SearchVoatBot ago

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heygeorge ago


gabara ago

Thank you, Enlil!

TheBuddha ago

I should get a damned medal, never mind a badge!

(And a parade.)

zyklon_b ago

Indeed komrade indeed

6double5321 ago

You still squat like slav, komrade

totes_magotes ago

Wait, I deserve some credit. For fuck's sake, I still have @TheBuddha's midgets up my ass.

TheBuddha ago

You deserve a medal!

anamazonslittle ago

Parade time?!

If not now, WHEN?

totes_magotes ago

Gas the midgets, parade war now!

anamazonslittle ago

Gas the parade, midget war now!

totes_magotes ago

Holy fuck, that's waaaay better.

TheBuddha ago

I dunno. I haven't had a parade all week, not even for Vets Day.

It's terrible, really.

anamazonslittle ago

It's only Monday. There's still time.

TheBuddha ago

One day without a parade is a day without a parade.

See? Deep philosophy, right there.

6double5321 ago

It's terrible that you haven't had a parade all week! You should have! We would all See, or else we would all be sorry.

TheBuddha ago

Maybe if I smash my other femur I can get another parade!

6double5321 ago

Bitches dig scars and all that jazz, what you did? Details are juicy.

TheBuddha ago

I'm in bed and on a tablet, so no real details.

I was in a rather spectacular automobile accident, as a passenger. We left a debris field like you see with plane crashes and the car was town into to larger chunks at about the middle of it, and there are a few other fairly large chunks. I was in the hospital for two weeks. I took lots of pictures. You can see them in my submission history.

I broke a femur and some ribs. I have hairline fractures in a number of other bones.

It will be a 12 to 18 month recovery process. I have a nurse here. They do 12 hour shifts. I have PT five days a week and that is also done here. Insurance should reimburse quite a bit of it. I'm pretty fucked up.

anamazonslittle ago

MFW I confuse Buddah with Gabara. I could swear it was Gabara in the hospital fora car accident.

TheBuddha ago

I suspect my hospital posts are on the second page of my submissions. I haven't submitted much lately 'cause I take a lot of drugs and some of them are for sleeping.

hangry ago

And a parade!

TheBuddha ago


Artofchoke ago


The_Duke_of_Dabs ago


@Zyklon_B the OG Vanilla Thrilla.

@The_Buddha Fat Bastards' cleaner, smarter brother.

zyklon_b ago

TRUFE 1990

Hydrocephalus ago

The buddah should get two because he did it with a broken hip!

jqueso ago

They died for our freedom.

6double5321 ago

No step on snek

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

11/11=1, so whatever you do it should be in January. Or maybe on the first of the month. Or perhaps 1 = A meaning you have to wait until April, or even August.

Then again maybe that meant L/L since L is the 11th letter, as in L over L, as in LOL, in which case the joke was on everyone.

L also means 50 in Roman Numerals meaning 50/50, and that really opens up some possibilities.