TheBuddha ago

LOL I use Linux. Their ransomeware won't even install. I also read email in plain text and open zero unknown attachments. Ol' Buddha has been around.

JopharVorin ago

Send them dick pics

TheBuddha ago

Their reply email doesn't work. Worst blackmail attempt ever!

JopharVorin ago

I actually had the ones who call your home phone and tell you that your computer is sending out errors. I love fucking with those idgets. My wife loves sitting and listening to me do it and she giggles the whole time.

TheBuddha ago

I've been hoping for one of those calls. None so far.

I use Linux. I will follow their directions exactly.

JopharVorin ago

haha I always start telling them made-up stories about Allah. I do occasionally tell them that I am a Linux user and that Hitler did nothing wrong. They haven't called for a pretty good while. I think I might've pissed them off with my redpilling skills.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I'm going with old man who knows nothing about computers. I've been eagerly awaiting one of these calls for quite a while.

I'm pretty sure I can keep 'em on the phone for a few hours. I plan on using lots of "Hold on, I gotta pee." I might even make 'em wait on hold while I eat dinner. I'm gonna be really mad when they can't fix it. "Well, I'm sending it to you. You better send it back fixed. You offered to fix it and I agreed. That's a legally binding contract in my jurisdiction!"

JopharVorin ago

Oh, I'm going with old man who knows nothing about computers. I've been eagerly awaiting one of these calls for quite a while.

haha I watched my elderly dad answer a phone call from them and I was crying. He is not technologically inclined the least. I wish he was always around when they call because I would hand the phone to him. I bet their heads were spinning at the end of that conversation.

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! I've been actively planning on how I'll respond to one. Old man route seems the best way to go. "What, speak up girl. I can't hear you."

"My computer's doing what?"

"Nope, can't say. It usually just sits there until I look at naked pictures."

Also, my house is just not designed for people on crutches. It's just a bitch to get coffee - even with my fancy fucking coffee maker. It's like a 30 step process! (I just got some coffee and that whole process pisses me the fuck off.)

JopharVorin ago

haha I'm not laughing at ya, man. I'm laughing with you. Ironically, my coffee maker is shot. We're actually going out this weekend to buy a new one, and I will tell ya, I do not like cheap coffee makers.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, coffee makers...

I have a REALLY fancy one. I have the same Bunn that you'd see in a small diner - including the warming plate on top and the hot water tap on the side. It's just a single pot and it makes coffee in like a few minutes. It's exactly what you'd see in the diner and everyone knows how to use one.

That's right... I've got diner coffee in my house.

Moving on...

It's connected to my water supply. That means a plumber installed it. It's got a great warranty, but a plumber has to be Bunn certified. Fortunately, I have one.

The heating element died.

I bought a new coffee maker. Just some cheap fucking thing.

I got my coffee maker fixed.

The missus asked what to do with the new cheap one that we'd used for a few days. I told her to chuck it in the trash. She didn't. She took it to the Grange Hall and sold it to someone at their annual yard sale. Either that or she gave it away to someone at the Hall.

All was great...

My coffee maker, the Bunn, died again.

I'd told her to chuck the cheap pot away, so that's entirely my fault. I take the blame for that.

I was too busy to go get another coffee maker. I tried to send her. She said she didn't want to go all the way into Farmington.

I finally decided I needed a coffee maker. I hopped in the car to go to Farmington to get me a new coffee maker. She hopped in beside me. "Seeing as you're driving..."

Eventually, Joe the Plumber came and completely replaced my coffee maker. Bunn wanted to charge me for it and I told 'em they could suck my dick. It's got a warranty! They can buy me a new coffee maker AND they can pay Joe the Plumber to fucking install it. It says RIGHT in the directions to have it installed by a plumber. Bunn paid Joe's fee.

So far, so good. That was late summer. I've had the new coffee maker since and it works a treat.

I fucking love my Bunn. It was only like $400, as I recall. That includes the installation! I can make coffee for 100 people in like 20 minutes. Even better, there's always someone in the crowd that knows how to use a Bunn coffee maker - 'cause they're industry standard. So, I can make pancakes while someone else makes the coffee.


That part I thought through...

Placement of my coffee maker is not something I thought through very well. It's across the kitchen from the fridge. The fridge also has a wide door. Opening a wide door that opens out, while on crutches, is just a pain in the ass.

These are the things I now have to think about!

JopharVorin ago

We've used BUNN's for years but this last time I bought a high end Mister Coffee with the thermos pot. Its lasted 1 year but it was a good'n. I liked it. I imagine we will be going back to BUNN. My mom owned a restaurant or two over the years and I had one like you are talking about. I ended up selling it and going standard because it took up too much room, according to the missus. I have a building full of restaurant gear. I've toyed with the idea and still do occasionally.

TheBuddha ago

LOL Another bit of my prized kitchen gear is a stand mixer.

It's not your normal stand mixer, it's a floor model. It's a 13qt Hobart.

I didn't get a gas griddle installed (you know the type, they're like 6' long and 4' deep). I just use a griddle that covers two burners. I have several of them and my stove is gas with six burners.

I can put on a feast in short order - specifically a breakfast feast. Coffee, pancakes, bacon, eggs, etc..

I've even got it figured out well enough so that I can have different ends of the griddles at different temperatures. I used to have a whole lot of guests when I first retired. Coming back to my place after the bar closed was a tradition.

My other prized kitchen good is my cutlery. I did not fuck around. I went with nice custom knives from Japan. No, guests aren't allowed to use them. They are very, very expensive - but they're very good. They also have a great warranty! (I check warranties and buy accordingly. It's one of the reasons I shop at LL Bean so much.)

JopharVorin ago

You have good taste.

TheBuddha ago

Sort of. I only like to buy certain things once.

I am never going to have to buy another stand mixer. I am never going to need to buy another stove. My kitchen is pretty much all industrial equipment. I didn't shop at a furniture store for my appliances. I shopped at a restaurant supply store to outfit my kitchen appliances.

Mostly 'cause I sometimes feed a whole lot of people. I can make 100 people breakfast in like an hour. I'll need someone on dishes, 'cause I don't have that many sets. I can pull it off without a dish person if I use paper plates.

Yes, yes I have brought the entire bar back to my house.

My kitchen is really just another indicator that I make poor choices!

JopharVorin ago

Sort of. I only like to buy certain things once.

That's exactly how I am with certain things. If ya buy cheap ya only jew yourself. I think her mixer is an industrial KitchenAid. I know the bowl is a lot taller than the normal ones at the stores. I dont know. I dont mess with it. If I have to mix something I grab a stainless steel bowl and a beater/mixer and go at it manually lol

paper plates.

Hell yes. The secret weapon. I cant even imagine the l;evel of psychosis if I let someone use her good dishes. She'd probably threaten to stab me. again. ah ah ah

Yes, yes I have brought the entire bar back to my house.

I've done that in the old days before I was married. After that I had to contain it to a backyard/pool party/drunken high cook-out kind of thing. No one is allowed in our sanctuary.

My kitchen is really just another indicator that I make poor choices!

I know them feels. I have some of those that I look at everyday, as well.

TheBuddha ago

Now you can see why I am not married! I refuse to get married. If the missus doesn't like it, she has choices.

I've been much more tame lately. So, the current missus is not too bothered. I've calmed down a lot since I used to drink and drug every day. Retirement was not good for me.

JopharVorin ago

It took me about ten years after marriage to calm down on most things but I did it for my own reasons. Not hers. She knew from day one that I cannot be controlled. It is a lost cause even trying. Yeah this retirement shit will make a man soft fo sho

TheBuddha ago

I retired and went on a rampage. Were I a better man, I'd regret some of the things I did. Alas, I am not a better man and I had a pretty good time.

JopharVorin ago

There's only one thing that will piss mine off and that's if a certain close friend wants me to go somewhere on vacay with him. He's like: "dood, I totally want you to go to Popocatepetl volcanoes with me to watch for UFO's". I said well do you want to go with us? No. Then I'll be back....unless I get abducted and probed. Everything else she usually gets over pretty quickly.

TheBuddha ago

She doesn't bitch too much. She once bitched and that's how we ended up with EH living here. That's what started that whole process.

She does bitch when she catches me doing things with my leg that I'm not supposed to be doing. She bitches up a storm when that happens. EH caught on and also bitches at me when she catches me.

JopharVorin ago

Keep EH away from her because it is contagious!!! lol They will gang up on you!

TheBuddha ago

Meh... They're right, in those cases. I really shouldn't do those things.

JopharVorin ago



TheBuddha ago

They have, too. I sheepishly go back to my crutches, or they bring them to me.

What I do is I use the counter to support my weight and then I kinda hop to the table - where there's a chair. Kinda... It's more a lurch. I then do the same thing to get to the fridge - where I can REASONABLY open it without taking 5 different steps with the crutches. Then, I put the creamer on the top of the fridge and then slide it up the counter. Then, I slide it up and use the counter to get back to my coffee pot and where I left my crutches.

Which is pretty stupid of me, but it's a damned pain in the ass to get to the creamer!

To top it off, it the coffee goes into a thermos which then goes into a backpack. Yup, I look like I'm hiking the Appalachian Trail, just to go get coffee.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

How is offering a free service to share one's favorite links a form of blackmail? Most people have to pay for a service like that.

I call hijinks, this organization needs to fire their marketing consultant. Terrible advertising effort!

TheBuddha ago

I'm sure it'd bother some folks if their porn videos got released. My only public figure status is as a musician and everyone around already knows I'm not normal. My neighbors will find it funny. My family will find it funny. My friends will sneak it into the projector so it shows up on the big screen.

I'm not seeing a problem. Shit, I should pay them to release the videos.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Perhaps you'll get a response if you promise to pay for their marketing service, but only in your own BuddhaCoin cryptocurrency - 1% of which is donated to retired porn actresses

TheBuddha ago

Their reply email address was fake, sadly.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Aww too bad, I had the fake money to fake pay them

Hydrocephalus ago

Apparently street shitters are also shit at blackmail. I remember some street shitters tried to blackmail me over the phone a couple of years ago, said they were from some law firm suing me over a payday loan or something. Tried to tell me they were going to send the sheriffs over to arrest me. I would have fun cursing them out, then a day or so later one wouod call back and say "you were very rude to my associate" before trying to run the same bullshit. I would curse them out too. Finally I got bored so one time I told them I recorded the call and I'm reporting them to the feds, then they stopped calling.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I tried to email them back but their email bounced. My reply was impolite and amusing.

See, I don't really care if they show them to my friends and family. Actually, that's not true. I'd think it's fucking funny if they'd show them to my friends and family. I'd laugh my ass off.

They probably found a password dump and the rest is bullshit.

zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

yeah its hard to blackmail those that are proud of their accomplishments

TheBuddha ago

Damned right.

If I made a porn vid online, I not only want to see it, I want it published.

zyklon_b ago

I feel the same and several years ago sent some out via text messages so im certain some tweaker uploaded em

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I'm sure there are dick pics out there. But they specified videos. LOL I don't remember making any videos. I hope I did!

zyklon_b ago

the ones I made was just my dick goin into a pussy and ass and then mouth from my pov. so no face shots on my end

TheBuddha ago

I don't even have a clue. I have zero memory of making online porn vids.

I don't even care if my face is in them.

zyklon_b ago

I don't either and looking back in hindsight was a mistake not uploading em and putting my face in cause she was hot and I fucked the shit out of and degraded her big time

TheBuddha ago

I dunno? I haven't a clue. Like I said, I don't even remember making them.

I used to get really fucked up. There are periods of my life that I didn't remember. I also went on quite a bender when I retired.

zyklon_b ago

I think itd be hilarious for shit to come out. if it happens put it on voat

TheBuddha ago

I'd giggle.

zyklon_b ago

yeah itd be cool

TheBuddha ago

Shit, if the videos pop up, I'll link 'em myself. I ain't scared. The missus isn't going to give a shit, 'cause it wouldn't have been with her.

zyklon_b ago

same here if mine pop up im linking. I mean my pic already up here and every chick that sees it keep talking to me so I figure a sex tape would probably score me even more pusssy pics

TheBuddha ago

Valid point! I don't have trouble getting laid. I am not sure why some people do. My last girlfriend was 19 when we hooked up. She was older than the one before that, who was just 18 when we hooked up. The one before that was in her early 20s. They're all gorgeous, as well.

Hell, the current missus is in her fifties but you'd not know it. She's never had kids and is pretty damned cute. She's not even cute for her age, she's cute.

zyklon_b ago

cool. I aint ever had no problem getting ass either. anymore it aint worth the emotional stress and compromises of entering into relaltionships especially wh en they come to understand aint no changing me and aint getting a job! lol lots of sluts get real tough when they realize you aint gonna even attempt to support em

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

Hey, well at least you respect them!

zyklon_b ago

I really do

TheBuddha ago

LOL I support them. I have never needed a girlfriend to have a job. They can, I'm sure as shit not going to stop them. However, they don't need to. I will support them. I will even support their drug habits.

I should explain. All my girlfriends, even if they're short-term, are known as the missus. Not all the women I've had sex with were girlfriends. Some were the mistress and others were just fuck buddies or one-night stand types of relationships. So, they're all the missus.

I don't want the missus to have to work, so that she's able to be home and to do things on my schedule. I don't care if they have civic functions that they attend, so long as it doesn't fuck with my schedule - or lack of a schedule. If I say, "I want to go to NY this weekend." I want them to be able to join me. If I say that I want to spend all day in bed and doing nothing, I don't want them to have to call into work and lie to their boss about why they're not showing up that day.

They can work. I don't even try to stop 'em. I just prefer it if they don't. In return, I will support them. I will ensure their needs and reasonable wants are met. I will ensure they are financially set to the point where they don't need a job.

I did this even before I had much money. I'd work my job to pay for my family and my missus. I'd then work a second job to support my recreational needs. Which is why I was a performing musician for so long.

See? Now you know the reasons and the whole story!

zyklon_b ago

I do see. if I was able to afford it id not allow em to work at all except like around the farm or mowing and shit

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I don't stop them. There's no "let" involved. I'm not that kind of guy.

I have a set of rule that I live by. They're expected to accommodate. I insist on only a few things. They must be honest, open, and communicative. Those are the requirements to qualify to be a potential missus. I don't tell them how to do it. Only that those are the minimum standards that I hold.

zyklon_b ago

oh they are good standards to judge by

TheBuddha ago

They're the minimum that I require.

There's lots of other women, but very few are eligible to be the missus. That's okay. I've had plenty of relationships where they were just short term flings and meaningless. Those have a time and a place.

zyklon_b ago

all mine tend to be short and meaningless.

PuttIsaTDrinker ago

You prefer strats or bio females or you just take what you can get?

TheBuddha ago

I have loved very few, but I've appreciated many. I've been in lust, lots of times. I've been in love very seldom.

I'm convinced that I never really know it's love until after it's over. I'm okay with that. I'm okay with being in lust.

I don't even tell the missus that I love her. I don't know if I do. I'm very fond of her. I'd like to stay with her forever, but that seems REALLY unlikely. Hell, I'll even make sure she's financially set if she leaves. I will continue to provide her with money until after she finds a good job, even after we break up. I will treat her better than the courts would treat her if we were married with a pre-nup. The car she drives is pretty much still brand new and in her name. The insurance is paid automatically. She has a debit card that is attached to an account and I just keep it restocked and don't even really pay attention to her spending. (She's remarkably frugal when it comes to her own needs/wants.)

She has a house that she got from a divorce. It's not paid off, so I pay the mortgage every month. I'd like to just pay it off entirely, but she won't let me. She keeps saying shit like she's going to sell the house and give me the money to "pay me back." I tell her she shouldn't do that. I don't have a history of staying together with girlfriends. Her house is her safety net. It's somewhere for her to go when the probable event occurs.

History says I've broken up with every single other girlfriend. It seems pretty damned likely that I'll eventually end up breaking up with her, or that she'll get sick of my shit and leave. It'd be nice if she had a place to go. She probably shouldn't sell her house. If she does, she sure as shit shouldn't give me the money.

Regardless, I'll take care of her after she's gone. Well, that assumes she doesn't do shit like try to burn my house down on the way out. That assumes we part on reasonably good terms.

That's one of the benefits of having a few bucks. I realize most people can't do that. I can do that.

In fact, I paid the last missus to go the fuck away. I paid her to go back to her family where she came from.

zyklon_b ago

damn dude its crazy to think you are able to afford shit like that. I cannot even imagine not having to scrape of change and food stamps to feed daughter!!!! Well I can imagine!!!!!!!

good morning buddhA

TheBuddha ago

I have been pretty poor. I am no longer poor.

zyklon_b ago

I figured that's why you understand and like me cause you was just smart enough to make it out

TheBuddha ago

I have scrounged for change to buy ramen noodles, literally. I never let my kids go hungry, so after they were born things changed a lot. Still, they ate a lot of boxed Mac and Cheese, sandwiches, etc...

And, as for making it out, it wasn't totally due to skill or anything. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky, in a lot of ways.

Prior to that, I was still just middle class. I used to still perform because I needed the extra money. I had not just my family to support, I had about 250 employees and I was responsible for making sure they could feed their families.

My take home pay, my last year, was $107,000. I was paying for a house in the burbs, a full time nanny, a car, insurance, and food. I was also saving up for my daughter's tuition and saving for retirement.

At the end of each week, I had maybe $50 in my pocket. That'd not even support my beer habit, never mind buy my drugs. So, I kept performing as a second job.

I actually paid some of my employees more than I paid myself.

It sounds like a lot of money, but I had a lot of expenses.

Prior to selling and retiring, that's the BEST I was ever at. That's the absolute richest I was while still working. That was after many years below the poverty line. Yes, I was below the poverty line.

I was never reduced to food stamps, but I was really close. WIC helped and we used that. The kids also had Medicare, or whatever it is called, until I started making more money. So didn't my wife, but the VA covered me.

I've been pretty fucking poor. I've borrowed money to eat. I've gone hungry. I've worked manual labor jobs.

I'm not one of those fucksticks that was born into money. I know the value of a dollar. I've had times when I had zero dollars in my pocket.

I won't say that I understand your situation. I don't. I've never been in your shoes.

I will say I can relate. I've experienced some not so good living.

zyklon_b ago

check this out from a leftover Obama policy I got a $30 raise in welfare but due to TRump new rule I lost $50 in food stamp due to "pay increase" WTF!!! punishing the weakest while cutting taxes for corporate friends much!!!

TheBuddha ago

LOL Trump cut my taxes quite a bit. I didn't actually need them cut, but whatever.

zyklon_b ago

see exactly what I was trying to convey as to me that cut for food is very shitty, I will be ok as hoping knee allows me to do some manual labor and make up deficit + get high

TheBuddha ago

Getting high is actually important, I think.

zyklon_b ago

some play golf or go fish or hog hunt but as for me I escape a different way!!!!!!!!!

TheBuddha ago

I can relate and escaping is a part of being human.

TheBuddha ago

I can relate to you.

zyklon_b ago

good morniong

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

whats up ? are you high? dude i just found a stash i had hidden like in july but long since had forgotten where i hid it till bam bam!!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, sorta high. I had my PT already this morning. They all want me to eat opiates and say that I'm wrong, that the pain is actually still a problem.

I pay them good money. They are good physicians. They are all the best in the business, in my area. They all know about my history with opiates.

So, I trust them. I will listen to them. I'm not going to do things AMA. What's the point of me getting the best advice money can buy if I'm not going to listen to it?

And, because my tolerance has increased, I've taken 10 mg of oxy and another 4 mg of diluadid.

A little high. I should be high as balls, but I'm not. Stupid tolerance!

Anyhow, what'd you find?

zyklon_b ago

four 10mg hydrocodone in a drawer that i just had not thought to open for a very long time

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

xactly now is time for some bisquits and gravy. damn man physical therapy helping mobility or is it too soon to tell?

TheBuddha ago

I make slow improvements. This morning, I was able to put my socks on without needing my sock tool.

And, I don't like to eat if I'm trying to get an opiate buzz. Eating kills the buzz.

zyklon_b ago

i find the gravy helps rid stomach of last night alcohol leftover type belly ache type feelings

TheBuddha ago


That's what the opiates are for! They make that problem go away!

If you have a problem still, eat omeprazole and not food. Food ruins a perfectly good buzz!


When I went to the hospital during my WD from the IV fent, I was down to 136 pounds. I'm usually 172. This morning, I was at 158. Which means I've stopped losing weight. I gained a couple of pounds back but now I'm stuck at this weight. I need to eat more. But, if I'm going to eat opiates then I want to enjoy the high!

It's quite a conundrum.

zyklon_b ago

i just got my p.t. done being stacked a lot of firewood on porch.

TheBuddha ago

Nice. Do you still have your Christmas stash?

zyklon_b ago

yeah is still put away and will not be touched

TheBuddha ago

I will be REALLY impressed if you make it to Christmas and still have them.

If I were in your shoes, I'd not be able to do that. I'm 99.9% confident that I'd be unable to do that.

By the third hour of going without, I'd be into that stash. If you can do it, you're stronger than I am with this specific situation. I'll be really, really impressed.

zyklon_b ago

yeah its a feat of will power. How i will break weak is if i drink a few beers and get lowering inhibitions as i stare at the xmas tree and think on em

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, those would go in my face pretty quickly. About the time I run out will be about the time I start pondering my stash.

At first it'll be like, "Well, I'll just do half of one. I'll save the rest." Then, "This isn't even getting me high. I'm going to do a full one." Then, "Well, I'll still be fine with just two on Christmas."

Yeah, I'd fail that test.

zyklon_b ago

sometimes failing is winning

TheBuddha ago

The worst part is that I'd probably end up spacing them out, taking only small amounts at a time, and I'd never actually get high from it!

I really couldn't do what you're doing, if I were in your shoes.

I'd run out, have no money for more, and do them. I'd not be able to restrain myself. That's not true when I was sober, of course. It's true when I'm using. Right now, I'm addicted again. I'd definitely be using them.

zyklon_b ago

I understand the urge just luckily I am not what I consider dependent on em right now

TheBuddha ago

I am, again.

LOL I wonder if I can make insurance pay for mu Suboxone? The accident caused me to use opiates which caused my addiction.

My lawyer has $5,000,000 in insurance, with just his car insurance. My total is about $600,000 right now, that I know of. I still have more bills incoming.

That leaves me a pretty big cushion. I am pretty sure I can make them pay for it.

zyklon_b ago

yeah they will pay for it here but not with Medicaid. best to just pay cash so dr can be more liberal in prescribing n with the piss tests

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, this is an insurance company. So, I'm not too worried. I bet they do pay for it. I don't see why they wouldn't.

I paid for the last round with cash. I might as well make someone else pay for it this time!

zyklon_b ago

yeah aint no reason not to. shit by that time you may have changed mind about the subs!!!!!!

TheBuddha ago

Maybe. I really don't want to be opiated for life.

Once upon a time, I could maintain pretty well. I was good at maintaining. I chipped, even using daily, for decades.

Then, I lost that ability. I can no longer maintain.

zyklon_b ago

I got similar impulse control issues wit da meff so I just try to stay the fuck away from it. its hard bein a drug attic!!!!!!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I can't maintain anymore. I crossed that boundary...

zyklon_b ago

im just glad i can still use opioids recreationally cause is way better than stimulants in my opinion

TheBuddha ago

I love me some opiates.

zyklon_b ago

never mind i member 15

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

i was thinking how many months you have till ozzy!!! if you stick with the physical therapy its very fucking possible

TheBuddha ago

It is! It'd be awesome if I'm well enough to host company for a weekend. There's no sense in coming up for just a single day, that'd be stupid. Besides, we're going to need a few hotel rooms anyhow.

I'll find out this weekend and the whole band might come with me. I'm not sure if they want to AND if there's enough VIP tickets left.

The concert is in Bangor, Maine. I'm way over in Rangeley, Maine. Ain't no way in hell we're making the drive back to my place that night. That's just not happening. So, hotel rooms are going to be a requirement.

zyklon_b ago

hell yeah !!!!!!! i was looking throught the seating and appears the vip section be safest as far getting leg smashed

TheBuddha ago

LOL You found the concert, did you?

zyklon_b ago

yeah!!! was not hard

TheBuddha ago

No, but I didn't imagine you'd be that motivated. It's a nice venue. I've been there before. VIP is the best place to be, really.

zyklon_b ago

lol oh i am highly motivated!!!!! this is coolest thing in Voat history

TheBuddha ago

Probably! I'm hoping I'm well enough to entertain for a weekend. I'm hoping that I go on my feet and not in a wheelchair.

zyklon_b ago

this is very likely the last time Ozzy tours

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, that's pretty much why I'm going. I don't actually expect the performance to be all that good. I'm going out of respect and to have a good time.

zyklon_b ago

Yeah it will be epic regardless of his abilities.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I haven't seen him in years. I'd like to see him one last time, before he rides off into the sunset.

zyklon_b ago

he deserves a Viking funeral aboard an aircraft carrier

TheBuddha ago

Okay, but he has to pay for it himself.

zyklon_b ago

gtg talk with ya later

zyklon_b ago

he has plenty I am certain

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, though carriers are expensive.

zyklon_b ago

yeah. what date did you say was ozzy?

zyklon_b ago

honey buns n bisquits n gravy and a lot of deer meat and root beer got me up to most i ever weighed at 165 now

TheBuddha ago

I usually eat a lot. Not when I'm high, however.

zyklon_b ago

i enjoy food too.

zyklon_b ago

same bro. staying high is more than just a hobby is a lifestyle...

TheBuddha ago

I am high right now. They told me to go back on the opiates, at least for this week. I'm still in too much pain to stop.

I can refuse, but that's AMA. I will trust my doctors. I got a second opinion and that doctor called me a fucking idiot and a stubborn old bastard. Err... She's my daughter, but she does deal with taking care of a lot of pain. She works on an pediatric trauma/ICU ward.

zyklon_b ago

im on oxy n pot took a trip into OK today. gotta go windows says update in 4 minutes later komrade

gabara ago

Clearly a low IQ jew. Jews, natures failures.

TheBuddha ago

They wrote more like someone from India, actually.

gabara ago

DId they say"do the needful" or "designated"?

TheBuddha ago

I think designated might be in there. I can copy and paste it, if you want to read it. They got the password right, I think. They said I used 'Password' which is about right for what I'd use on a porn site that I give no shits about. It got unbelievable, near the end. They claimed they installed malware on my computer and used my web cam as well. LOL I use Linux. Good luck with that! Also, my laptops don't have cameras in them.