ExpertShitposter ago

Hel yeha mane!!! Now for the next phase, banning those who are found guilty!

you-are-me ago

The autismal shill may flame out, but our triggering torments shall live on in its mind forever.

FYI, There are always six (6) E's in a shillmare dreamshill REEEEEE.

turtlesarepureevil ago

all heil our starch overlords.

Sieg Heil!

Gerrador ago

Rip, didn't think that part would be necessary. I blame a poor description of functionality. :P

turtlesarepureevil ago

goatku is sane's alt, I'm 96% and a potato sure.

Mick ago

How did 'micky' ping me?

Gerrador ago

Check source @MickyMouse

Gerrador ago

It's funny how much he blames you though @FuzzyDice

Mick ago

Lol, that list is great reading