Shizy ago

It looks like she needs to be milked too. Those floppies can't feel good!

srayzie ago

@gabara usually milks her every morning for his cereal. But he was out of town being bent over like a whore by @TheBuddha.

@Heygeorge was taking care of Gabara’s wife. But he doesn’t know how to treat a woman. All he cared about was her milking HIM. When he was thru with the cunt, she got pissed because she’s a feminist and told him that she’s his equal and that women deserve just as much as a man does.

That made Heygeorge angry and he slapped that ugly bitch and called her a whore. He was almost late getting to work at his janitor job pealing used menstrual pads off the bathroom walls. These boys are a mess. 🙄 Such drama queens!

Shizy ago

Good thing we're here to help turn them back into men! Who the hell lets their wife be a feminist? Grab that bitch by the fat floppies and tell her to get back in the kitchen!

srayzie ago


heygeorge ago

There are no girls on the internet, except for @empress, @trigglypuff, and @katharzo, who all confirmed by sending nudes.

13507604? ago


heygeorge ago

Nice to see you lurking about! Hope all is crazy town with the little ones.

srayzie ago

Hahaha. I’ll pass. You would lust and that would not make your woman very happy.