@Tallest_Skil wanted me to post this here. Have a laugh on me. :) (voat.co)
submitted 6.5 years ago by thisistotallynotme
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thisistotallynotme 6.5 years ago
Tactic used is overwhelmingly underrated. I was able to get this faggot down to a -3 on each post, even with the embarrassing message he posted.
Good luck, Gentlemen.
gabara 6.5 years ago
"get down to"? You only supposed to have one vote, right?
Tallest_Skil 6.5 years ago
Reported to site owners for admitting to having sockpuppets.
lol. they'll just read the image and laugh at you.
Paging @puttitout. gimme a spankin'
Niggerfaggotjewkike 6.5 years ago
@tallest_skil is better known as smallest shill, he is a running joke on this site at his own expense. Watch out or you may get rwpwarted too! Lmfao!
Sorry, sockpuppet. No one cares.
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thisistotallynotme ago
Tactic used is overwhelmingly underrated. I was able to get this faggot down to a -3 on each post, even with the embarrassing message he posted.
Good luck, Gentlemen.
gabara ago
"get down to"? You only supposed to have one vote, right?
Tallest_Skil ago
Reported to site owners for admitting to having sockpuppets.
thisistotallynotme ago
lol. they'll just read the image and laugh at you.
Paging @puttitout. gimme a spankin'
Niggerfaggotjewkike ago
@tallest_skil is better known as smallest shill, he is a running joke on this site at his own expense. Watch out or you may get rwpwarted too! Lmfao!
Tallest_Skil ago
Sorry, sockpuppet. No one cares.