@Tallest_Skil wanted me to post this here. Have a laugh on me. :) (voat.co)
submitted 6.5 years ago by thisistotallynotme
gabara 6.5 years ago
Thanks based @Tallest_Skil
Tallest_Skil 6.5 years ago
thisistotallynotme 6.5 years ago
@Tallest_Skil is in my car pool and is nice and smells like a beef carcas.
Tactic used is overwhelmingly underrated. I was able to get this faggot down to a -3 on each post, even with the embarrassing message he posted.
Good luck, Gentlemen.
"get down to"? You only supposed to have one vote, right?
Reported to site owners for admitting to having sockpuppets.
lol. they'll just read the image and laugh at you.
Paging @puttitout. gimme a spankin'
Niggerfaggotjewkike 6.5 years ago
@tallest_skil is better known as smallest shill, he is a running joke on this site at his own expense. Watch out or you may get rwpwarted too! Lmfao!
Sorry, sockpuppet. No one cares.
gabara ago
Thanks based @Tallest_Skil
Tallest_Skil ago
Reminder that OP is a clinically psychotic shill who openly admits to editing posts to artificially manipulate the narrative. ˚
thisistotallynotme ago
Reminder that @Tallest_Skil is an armchair psychiatrist that admitted to being a shill abusing the Report function
gabara ago
@Tallest_Skil is in my car pool and is nice and smells like a beef carcas.
thisistotallynotme ago
Tactic used is overwhelmingly underrated. I was able to get this faggot down to a -3 on each post, even with the embarrassing message he posted.
Good luck, Gentlemen.
gabara ago
"get down to"? You only supposed to have one vote, right?
Tallest_Skil ago
Reported to site owners for admitting to having sockpuppets.
thisistotallynotme ago
lol. they'll just read the image and laugh at you.
Paging @puttitout. gimme a spankin'
Niggerfaggotjewkike ago
@tallest_skil is better known as smallest shill, he is a running joke on this site at his own expense. Watch out or you may get rwpwarted too! Lmfao!
Tallest_Skil ago
Sorry, sockpuppet. No one cares.