. That is why you didn't care for what happened to @Trigglypuff despite all of your fake ass posts that you missed her.

Try harder faggot.

Gothamgirl ago

"paid faggot" both are lies and misrepresenting the truth =deceit

Whine harder toddler.

You fit the meaning

sguevar ago

You got rekt before my dear coalburner. I am done with you...

Gothamgirl ago

That's laughable, rekt me? When, and where? Last I remember your Queen quit in tears.

So that's more deceiving on your part. I don't burn coal, crybaby.

sguevar ago

Keep telling yourself that my dear coal burner... No one will pay your toll here.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't get it? What rekt me?

Do you really think your name calling has any value at all?

sguevar ago

Sure because you didn't try to slander me and then tried to reply and deleted your comment after Triggly confirmed my defense on her.

Try harder XD

Gothamgirl ago

My comment posted twice so I deleted one. You are just making stuff up, go back to Qtardville, enjoy your kike riddled psyop, now run by a fake Nazi.

sguevar ago

Mhm sure coal burner...

Gothamgirl ago


zyklon_b ago


sguevar ago

Sure faggot.

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff is great. i risked bein permabanned to free her. what did u do?

sguevar ago

i risked bein permabanned to free her.

You risked nothing. So stfu you pussy as shit.

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff i got your back unlike this divider

sguevar ago

And you know what it got you Triggly. Just let that sink in.

Gothamgirl ago

It got rid of Srayzie the crayzie.

zyklon_b ago


sguevar ago

Why are you calling your (((handlers)))? Are you missing money due to your addictions?

zyklon_b ago