gabara ago

post this to v/aww! This is my new favourite thing. All I have to do is follow the rules and post cutes animals to v/aww and all the lolcows are losing their shit! All I'm doing is following the rules and doing good. I'm the San Jose Sharks.

15089636? ago

SJ Sharks lost their last game to fucking Toronto I dun wanna talk about them right now, motherfuckers.

I've been thinking of joining ya with that. Amused the ever loving shit out of me that GhostSkin (who apparently is 22jam22) bitched about cute pictures. Omg, voat will never turn into reddit! You guys survived a year of my posting wildlife pics and cat pics and look, the site is fine!

gabara ago

Fuck. I fucking hate the Leafs. Next time I'm in Toronto I will wrote "Leafs Suck" on a few surfaces. Trust me it will ruin some hosers day.

15090040? ago

If I ever find myself up there, I'll do the same.

gabara ago

They also really hate when you call 'em "The Maple Laughs". Remind them they'll never get a Stanley Cup again.

15090434? ago

I can't talk about the Cup or anything, it's not like Sharks ever won it but close enough to lick it...

gabara ago

They'r still better than both the Maple Laughs and The Montreal Cantgetitins

15090520? ago

Cantgetitins!!! ROFL

I remember a time when Canada wasn't even in the playoffs and were rooting for Sharks cuz FUCK THE KNIGHTS. I think that was last year.

TheBuddha ago

No horse in the lasagna. None. None horse.

15088353? ago

BUT CAT IS OK!??? You're the reason I don't wanna come back to SBBH. I'm afraid you'll put me in the lasagna next!

TheBuddha ago

Just because you identify as a cat doesn't make you really a cat, regardless of what the "progressives" would insist!

15088536? ago


How ya been doing, by the way? Taking it easy or still pushing yourself into healing faster?

TheBuddha ago

Also, behold! My best work of the day - so far!

15089432? ago

Speaking of 'em faggots.

What was supposed to happen on 11/11? Supposed to be a big day. Seems like everything is going the way (((they))) want it to go still.

TheBuddha ago

On 11.11, the country was supposed to be united again. Seeing as that didn't happen, they're inventing ways to claim it was united and sometimes saying that the unification began on the day with some bizarre event that's entirely unrelated. Others have moved on to claim that 11.11 wasn't the date and that they never said it was the date. Still others have decided that it was Q intentionally telling falsehoods because disinformation is necessary, which is kind of their catch-all for when nothing happens.

I actually pay quite a bit of attention to them because they amuse the fuck out of me. They are fun toys and I have gotten really good at subtle manipulations of them. I also have a #QWalkAway movement going and I've convinced ten 'true believers' to stop believing and admit it is a hoax. I was able to connect to of them to a local mental health crisis numbers where they can get free/cheap care.

And, I still have other obligations, but my recovery is my most important obligation. In order to fill those other obligations as well as I can, I should have high motility and be available to do more than crutch around or ride in a wheelchair. I've also decided I'm a pelican. I spend a lot of my standing time with all my weight on one leg. It's really bizarre to get acclimated to this. Even my whole routine needs to be switched up. Something as simple as making a sandwich requires planning and a whole new process.

I am gonna cook dinner tonight. That's to be the first time I've done that since I came home. I am making burgers with ground moose, fries, and someone else can make the salad.

15089724? ago

... That type of mental gymnastics makes my brain go numb.

If possible, remember to stretch - especially your hips as you pelican it up.

Also you're like the smartest person I know!! You more than got this.

TheBuddha ago

Of course I stretch. Most of my PT is actually stretching. Sheesh! ;-)

15089838? ago

Good! And giggity, in a year or two you'll be stretchy enough to entertain your bear ;)

TheBuddha ago

I turn 61 in just a wee bit more than a month. I ain't gonna get that much more flexible. These bones and ligaments are old and tired. They're also well worn.

15090266? ago

Christmas baby!!! Dude, I thought you were in your late forties the pics I've seen.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, I've taken good care of myself and I'm Native American. I can easily pass for a decade younger and, in fact, most people guess I'm about 45 years old. It also helps that I don't have a lot of gray hair and I have a full head of hair. But, yeah... I'm a musician and made money from performing. I've taken good care of my looks.

15090491? ago

Huh. You old fart, you!

TheBuddha ago

That is true. And, 'cause I ain't scared, my DOB is 12/30/1957. ('Snot like I actually use a real birthday for password reset forms or anything. So, folks aren't going to do much with that info. I keep my credit reports locked down with 'do not issue' flags, so I don't even have to worry 'bout that.)

15090722? ago

My birthdate has 14/88, I'm the second coming of Hitler or something.

I turned thirty this year. Recently. Yay!!!!! (It's just a number)

LOL they can try and steal my credit but it'd probably ding theirs personally xD!!!!... I haven't touched a CC for eight years now and I refuse to lease a car or whatever. Probably helps I'm a god awful deadbeat.

TheBuddha ago

I just keep it locked. If I need credit for anything, there are banking institutions that have enough of my financial record that it isn't a problem. I can also remove the flag by calling the three credit bureaus and giving them my code word. I can even remove the flag for a single credit check. It's a pretty handy feature that few people seem to know about. It does result in a slight ding on your credit score (like 10 or 20 points or some shit) but that's not actually something I worry about. When I last checked, I had a fine credit score.

I mostly only use debit cards. I do have a couple of credit cards that provide additional benefits, like free concierge service and dedicated people to keep track of my agenda while traveling, but I hardly use those. I don't usually stay in hotels that even have concierge service, as I much prefer something much lower-key.

15090993? ago

I use cash! I don't even have a bank account. Closed mine after the divorce.

For longest time I thought hotels demanded card of sone sort (debit or credit). Nope! Now all I wanna do is get lost and find low-key hotels.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, many do require cards - but I use a debit card instead of a credit card. I hardly ever use a credit card.

And, staying in shitty hotels on the 'wrong side of the tracks' is a bit of a passion of mine. For many years, my work kept me on the road and my income level kept me in cheap hotels. So, I've quite a passion for them. Find the cheapest Econo Lodge in the city (many cities will have several and they're priced according to the surrounding area) and that's just about the ideal level for me.

Chances are really good that you can cop drugs without even venturing further than a block from your hotel room. There's almost certainly a drinking establishment close. Room service doesn't mind if you put the "Do Not Disturb" sign out there and leave it there for a week. They don't mind if you even go to the cleaning cart and clean your own hotel room.

I kinda like that sort of hotel. The "Continental Breakfast" is usually just pre-packaged honey buns, maybe some cereal, and maybe they have a toaster and some boiled eggs. Nobody bothers you. They're used to shady people coming and going, so they don't even look twice at someone who's dressed well and drives a nice car. Your "neighbors" are also often there for weeks at a time, often laborers in a city. Sometimes, you get truckers in there for a few days. Everyone and everything is transient. Your friends for a week, or maybe just a weekend. You can throw parties in your hotel room and the neighboring guests will come join you, instead of calling the lobby.

Good times. That kinda even describes the type of person I am. I ain't fancy. I'd much rather stay somewhere like that than stay somewhere that's a fve-star accommodation.

TheBuddha ago

Still pushing. I took another three steps. It's weird feeling and I kind of lurch. I am going to have to learn to walk again. It's very bizarre feeling, but I'll make it. I ain't scared of work or pain.

15089247? ago

That's good! Also, a given. You got this :)

TheBuddha ago

I have motivation, commitment, and excellent medical care.

If it is even remotely possible, I will make a full recovery. I see no reason why I can't be in the 20% that makes a full recovery. It's just work and pain. Like you said, I've got this. I ain't scared.

heygeorge ago

If you didn’t completely recover, it would be one of the incredibly rare occasions when you were not top 20% of just about anything.

TheBuddha ago

If there's any chance at all, physiologically speaking, of a full recovery - I will do it. I work my ass of with PT. I work my ass off keeping motivated and active, inasmuch as is possible.

I've got this. It is going to suck for a long time, but I'll come out the other end with a properly working hip joint. (If not, I'll make those fuckers go back in and try to fix it again. I ain't scared.)

15089449? ago

The excellent healthcare helps. Don't worry about anything else other than just making a full recovery. I hope your bear is taking real good care of you.